You are cordially invited to visit
The new, the different, the informative,
the Brand New Redesigned Website for


     It started 6 months ago in June.  The decision made, now came the nutz and boltz: the models, the test drives, the interior, the colors, the revisions, the music, the writing, the revisions, the editing, the graphics, the layout, the revisions, the photos, the revisions, the redesigns, the flash, the sparkle, the revisions, the frustrations, but finally it's up and running.  I now know the smallest fraction of what it must be like to be pregnant.

Please take a look, even if you're not subscribed to this newsletter.  Go on it, take a seat, look around.  I'd love to hear your reactions.  Below is a brief bit about what you'll find.

What will You Find?

AARP cover There's lots of material to explore, and much yet to come. You'll now find a full listing of the services I offer and at what fees.  There's an interesting section of Frequently Asked Questions, and the Before and After section has been expanded expanded.

The Resource Blog is new and I hope you'll subscribe.  It will come ou about once a week will all sorts of brief pieces of interest, insights and a broader range of subject mater than pure Feng Shui.  As I study the field more and more, I see relationships to other fields which are fascinatin.  I'll bring those to your attention.

In addition, I will be adding an archive of all the past eZines with serachable tags so you can find what I've had to offer on color, or landscaping or whatever.

In addition, all my newspaper columns will be available for anyone who wishes to take a gander.  And, being a blog, I invite comments and reaction, questions and editorials from you and anyone who visits.

The blog is meant to be a resource fo you as well as a place to sign up for classes, get notices of future appearnaces and the like.  I hope you'll find i useful.

This monhly eZine will continue,a nd will continue to0 have tips and tricks for your use.  So, if you're getting this and you have not subscribed, I'm hoping that you'll give it a go and see if it doesn't add something useful to your life and business.  It's as easy as pressing here.

new site
Movies have endless credits and now I understand why!  The number of people deserving of my gratitude are many, but I'll only mention the 4 primaries:
For the design and execution: Ryan Wilfong of Red Forrest Studios.
For copy, revisions, proofing and inspiration Courtney Fisher of  Fishtale Creative.    David Goodwin has been a brilliant mentor and guide and Ann Dion has tirelessly searched out my misspellings and goofs.  To all of them I owe a big debt of thanks.
In case you had not gathered, this is the February eZine.  I still have lots of work to do on the blog, so this announcement is it.  I trust you will visit the new site and there you'll find more than a newsletter's worth!
Subscribe to the Tips & Tricks monthly eZine!
Vol 2, #3                                                                                         February, 2009