NEWS The Center for Progressive Christianity Embarks on a Liturgy Project
Pope: Environmental Policies Must Respect Needs of the Poor
Christmas is Canceled in Basra
Politicians wield faith as weapon
Greenness is Next to Godliness
Read TCPC News Here
The Living Spiritual Elders Project
Jan 7, 2007: New College
Sarasota, FL
Jesus Seminar On the Road
Feb 8, 2007: All over the states!
Churches and Candidates
Jan 10, 2008: Westminster Presbyterian Church
Tiburon, CA
Jesus and Buddha: Paths to Awakening
Jan 25, 2008: Hoel Albuquerque in Old Town
Albuquerque, NM
John Dominc Crossan Lectures
Feb 1, 2008: University Congregational United Church of Christ
Seattle, WA
Voting Justice, Voting Hope
Apr 11, 2008: Plymouth Congregational Church
Minneapolis, MN
Blissful Seeker Corner

My daily prayer of gratitude:
One to creation, one to the sun One to the morning, one to the one
One to the air and the freshness we breathe and One to the force of the change in the seasons
One to the mother from which all things come One to the daughters and one to the sons
One to the Father who helps us believe that Nothin's ever gonna harm you see and
One to the soldier who walks city streets and One to the soldier who fights overseas
One to the woman one to the man One to the culture from the time when it began
One to destruction one to birth One to the people who still fight for the earth
One to the people who suffer for the needs and One to the rebels who love rocking to the beats
One to the healer who fights our disease and One to the Lorax who speaks for the trees
Cause no amount of money and no amount of man Can bring back to life what's gone when it's done One to the people who rise with the sun One to the people who sleep when it's down
To the East to the West To the North and South
Life is too short to make just one decision Music's to large for just one station Love is to big for just one nation and God is to big for just one religion!
One to the practice of being in the flow One to the tears of the things we let go One to the moment we live in right now ~Michael Franti
President's Note: The Magic of Christmas
by: Fred Plumer
Recently as my wife and I were having a quiet
dinner with some friends, we found ourselves going through something that seems
to have become an annual ritual. It always starts with someone announcing, "Can you believe it? Christmas is only X
days away!" And in chorus the rest of us go, "your kidding! How did that happen?" We have other little ditties
that we sing like, "It seems like it was
only a few months ago we were celebrating Easter." Or, "But I just put the Christmas decorations away from last year."
Then for the closing song we always sing rather sadly, "It comes faster and faster every year."
As the evening progressed someone wistfully
asked, "I wonder if we can ever capture the magic of Christmas again?" I have thought a lot about that over the
last few years. I wondered if there ever was "the magic of Christmas" that has
been shared in common with others over the years...
The above article is continued here: Magic
Last Minute Progressive Gift Ideas
For the Progressive: Donate to TCPC in their Name
For the Child: The Books: Green Santa and Stones and Bones
For the Animal Lover: Adopt an Animal
For the Giver: Oxfam Unwrapped
For the Food Lover: Cooking With the Bible Cookbook
For a Friend: Mandala Fair Trade Baskets
Or: Create a personal local basket of all your favorite local
sustainable gifts, Make a CD Mix of your latest favorites, Plant a Tree
in their Yard, or Write them a Thank You Letter!
For the Earth Lover: Gaiam Earth Lover Guide or Global Warming Shirts
For the Music Lover: Buy a CD by Ashana
Exciting Opportunity as TCPC Embarks on Liturgy Project to Positively Transform Worship Around the World. Can You Help?
At TCPC, we get thousands of emails from people around the
country, many of them requesting sources of progressive Christian worship
materials. Where can churches find liturgical resources with creative,
engaging alternatives to patriarchal, supernatural language and
While our website is rich with stories about
churches that are constantly developing remarkable liturgical forms, we have
never been able to gather these materials into an accessible form.
Brilliant innovations in worship in progressive churches around the country
are, like lamps hidden under bushel baskets, unknown to thousands of leaders in
other churches who would be overjoyed to discover and use them.
