Why Do We Dare to Have Hope?
The role of HOPE in the progressive Christian path
Just a year or so
after I graduated from college, I learned that one of my favorite high school
teachers had cancer and was very sick. I had very fond memories of this
particular teacher. She was one of those you never forget...
When I found out that the cancer was in an advanced stage, I realized
that I needed to visit her. I was not certain what I was going to find but I
knew I wanted to tell her what a positive impact she had had on my life. My first visit was the hardest and I was a
little shocked when I saw her depleted body. She quickly put me at ease by saying: "It doesn't look good, Freddy, but
don't worry, I still have hope."
Why? Because We Are Open to a New ParadigmGod Needs You To Get Out of the Bubble
Riverside Controversy Exposes Theological, Racial Fault Lines of the Christian Progressive Movement By Peter Laarman and Jonathan L. Walton From Religion Dispatches www.religiondispatches.orgJuly 6, 2009
What does it mean that Rhodes Scholar and Progressive
Evangelical Brad Braxton resigned as senior pastor of the influential Riverside Church? In this discussion over the
implications, Rev. Peter Laarman and Dr. Jonathan Walton have a conversation abouth whether multiracial churches require
making white people comfortable, why God needs liberal protestants to get out
of the bubble, and what the future holds for the mainline church as a whole.
"If Western Christianity finds a new, post-enlightenment, post-colonial,
feminist/womanist/mujerista, anti-white supremacy paradigm, it will have the
energy needed to carry something else forward. I have caught some glimpses of
this outside mainline white churches, but that work is virtually ignored in
them. The old paradigms have huge momentum and force, not just in the minds of
clergy but also in liturgical materials of hymns, prayers, and texts that embed
them deeply in the psyche. We lack the resources, tools, and time to engage the
profound transformation required to move beyond our comfort zones and set
points." READ ON
Response: We Might Need the End of Progressive
By Rita
July 6, 2009
In response to the roundtable on Rev. Braxton's abrupt
departure from Riverside
and the crisis in Progressive Christianity, Rita Brock sees little hope in the
Church as it stands.
"I think the wrong question of progressive Christianity is "what makes it
Christian?" We'll only know what questions to ask of it when we get a glimpse
of the different paradigm.
This essay is itself a rant and, therefore, a bit ironic. I confess it is as
much an argument in my head with myself, as it is a call to other progressive
Christians. I have become clearer about what might need
changing only as I have caught a glimpse of a new paradigm, but
changing the old one is going to be really, really hard. To get there, we have
to consider the end of progressive Christianity and the birth of something
else." READ ON
Why? Because Hope Brings Beauty to the Journey
Featured Book A People's History of Christianity- The Other Side By: Diana Butler Bass
HarperOne, 2009
This is the book that progressives and liberals have been waiting for -
a deeply researched history of Christianity that sheds new light on the
under-reported personalities and movements of the faith. "Progressive faith is not about social and historical progress. Progressive faith is not about winning. When progressive becomes hubris, it
always fails. Instead, ancient tradition, deeply formed in the ideal of
spiritual progress, insisted that progressive faith was about humility-our lives
and the world transformed through God's beauty...But it should give pause, always
remembering progress is a journey, not a destination." ~Butler Bass Visit the TCPC store to PurchaseClick Here to Read the Review
Why? Because There Are Progressive Christian Churches That Inspire
Hope For New Life in the Church By: Don Murray
Excerpts: "It was 10:30 when we
arrived and already the church was nearly full. Unusual for the last Sunday in
June. Normally, at least in good United
Church tradition, school
is out and most people have other plans for a fine Sunday morning. But this is Milford United Church
and the Rev. Helen Waddell, after eleven years with these people of the
Milford-Lantz Gays River Pastoral Charge, is ending her ministry. This is her
last Sunday... Helen is an off the charts
extrovert whose bright energy infects the gathered people with her joy of life
and enthusiasm for the faith she is now celebrating. Worship here is a glad
celebration of life, recognizing its pain but focusing on the positives and
possibilities...With her kind of
leadership, and people ready to grow, there is hope for new life within the
Read entire article here
Why? Because We Have the Choice to Be Filled with Hope
Meditation on Choice By: Ian Lawton, www.sbnr.org
Prayer is choice; choice about where you direct your thoughts and
intentions, choice about where you place your hopes and desires, choice to slow
down and focus on compassion.
