Sept 2008 - Vol 2, Issue 9
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Angels - Yellow Soft Edges

Take a deep breath, smile and celebrate this moment!

Each day can become brighter and more clear when you pay attention to the process of Awakening. It is not a physical awakening--as the Angels remind me--but rather a spiritual awakening.

Read on for more encouragement from the Angels.

Awakening - Yellow

Zibu Symbol:

Zibu Name:

Clear Quartz is the stone that amplifies the energy of this Angelic symbol, and the color yellow has the same effect. The part of the body which can be treated energetically with this symbol is the shoulders.

The Angelic message is:

"The awakening we refer to is not a physical awakening, but an opening of One's Heart and Soul to hear and accept and express Truth. It is an embracing of that which does not change. It is an awakening to the mysteries of life on the earth plane. The gifts derived from an awareness of the clarity of thought and pureness of Heart are far-reaching. There is enormity in the benefits of being willing to look within and see clearly all that is true. Blessings from the Angels"

Remember to slow down your frantic pace as you try to race through your day. "Stop to smell the roses" they say.

Awakening is an experience of being present in this moment--to be fully present to hear and see and smell and feel. This is also a chanace to hear your internal guidance and whispers from the Angels.

It is about quieting your mind, being fully aware of the present moment, and being open.

Just as with physical awakening from sleep--open your eyes to be awake and aware of the sweet moments of synchronicity and heavenly guidance that would otherwise be missed.

Consider ways in which you can experience a more Awakened and enriched life.

I continue to wish each and every one of you a most glorious journey on your life path. And remember to stop for just a moment to Smell the Roses!


Debbie Z
Language of Zibu

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