June 2009 - Vol 3, Issue 6
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Vitality Henna - Hand

It is sunny and warm here in Seattle, which I absolutely love, love, love!

Warm weather is the perfect condition to do henna tattoos. I've already henna-ed this Vitality Zibu Symbol on my hand, and have done an extensive henna on my husband's bald head!

It is one of my most favorite things to do. Drawing henna tattoos is a unique way to connect with another person. The symbol is a type of talisman...a blessing upon the skin.

It is a great way to savor the healing comfort from the Angels. Henna is natural, temporary and totally painless. If you are in the Pacific Northwest this month, please stop by one of my events to experience your own Angelic henna.

To see more images of Zibu hennas at my website, click here.

Vitality Embellished
Zibu Symbol:

Zibu Name:

To amplify the energy of this symbol, use Carnelian or the color Orange. Also, the Lymphatic System is the part of the body that responds most strongly to this energy.

The Angelic message is:

"Vitality is a richness of the Soul. It resides with Passion. Both are needed together. It makes many things possible. It enables magnificent things to happen. Vitality serves a great purpose. It moves us forward. It keeps us in the flow. It works with the other symbols in combination. It brings things close to the Heart. It adds dimension to life. Vitality is Angelic connection with the Soul. It is expresison. It is of utmost importance" Blessings from the Angels

Deb at SFB - reading
Here are my upcoming events...where I will be doing Angel readings and Zibu henna tattoos. More details can be found at the Events page at my website: Angel Events.

Psychic Fair
Crystal Voyage in Tacoma

June 7 (Sunday) Noon to 5 pm

Llynya's in Freeland
June 27 (Saturday) Noon to 5 pm
Angel on Rock
"The symbol for Vitality is one of my favorites to infuse life-enhancing energy into food and beverages.

Consider the value of taking time to bless your meal with this symbol. As I prepare meals in the kitchen, I like to add the special ingredient of Angelic energy. It doesn't take long at all. I merely hold my hand palm- down over the food and visualize the symbol, or draw the symbol above the food with my fingertips.

It has also worked well to paint this particular symbol on drinking glasses.

Whether the symbol is visible or not, when the intention is set, the Angels respond."

This is an excerpt from the book "Zibu: The Power of Angelic Symbology." My published book is available through the online Zibu Store: Click here.

Many blessings to you.


Debbie Z
Language of Zibu

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