Purple Angel

from the Angels 


Zibu Angelic Symbols
August 2010

in this issue
:: Reconnection
:: Synchronicity
:: Testimonials
guardian angelWarmest Greetings... 
Reconnection!  What a lovely symbol and message from the Angels!
Reconnection is a symbol with a sweet reminder about connecting once again and refocusing one's attention.
As you trace your fingers over the symbol, feel the gentle repetitive motion of energy like waves washing upon the shores whispering "remember to reconnect."
Consider refocusing your attention and connecting with Spirit through a walk in nature -- or with a loved one by writing heartfelt words in a beautiful card -- or by extending an open hand to a new friend.
Read more below, as the Angels whisper about the power of Reconnection.
Reconnection - Zibu Symbol
Gemstone:  Labradorite
Color:  White
Part of Body:  Shoulders
 Reconnection Symbol
"This symbol represents reconnecting to Source.  When one is unplugged, one is disconnected from the life-sustaining energy.
Vitality can be embraced again when connecting to Spirit and recognizing all are one, and there is no separation.  Any separation one may feel is an illusion and is a result of their own action of pulling their own plug.
To reconnect again is as easy as visualizing placing one's plug into the Universal outlet.  The image combined with the sincere request to receive life-affirming energy from Source will resume the constant flow of glowing white light."
from the Angels

Click Here to see more Zibu jewelry images!
5 Glass Pendants

Two AngelsSynchronicity 
Spirit never fails to amaze me with unexpected synchronicities.
I just returned from a trip to Sweden, where I completed the task of bringing my husband's ashes back to his home country and family.
Eight hours into the 10-hour flight, I had to get up and walk around.  Out of the 300 passengers, the only person I was guided to chat with was a young man standing in the galley area.
As we introduced ourselves, I discovered this Belgian man's last name was remarkably similar to my first name.
Mr. de Bie and I talked for a couple hours, and I felt inspired to tell him about my deceased husband and the ashes.
Surprisingly, he was returning home to retrieve the ashes of his deceased mother later that day.  We shared our stories of how they have made their presence known to us through the repeated appearance of birds and feathers.
As I am writing this, I am smiling as I see the wings of the Angels, the wings of the birds, and the wings of the airplane.
If I would have looked closer that day...I probably would have seen Mr. de Bie's wings! 
Zibu Book Image 
Testimonials about Zibu Symbols
Thank you Debbie. 
I recently came across the Zibu symbols and became so interested in them. A couple of weeks ago I got the patience symbol tattooed on my wrist.
I am a chef and live such a stressful lifestyle that I was constantly running around like crazy. I tried everything to be more patient and the Zibu symbol helped me greatly. Thank you so much
I am from Australia and have had the Hope symbol tattooed on the back of my neck.

I believe since having the tattoo I have had alot of hope in my life

I just wanted to thank you for the [Zibu] book, it has brought great inspiration to my whole family, thank you also for signing it.
Deb Head Shot
Many blessings,                                            
Debbie Z
Debbie Z
Zibu Angelic Symbols 