Zibu Newsletter
Angelic Communication Through Symbols
Feb 2007 - Vol 1, Issue 2
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Happy February! What a glorious time to be alive! It is time for Valentine's Day and what better gift to give yourself than the gift of "Self Care." That's the focus for this month.

I invite you to view Pat Brier's beautiful "Self Care" artwork below as well as the Quick Link to her site for more images. Also read about this month's symbol which is now available as a gold pendant. And I will be at events at various locations in February, so I hope you can stop by to say hello or even have a reading!

New Self Care
"Self-Care" Zibu Symbol

Zibu Name: "Kinota"
Associated Gemstone: Turquoise
Associated Color: Green
Associated Part of Body:
Gastro- Intestinal System

The channeled Angelic message is:

"Each soul is entrusted with a physical container. It is a sacred temple to be cared for with the utmost of reverence and love. Caring for this vessel and keeping it filled to capacity with light is essential. Darkness and issues of struggle are to be released to keep a shining light. It is this light that illuminates the life path. Blessings from the Angels"

To see all 12 images of this full-color wall calendar, go to...Zibu calendar.

New Debbie at sfb - cropped
Stop by for an Angel Reading:

Feb 3 and 4 (Sat and Sun) --Crystal Voyage, Tacoma, Washington. For details, see calendar of events at Crystal Voyage.

Feb 11 (Sun) -- Intuitive Arts Fair, Everett, Washington. For more information, check out Friends and Fellowship.

Feb 24 (Sat) -- Llynya's, Freeland, Washington. For details, see Llynya's

Every Tuesday from 11 am to 3:30 pm at Soul Food Books in Redmond. Stop by...or call the store ahead of time to book your appointment at 425.881.5309. For location and directions, see their website: Soul Food Books
Self Care Necklace
The energy of these Angelic symbols can assist you by "holding" or "beholding" them. However, wearing the symbols in metal is even more effective-- especially when the energy is amplified with a specific gemstone.

The Zibu symbol for Self Care is available in gold-fill wire with the most optimal stone of turquoise. A sample is shown here. It hangs from a spring clasp and can be clipped onto your own chain.

Order yours today for $44
(Washington residents add sales tax of $3.87)

Send check, money order or Visa/Mastercard information to:
Debbie Z Almstedt
Language of Zibu
PO Box 55751
Shoreline, WA 98155

For more images of jewelry, check out the Zibu website.

Angel Image from Web
Ever since I first began to receive channeled messages about Zibu in 2002, the theme of "remembering" came up time and time again. I was uncertain what it meant, until Angel Zephyrine's message clarified things for me. Here is a portion of that message:

"Let them know these will assist them in awakening to their true purpose in being on this Earth Plane at this time. All humans have important roles to play. They have forgotten and the symbols will re-ignite their memories. The frequency level of the language will remove the veils which keep humans from seeing clearly and remembering their places--their roles..."

To read the complete channeled message, go to the Zibu website:

So remember to take excellent care of yourself every day...not just in February...and cherish the unique being that you are!

Love and Light,

Debbie Z
Language of Zibu

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