Changing the World,
One Child at a Time...
Progressive Christian Children's Curriculum

Kaila smilesGreetings!

Are you one of those special people who want to help change the way our children view the world? Are you someone who wants to help our children understand that we are one in our goodliness not our sinfulness?  Are you one of 500 people who would like to help us give our children hope in humanity? 
TCPC is looking for a few special caring, thoughtful, and courageous people to help us create a new Progressive Christian Sunday School Curriculum for our children.
Over the last year, TCPC has been going through a rigorous and soul-searching process to determine what our purpose is, what our goals are for the future and literally if TCPC should continue to exist. (click here for the link to the Complete Strategic Plan)
During this process, not only was there a loud and resounding chorus of YES! TCPC is important in the scheme of progressive Christian movement, but when asked the question "what more we should be doing," many of our affiliates challenged us to create a new children's curriculum for their respective churches.
As a result TCPC is now planning to create a three year curriculum designed to provide the tools and the knowledge to teach our children that there is another way to approach our Christian faith.  We plan to design a curriculum that will help them be proud of their faith and to give them a path the will lead to a more compassionate, loving and joyful life as followers of the Jesus way.  (see description of planned curriculum)
We have writers and staff ready to go.  What is it going to take to do this??
YOU!  We have raised nearly $20,000 but we still have a gap of about $25,000 to get this project up and running. We are asking 500 people to contribute $50  This money will be earmarked solely for the creation of new curriculum for the Progressive Christian Church. 
Be brave!  Be powerful!  Be part of the Movement! 
Do you want to talk personally to the president?  Call Fred at:  253-303-0022 or

P.S.  If you are able to contribute $500 or more, you will be included in a list of contributors, AND, your church or organization will be given a one-year curriculum at no cost, AND, most importantly, you will have greatly effected a positive and hopeful change for our world, our faith and our children.

Click Here to Donate Now...Thank You!
Changing the World,
One Child at a Time

By: TCPC President, Fred Plumer

child swinging with smiles
This undertaking has been a journey of faith for me. So many positive things have already happened because of it, that it has occurred to me that the curriculum project may be one of the most important things TCPC has ever taken on. It may be one of the most important things I will have done in my life. What an incredible opportunity it will be to find a way to teach children how to lead more joyful and compassionate lives. What an amazing prospect to teach children about Jesus as the loving enlightened teacher, about the path that he has given us that might help them experience "heaven on earth." And what an awesome thing it is to ponder the possibility that we will no longer have to "unteach" our children what we once taught them before.

Read Article HERE 
Calm and Compassionate Children- A Handbook
Featured New Book

By: Susan Usha Dermond
Review by: Deshna Ubeda

calm and compassionate children
Using her expertise and experience as an educator, yoga and meditation practitioner, and 30 years of working with children, Dermond brought so many new and profound tools to the table that I at once felt compelled to adopt within my own life.  While giving practical steps on how to integrate her theories into daily life, with each section Dermond gently reminds readers of the most direct and meaningful way to build on inherent qualities that children have-like openheartedness and trust- by starting with ourselves.   
This is a book that I will send to each parent I know, that I will re-read on a regular basis, and that I can highly recommend to anyone who has children or works with children, or who simply wants a little help awakening the child in them.

Description of the Curriculum
Deeds Not Creeds

happy child
The intent is to provide a three year curriculum that is age appropriate and easy for the teachers (often volunteers) to use. The curriculum will be designed to nurture healthy and rewarding relationships in our children and to help them discover the Divine nature in themselves and in others based on the teachings of Jesus and other great wisdom teachers.  Departing from the emphasis on creedal beliefs in traditional Christian children's curriculum, these materials will teach and encourage children to live and experience Christian values. They will be designed to promote a social awareness from which can spring healthy community behaviors and happier children.

The material will be divided into four age sensitive groups ranging from 3 to 14 years old. Each lesson will begin with readings from Christian Scripture, and the texts of other world religions when appropriate, with age-level considerations. The lesson will include a short story and provide ways for the child to practice a specific teaching. Some of the topics covered will be: Kindness, Love, Introspection, Forgiveness, Happiness, Gratitude, Judging Others, Listening, Devotion, Peace of Mind, Celebration, Change, Sharing, Serving Others, and Patience.

Read Full Description
Executive Summary
TCPC Strategic Plan 2008

kids around earth" Progressive Christianity is a very different Christianity than most people are familiar with. It is centered in the life and teachings of Jesus. The tenets of the progressive Christian theology evolve with the newest findings in biblical, historical and scientific scholarship. The doctrine and dogma of traditional Christianity that cannot withstand intellectual integrity and informed scholarship are generally recast in their symbolic meaning rather than as theological truth. "How we behave toward others" is the fullest expression of progressive Christian beliefs, which heightens the importance of social and environmental justice."

READ the Summary

Thank you for your time and interest.  At TCPC we aim to build the progressive Christian movement through education, evangelism, and action.  We appreciate any support you can give to help us with this goal.  We believe it is time for the world to recognize a different Christianity that is open, inclusive, and compassionate and we feel that there is no better place to start than with ourselves and our children.  Thank you again for your support.


Fred Plumer
and the Team at The Center For Progressive Christianity