The Center for Progressive Christianity is now embarking on
a new Liturgy Project which will positively transform worship services in
churches all over the world. The Liturgy Project will contact hundreds of
churches to collect a wide variety of litanies, hymn lyrics, dramas, chants,
and art and design concepts. These materials will then be organized and
published on our website and in printed, CD, or DVD form. Some of the
materials will be made available for free to any user of the
website, and others will be accessible only to TCPC affiliate congregations, or
through purchase. By the fall of 2008, we intend to roll out this rich
new resource and make it available for our churches. It will be an
ongoing project, continually seeking and offering new resources to enliven
congregations with artful, soulful, intellectually satisfying liturgical
elements. TCPC also will offer regional workshops and on-site consulting
for church leaders to experience the creative liturgical elements and implement
them in their congregations. Please Help!! Click here: Liturgy Project for more information or to donate.
I Have Lost the War by: Meredith Jordan
Yesterday, as
I sometimes do when I need amusement, I went online to read my
horoscope for today. The words leaped off the page at me, "The long,
exhausting battle is over, and you have lost the war." I immediately burst
into deep sobs of both sorrow and relief. Those words struck a chord of
truth deep in me... I felt like a kid standing
on the football field after the lights have gone out and his team has lost the
big game. He still holds the football in his hand and believes he's just one
more touchdown away from a winning game. Then a voice booms out from the dark
stands, "Hey, kid, the game is over. You lost. You did the best you could.
I couldn't be prouder of you if you were my own child (which, by the way,you
are). It's time to go home and get some rest." I felt humbled. I had lost the war. I lost the ability to
provide financial security. I lost both a marriage and a relationship, each of
which born---and still lives---in love and appreciation. It was over,
and I was defeated. So much of who I am, what I have done, and how I have known
myself...defeated. Those were my tears of sorrow.
In this, I found a
paradox. I could suddenly relate to Richard Nixon,
Dick Cheney, George Bush.
I got myself into a war thing, and I lost. Now I was standing on the field,
dumb-struck. How was I ever going to exit the field gracefully? I felt such
profound compassion for world leaders who land themselves in this position.
Then I considered world leaders who have been defeated and not only
survived the defeat but actually survived to triumph: His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela,
Thich Nhat Hahn, Miriam Makeba and Harriet Tubman. I was suddenly in the
company of people I admired. I could draw from their wisdom and example.
There were also tears of
relief. A long, exhausting battle is over; I have lost the war. There is, quite
simply, no more war in me. I'm done with that paradigm.
Please Read the Rest of the Article here: Lost War
Review of The God Problem
by: Nigel Leaves
Review by Tom Hall
Nigel Leaves knows the institutional church. As an Anglican
priest he has served parishes in the UK, New Guinea, and Hong Kong; and after a
stint as Chaplain to the Bishop of Perth, Australia, he is presently Warden and
Director of Studies at Wollaston Theological College just outside of Perth. But
as a citizen of one of the world's most secular nations, he knows the
difficulty of promoting a traditional faith in a post-Christian world. And
since to remain solvent his college has to double as a retreat center, he has
gained first-hand acquaintance with much of the astonishing array of new-age
groups that he has termed "the smorgasbord of grass-roots spiritualities."
But as a scholar he is also familiar with the panentheism of
Jack Spong and Marcus Borg, the radical non-realism of Lloyd Geering and Don
Cupitt (he has written a two-volume exposition of Cupitt's work), and the
growing body of religious naturalism - the evocation of awe and wonder at the
beauty of nature - found in writers like Ursula Goodenough.
The God Problem: Alternatives to Fundamentalism is a
compact and highly readable examination of the problem of squaring the violence
done in the name of religion with the theistic God of the Judaeo-Christian-Islamic
tradition. It focuses on those who are trying to reform or reimagine that
tradition in order to create a continuing role for religion in a more humane
world. And while one may hazard a shrewd guess at Leaves' personal preference
among the four paths he delineates, he leaves it to the reader to
decide which of them best points the way forward to a meaningful encounter with
life in the twenty-first century.
The text is sufficiently clear and accessible that one need
not be a specialist - let alone a theologian - to follow and become absorbed by
the material; but even trained theologians will find it a well-footnoted and
useful reference for viewing the present state of a crucial religious debate. For More Information, click here: God Problem