Jan 2008 - Vol 2, Issue 1
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Smaller Angel in Blue

Welcome to a brand new year! What a perfect time to take a moment to refocus and take note of the similarities we all share, rather than the differences that may separate us.

Divine Essence is the Zibu symbol I am featuring this month. It is a reminder that we are all one and that each of us is an expression of the Divine. We are all made of the same "God essence."

The Angels are constantly reminding me of this during Angel readings. Quite often I am given a vision of what is inside my client's physical body, as if a small incision has been made on their chest and I can look inside. Every single time, I see the same thing--glimmery silver white energy.

It is a sweet reminder that despite differences in outward appearances, we are all the same on the inside, as we are all made of God's pure love and light. What a fantastic reminder for us all!

Jan 2008 Divine Essence
Zibu Symbol:
"Divine Essence"

Zibu Name:
"Imu" (ee'-moo)

The Pearl amplifies the energy of this Angelic symbol, and the color Cobalt Blue has the same effect. The part of the body which can be treated energetically with this symbol is the Chest.

The message from the Angels about this symbol is:

"This symbol reflects your Divine expression...your very core. Your true essence is that of purity and possibilities. It is a reminder to you that all things are possible. Know that you can cast off anything that keeps you from experiencing yourself as a true and pure expression of the Divine. All things are possible with this knowledge. There is nothing you cannot achieve. Whatever you embrace and believe, you can make your own. Rise to the occasion and step forward in confidence knowing you are limitless. Blessings from the Angels"

Deb at SFB - reading
I've been busy scheduling events for this new year. This is what is going on in January. Please stop by...I would love to see you or do an Angel Reading for you!

Psychic Fair

Jan 5 (Sat) -- 11 am to 7 pm and
Jan 6 (Sun) -- Noon to 5 pm

This beautiful store has a great variety of readers at this fun event. Admission is free. I will be available for Angel Readings using my unique deck of Zibu symbol cards. There will also be a full display of Zibu items, including the brand new laser-cut Zibu symbol stones.
For map and directions, go to www.CrystalVoyage.com.

Angel Readings with Debbie Z

I will be at SFB on the following days in January. I encourage you to come by and see this wonderful space...the positive energy is palpable! Drop by or call for an appointment.

Jan 11 (Fri) -- 9 am to 12:30 pm
Jan 19 (Sat) -- 11 am to 3:30 pm
Jan 25 (Fri) -- 9 am to 12:30 pm

Store information at their website: www.SoulFoodBooks.com.

You won't want to miss this one...Next month, I will have an opportunity to be a vendor in the Goddess Market at the Women of Wisdom Conference in Seattle! I am so excited to be part of this awesome event. Mark your calendars for Feb 16 and 17 (Sat and Sun) for the Market...however, the speakers events will be Feb 15 through 18.

More information in next month's newsletter or at the WOW website www.Women ofWisdom.org.

So as you interact with others in the coming days and weeks, I encourage you to recall this graceful symbol for Divine Essence and the Angelic message. May it remind you that we are all the same...we are all one. Perhaps it may bring more light into your heart and allow more patience, compassion and understanding when dealing with others.

I wish each and every one of you the most Divine New Year. We have so much to be grateful for!


Debbie Z
Language of Zibu

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