scroll log logo 2010
In This Issue
Alumni News
From Scott's Desk
Welcome to Our Newest Campers!
Phrom Phyllis
Greetings from the Sebells
Happy Birthday in December & January to...
Pete Hilpl
Join Our Mailing List
Mickey's Kids Update
Pete Hilpl
It is amazing how quickly the year has flown!  As 2009 comes to a close, we would like to take the opportunity to provide you with an update on Mickey's Kids and the children who continue to reap the benefits of your generous donations.  

click here to read more of the latest Mickey's Kids Update
Upcoming Events

Senior Camper Winter Weekend - January 8 - 10

NY/NJ/CT Area Camp Reunion - Saturday, January 23

New York Area Alumni Gathering - Sunday, January 24

Camp Alumni Reunion - August 20 - 22

Do you have memorabilia to share?
While we were able to replace most of the regalia and memorabilia that burned last summer, there were some items we could not replace.  If you have any classic Camp items -- one-of-a-kind photos, banners, historic pennants, etc. -- and you wouldn't mind donating them to Camp, please contact Jason in the Camp Office at 781-793-0091 or


sheila's pics

Our Camp photographer, Sheila, has a new column starting in this issue of the Scroll-Log.  To view it please click here.

Halloween Costumes
Charley Novack Halloween Costume
In the last issue of the Scroll-Log, we asked campers to send in photos of their Halloween costumes.  The Camp Office would like to thank Charley Novack for being the ONLY camper to send us a photo.  You look awesome, Charley, and we love that you dressed up as a member of the Ramones!

camper survey logo 2009
If not, please click here so that we can know all that you thought about this past summer
The Scroll-Log
The Online Newsletter of the Camps Kenwood & Evergreen Community


Pete Hilpl

I've just returned from a great visit to Camp and had to sit down right away and share the news with all of you! Pete and his crews have been incredibly busy in the last several weeks! As you will see in the pictures that follow, there are several projects going on at the same time at Camp right now. It is almost too much to keep track of!

Pete HilplWelcome to our
newest campers!

We are excited to welcome so many new campers to our community. 

Click here to see all of our newest Kenwood & Evergreen campers.
Phrom PhyllisPhyllis with her grandchildren
Hello to all you Evergreenies, and Kenwoodians too,

Well, I guess that winter is truly upon us.  In fact, it hit us just as we were having a wonderful time at the Boston Camp Reunion this past Saturday night.  

click here to read more of Phyllis' article
Greetings from the Sebells

Hello everyone!
We hope that you are having a fun holiday season. As usual, things have been very busy in the Sebell household. We have been traveling
the sebell familyalmost every weekend (and some week nights), meeting so many great new families around the North East. Two weeks ago, while Jason was in New York City for home visits he had a chance to see a concert at Madison Square Garden.  Lots of former Kenwood counselors were there, including Tim Brown, Marc Reimer, Steve Silverberg, Phil Neff, David Zylber, Doug Sonnenshein, and Andy Kutscher.  As he was walking into the theater he saw a Kenwood camper.  From across the crowd he yelled...
Office Notes From Sarah

Hi everyone!

It has been a busy few months in the office since camp ended, with conferences, people winning Pete Hilplawards and all our 2010 enrollments. I've also been working on Camp's new social networking presence.  As many of you now know, Camp now has a profile on Facebook and Twitter, with links to our own YouTube and Flickr channels!  If you haven't yet become a fan of Camp, please do by clicking here (this should link to, and you will receive all the latest updates and news about what's going on in the Camp world!  We also have Facebook Groups for our senior campers, parents, staff and alumni so please join whichever group(s) are appropriate for you and you will be able to see pictures, video and chat to us and each other.  You can link to all of these things from our website.

click here to read more of Sarah's article
Pete's Corner

Hi everyone!

The team and I are working on so many building projects right now, and we wanted to show you one of them.  Below is a link to a slideshow that sh
Pete Hilplows the progress we are making on the newest Lodge in Evergreen.  Throughout the winter and spring I will keep taking pictures so that you can see all of the great new buildings we are creating for you!

Pete's slideshow of the progress on the new Evergreen Lodge
(if the captions aren't visible click "Show Info" once the slideshow opens)
Camp friends in the News

We wanted to sent out an "Acka-Lacka-Ching" to all members of the Posner/Korzenik family.  Mike Posner, dad of Alexander, Hannah and Daniel, was recently sworn in as the Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton!  This link will provide you with the text from Secretary Clinton's incredible speech about Mike, along with a video that shows the entire Posner family on stage to support their dad.  Congratulations to all!


Here's some silliness for you: while we were away for Thanksgiving a reporter visited our kennel.  He asked if he could take a picture of a dog eating some turkey and stuffing.  Specifically, he asked "is there a dog who likes having his picture taken?"  Obviously, the people at the kennel thought of Winston, and his picture was on the front page of our local paper.  Apparently, he was so hungry that they had to feed him twice.  He ate the first meal before they could take his picture!

We wish that we could show you the article, but our local newspaper still doesn't have a website!
We hope that everyone in the Camp community has a safe and healthy fall and look forward to seeing everyone at one of our many events this winter!
admin logo
Are you doing something fun for vacation?  Are you going anywhere interesting?  Send us a photo from vacation and we'll post it in the next issue of the Scroll-Log.

Camps Kenwood & Evergreen
camp logo for footer
For Boys & Girls
Founded 1930

Winter: 239 Moose Hill Street, Sharon, MA 02067
Phone: 781-793-0091

Summer: 114 Eagle Pond Road, Wilmot, NH 03287
Phone: 603-735-5189