Please take a moment to still your mind, and make the divine choice to come
into the presence of this moment. God who is always becoming, be here, be now.
Shame and fear dissolve in the presence of divine love. Blame melts in the
presence of divine warmth, softening the hardest heart and easing the deepest
Prayer is choice. Life is choice. Life is a prayer. Need I remind you that
you are powerful beyond measure. You are the director, producer, script writer
and lead actor, co-creating your unfolding, open ended play called "Choose
Life." Read On
Why? Because Our Intention Creates Our Reality
Prayer for Authenticity By Bob Kleinheksel From www.sbnr.org
In these quieter moments, may optimism's glow creep in and then pervade our
spirits and countenance. May hope, possibility and inward smile (at least)
abide side by side with any worries, fears and the rest of our human repertoire
and jumble of thoughts and emotions. Summer flourishes with abundance and
warmth; the litany of flowers in turn take center stage, blooming, bowing, then
relinquishing their unique splendor and spray. Tiger lilies, then black-eyed
susans, and on and on. As nature and emergence marches on, may we too,
celebrate the now and who we are....and also who we are yet becoming. Read On
Feature Book Lots Of Hope By: Gary Wilburn Review By: Dean G. Watt
Progressive Publications,
Stamford 2009
From the
Forward of the book, to the end, Wilburn immerses the reader into the great and
serene sea of Hope. And because his
Forward makes clear that he is one of those facing a prognosis of an early
death from ALS, or Lou Gehrig's Disease, he is obviously not clinging to this
hope by shutting out an awareness of reality.
Again and again,
through his own story, the quotations and stories of others, he drives home a
basic lesson, that Joy is not found through a passive life, waiting for good
things to pass our way. It is found through very active commitment to ourselves
being a source of Joy in our world. Click here to read this review Visit the TCPC Store to Purchase Affiliates: 10% off
Feature Review First Light: Jesus and the Kingdom of God Review by: Mary Sue Evers, Pastor, Cedar Hills UCC
If you're looking for a resource
*to help people get beyond the idea that the Kingdom of God is about heavenly
*to help people understand the Biblical and historical underpinnings of the
Kingdom of God as Jesus lived and taught it, and
*to help people articulate the understanding that the Kingdom of God is a
present reality distinct from and often opposed to other kingdoms of our world,
then take a good look at the latest Living the Questions DVD
"First Light - Jesus and the Kingdom
of God," featuring Marcus Borg and Dominic Crossan.
Their perspective, "may well be challenging, but (it is) critical to understanding what
it means to follow the path of Jesus.
Borg and Crossan handle it with delicacy yet honesty."
Read Review First Light is Currently On Sale for 20% off until end of July. Use the TCPC discount code: fftcpc2 by following these easy steps.
TCPC Community
Search for Affiliates We promote an understanding of Christian
practice and teaching that leads to a greater concern for the way
people treat each other than for the way people express their beliefs,
the acceptance of all people, and a respect for other religious
We affirm the variety and depth of human experience and the richness of
each person's search for meaning, and we encourage the use of sound
scholarship, critical inquiry, and all intellectual powers to
understand the presence of God in human life.
We are opposed to any exclusive dogma that limits the search for truth
and free inquiry, and we encourage work that eases the pain, suffering
and degradation inherent in many of the structures of society, as well
as work that keeps central to the Christian life fair, open, peaceful,
and loving treatment of all human beings.
Thank You
Thank you for taking this journey with us as
we continue to encourage the growth and understanding of a Christianity that is
open, inclusive, just, loving and compassionate. As you delve deeper into
the heart of this beautiful and authentic spiritual path, we hope you share it
with those around you, educate those who desire to learn, and most importantly
let it fill you with light and loving kindness.
Fred Plumer
and the Team at The Center For Progressive Christianity
center@tcpc.org, (253) 303-0022
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