Oct 2008 - Vol 2, Issue 10
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What wonderful yummy things or enriching personal experiences do you desire in your life? What have you been waiting to receive?

The focus this month is on Receptivity--being open to receive.

We are usually quick to list what we want to manifest; however, many of us are impatiently waiting to receive while our arms are firmly folded across our chests.

Asking is only part of the formula-- being open to receive is the next part--followed, of course, by expressing gratitude.

Keep this in mind as you read the Angelic message about Receptivity and the visualization which follow.

Receptivity Symbol

Zibu Symbol:

Zibu Name:

Coral is the stone that amplifies the energy of this Angelic symbol, and the color red has the same effect. The part of the body which can be treated energetically with this symbol is the Heart.

The Angelic message is:

"Receptivity has to do with removing personal blocks in order to receive all that is available to elevate the human experience. When blocks are cleared, then the doors are open to receive information to assist with elevation. Old belief patterns can block the receptivity without full knowledge of the reason for lack of information. A humble and sincere request for removal of any and all blocks renders them usesless. The gateways are open to allow a flood of Divine messages to flow forth. A state of Receptivity is a blessed place to reside. Blessings from the Angels"

Open Hands blue
I recall complaining to a friend years ago about how my request to the Universe was not being fulfilled.

To demonstrate my point about how open I thought I was, I spread my arms out at my sides. It was then that I realized my hands were tight fists. That certainly got my attention and prompted a shift in my thought process.

Now when I ask for assistance--from the Angels, Spirit, or the Universe--I use hand movements to physically express my openness to receive.

I start with my hands together in prayer and then expand my hands up and out to the heavens. I find that it stimulates a feeling of open hands, arms, chest and heart. I visualize releasing my request or prayer up to God and then being an open vessel to receive.

Consider giving it a try or creating your own variation and feeling your own internal shift.
Deb at SFB - reading
Find a perfect gift for the upcoming holidays or a special treat for yourself at these upcoming events.

Oct 25 (Sat) -- Noon to 5 pm
Llynya's in Freeland

Angel Readings with Debbie Z

On this return trip to Llynyas, I will be available for Angel Readings, as usual. In addition, you will definitely want to stop by and see the 2009 Zibu wall calendar with all new original artwork in full color. Brand new Zibu jewelry will also be on display and available for purchase.

Nov 1 (Sat) -- Noon to 7 pm
Nov 2 (Sun) -- Noon to 5 pm
Crystal Voyage in Tacoma

Psychic Fair

All the new Zibu jewelry will be on display as well as the 2009 Zibu wall calendar. A wide variety of other artwork will also be available.
Zibu Book Image
If you haven't had a chance to get your copy of "Zibu: The Power of Angelic Symbology," now is the perfect time to order it online at my website.

The book is infused with lovely Angelic energy and includes 88 Zibu symbols in large clear format, along with inspirational messages.

It makes a great gift and is a wonderful book of encouragement. For more details, check it out at my website at www.LanguageofZibu.com.

So my Dear Friends...please know that I wish the very best for each of you. And as you reach for the stars...remember to keep your hands and heart open to receive!


Debbie Z
Language of Zibu

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