The Future of Progressive Christianity...Growing,  Evolving, Teaching, and Leading.

sunset on horizon
TCPC-Supporting the Progressive Christian Movement
June 2008
labyrinth Greetings!

The following is an excerpt from TCPC President, Fred Plumer's letter, "Into the Future." 

The impact of TCPC would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. Our web activity has increased tenfold, our email has grown five fold and the demands for speakers and workshops continues to exceed our expectations.  What we have learned from all of this it that there is a hunger in our society today for a tangible, viable and compelling spiritual path. More and more people want to talk openly and frankly about faith, belief and spirituality. The get excited about finding a place where they can talk freely about a religious experience that no longer works for them. Most of them want not only a healthy dialogue but they want to find solid information about the religion of their tradition so they can choices knowing that they are making informed decisions. We do not need to be the leader or number one. We just need to do what we apparently have been called to do and to do it better-that means finding more effective ways of sharing the progressive Christian message. You are going to see many changes over the next few months, so keep your eyes and ears open. We have spent the last six months developing a viable strategic plan and we are in the process of implementing it. You will see changes in the site and in the expansion of resources that we will be offering to churches, small groups and individuals. We are very excited about Cross Walk America joining us to make some of these things happen. The leaders and supporters of CWA bring a spirit and passion to our organization and the movement as a whole that is contagious. You can expect some significant regional walks to happen sometime in the near future.  You can expect a lot from TCPC in the future as we look forward to growing with the movement.  So jump aboard folks, buckle up and hold on. We are headed into the future and the future is now.

To Read Full Letter
steeple sunset CrossWalk America Merges with TCPC

We are very excited to announce that on June 1, 2008 CrossWalk America and TCPC joined together as one organization to create a stronger voice for progressive Christianity. CrossWalk America (CWA) garnered support and at a lot of attention across the country and around the world for the message of compassion and the dedication that the six core walkers shared on their walk across the nation in 2006. For the last two years volunteers and staff have been sharing their moving story about the walk through presentations across the country and through the distribution of the video and books about their life-changing witness.  After taking a long look into the future the CWA board decided that their mission to share the inclusive message of love and compassion could have an even deeper impact by joining a well established national organization, The Center for Progressive Christianity.

More Info
  Featured Book
book coverThe Emerging Church
by: Bruce Sanguin

Bruce Sanguin says that Christianity is being reborn through the integration of
an evolutionary paradigm.  
"Emergence" is a term used by biologists and systems scientists to describe the process whereby life winds itself up in the direction of increased beauty, complexity, and consciousness. In The Emerging Church, Sanguin reflects on what an "emergent" culture within a congregation might look like, and how we might "get out of the way" of this expression of natural grace.
Sanguin goes beyond the neo-Darwinist theory of evolution. He sees evolution, rather, as a Spirit-infused process. This process is dynamically at work in our personal and our communal life - including in our faith communities.
Sanguin offers more than just a ground-breaking theory of congregational culture-shifting.

 In a very readable fashion Sanguin:
� Guides both ministers and congregations seeking to shift their congregational culture towards a progressive form of Christianity
�  Models what it means to be an "emerging' congregation, and provides a map for how to get there
�  Provides no-nonsense, realistic advice on the pitfalls and possibilities of following the vision of the emerging Christian way
�  Offers insights from leading-edge science, including the science of emergence, chaos theory and evolutionary science.


Featured Reviews
book cover
God's Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question--Why We Suffer

By: Bart D. Ehrman

Review by: Da
niel Donoghue, TCPC Board Member

Simply put, the Bible cannot make a coherent case.  Nonetheless, this is a surprisingly hopeful book and it comes at an important time.  After Ehrman exposes the Bible's weak take on theodicy, a conclusion emerges that is rather obvious, virtuous and humane. That is, we can only rely on ourselves to relieve pain and suffering in the world. We must be accountable for the "Kingdom" in which we live, not out of fear of eternal punishment nor promised rewards of the hereafter, but simply because it is the only way to make value of our brief moment in time.


book cover- Brown What Does a Progressive Christian Believe, A Guide for the Searching, the Open, and the Curious

