Loyalty Vacation Homes
More Great Stuff for KIDZ from Loyalty Vacation Homes!
Issue No. 3 Summer 2009
Things for Kidz to Do On The Beach...
Get out on the boat!
Catch some ZZZ's...
Find great shells!
Be with friends and family!
Hi Kidz! It's Luke Again!

lukeandyvonneI just got back from a great weekend trip to the beach with my family!  We went out on the boat, played games, went to lunch and looked for shells! We took a lot of pictures (check out my picture of the dolphin below!)
Every hard working kid needs a little rest and relaxation every once in a while. It's not easy juggling preschool, play groups and nap times, that's for sure!
When you come to Florida, you dont have to go to Disney all the time, save a little money and go to  the beach and do some of the things that I do with MY family! Did you know the  beach is only an hour away?
Go out on the boat! 
 lukedrivingboatMy grand dad loves going out on the boat, and I love it too! Sometimes he even lets me drive! When you come to Florida, there are plenty of places on the beach to rent boats and take them out for the day.
While we were on our boat, we saw dolphins!
When you get to Florida, you're probably going to be very busy for most of the time you are here. Waking up, swimming, going to the parks, visiting the beaches and playing games!  But sometimes, even busy kids like us need a little break, (and sometimes our parents could use a nap too!)
Being on the beach is a great way to relax, and take a break from the go go go mentality that comes with being on vacations.
So sleep in, take naps, and enjoy the time you have to do absolutely nothing if you want to! 
Your Turn!
I've shared my weekend beach trip with you, now I want to see YOUR beach pictures! Did you bury someone in the sand? Did you find any cool shells? Send us your pictures, and you could be a star in the next Loyalty Kidz Newsletter!
Collect Shells
 shellsOne of the coolest parts about hanging out on the Florida beaches is all the cool shells you can find! I looked high and low for the perfect shells to give to my mommy. Some were big, some were small, some were very shiny and some were rough. My nanny helped me find the best shells.
When YOU come to Florida, get the family together to find the prettiest shells. Then, when you get home you can put them in a jar, with some sand, and have a great souvenir from your trip!
If you're really lucky, you may even find a star fish! 
Click here for more ideas about crafts you and your family can do with the shells you find!
Hang out with friends and family!
            Nothing brings family and friends closer together than a great day at the beach! This is a picture of me and my buddy Cody. We loved going really fast on the boat, and looking for pelicans and dolphins!
If you come to the beach with YOUR family, you can all spend time in the water together, have a picnic on the beach, collect shells,  and build sand castles together! You probably can't do that stuff back home!
I loved hanging out with my buddy Cody!

Here are some more games you can play with friends and family on the beach!

Loyalty Kidz are the coolest kids around! We can't wait to see you and your family in Florida soon!
Have a parent call (866) 975-3072 to reserve the next vacation home for your family!
Or click here, call them over to the computer and pick out your favorite vacation home!
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