By: Delwin Brown

Review by: James Rowe Adams
TCPC Founder

His chapter on the Bible describes simply and clearly how progressive Christians can take the Bible seriously by embracing its contradictions. His chapter differentiating "progressive" from "liberal" Christianity is a good history lesson for those who are confused by these two terms. I also found that I agreed with what I found in the chapter in which he shifts the focus from Christ to Jesus.  Brown's understanding of God, however, was somewhat disappointing. He ably identifies the problems inherent with belief in what he calls a "monarchical God", but as he goes on, the God he describes seems to be the same old monarchical God in an attenuated form. In his words, Brown's God manages, guides, creates, judges, heals, transforms, saves, and has a purpose-much like the God he has successfully dethroned.


Featured Sermon
Progressive Christianity Values  Life and Liberty

by: Ian Lawton
pastor of C3, TCPC Executive Council

Briefly this morning I want to explore a progressive Christian notion of God, the Bible, and the after life.  Is that enough to bite off in 15 minutes?  In the next 15 minutes you will have an authoritative answer about God, the Bible and the after life! Yeah, right!

Topics discussed:
Who is God in Progressive Theology?
What is the Role of the Bible in Progressive Theology
Heaven in Progressive Theology

"The wonderful thing about progressive theology is that you don't need to escape this world. You don't need to be told what to think by a priest or by divine text. All you need to do is realize that everything you need, you already have.  You are complete and whole as you are."

Featured Article
steeple sunset
The Recombinant Imagination

From Westar's Quarterly Publication

By: Art Dewey
To Read Article
In This Issue
CrossWalk America Merges With TCPC
Feature Book: The Emerging Church
Featured Reviews: God's Problem
Feature Review: What Does a Progressive Chrisitan Believe
Featured Sermon: Progressive Christianity Values Life and Liberty
helping hands

CrossWalk America Merges with TCPC


Act On Climate Change, 1700 Top Scientists Warn US

Diverse Religious Groups Pool Resources to Help Rebuild Gulf Coast

Is Water Becoming the "New Oil?"
Common Dreams Org-Cutting Edge News and Opinions for Progressives
Iraqis Protest Against US Military Deal

Was Press a War 'Enabler'? 2 Offer a Nod From Inside
Jesters of Different Faiths Use Laughs to Bridge the Divide
Battle Looms for Plan to Ban Same Sex Nuptials
An Epidemic of Extinction-Decimation of Life on Earth
TCPC Now Offers Highly Acclaimed Living the Questions Resources!

To purchase the Crosswalk America DVD, Asphalt Gospel
DVD cover


Ten Forms of Prayer, from The Eastern Path to Heaven
Jun 6, 2008: Trinity Episcopal Church
Houston, TX

Westar Summer Institute-Asilomar on Monterey Bay
Jun 8, 2008: Asilomar State Beach Retreat Center
Pacific Grove, CA

Envision: The Gospel, Politics, and the Future
Jun 8, 2008: Princeton University
Princeton, , NJ

Marcus Borg's Lecture Schedule
Jun 13, 2008: All Over the States!
Your Area

Speaking on Faith Seminar with Martin & Peter Marty
Jun 18, 2008: The Center for Spiritual Development/Trinity Cath
Portland, OR

Radical Discipleship in an Unjust World with Marcus Borg & John Dominic Crossan
Jun 23, 2008: The Center for Spiritual Development/Trinity Cath
Portland, OR

The Inner Room
Jun 27, 2008: Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town
Albuquerque, NM

A Place at the Table Conference 2008
Jun 27, 2008: Sheraton Indianapolis City Centre Hotel
Indianapolis, IN

CrossRoads in the Wilderness: A New Rite of Passage for Christian Men
Aug 13, 2008: James Park, Colorado
Boulder, CO

Quick Links

Kristopher Lindquist
music sheet

The Center for Progressive Christianity
Thank You for Your Support and Interest

As we head into the future, we do so with open hearts, a desire to evolve and the knowledge that we are all interconnected.  You are the movement of progressive Christianity and we simply hope to provide support for your journey.

We hope Spring finds you noticing the beauty around you and within you.

We look forward to sharing the next chapter of this incredible journey with you.


The Team at TCPC
Contact Information
TCPC Office:
253 303-0022