Group Coaching Nuggets
Tips, Tools and Resources for Your Group Programs
Volume 5, Issue 3- March 2010
In This Issue
6 Ways to Boost Your Group Engagement
Upcoming Programs
Systems: Supporting Your Growth, Productivity and Efficiency
Quick Links
Effective Group Coaching Book
Welcome to the March 2010 edition of Group Coaching Nuggets, a newsletter designed for coaches, trainers and other group facilitators.
Once again, welcome to all new subscribers. Our list continues to grow in response to the interest generated from Effective Group Coaching, and recent programs and speaking engagements. For those who were dissapointed to note that Amazon ran out of stock last week, the good news is, it's back in stock this week. You can also continue to purchase an autographed copy of the book here.
Spring is "springing" in many parts of the world, breathing new life into business planning, program design and focus with clients.
Over the next few weeks I'll be speaking on Group Coaching Issues and hope that you may be able to join me for:
The Coaching Toys Unboxed Brain Series - Tuesday March 30 from 2-3 pm ET (free virtual event): Click here to register.
I'll also be speaking to the ICF Heartland Coaches Association, Kansas on Friday April 9th at 2 pm ET -  
This month's newsletter includes:
  • An article on 6 tips to Boost Group Engagement for your next group program
  • Upcoming programs announcements including the Group Program Virtual Intensive (Sat March 27 10-4 pm ET), Group Coaching Essentials (two start dates in April) program, as well as our May 15-16 In person Group Coaching Training in Toronto.
  • An excerpt from Effective Group Coaching: Systems Supporting Your Growth, Productivity and Efficiency
Looking forward to connecting again next month!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CPT
6 Ways to Boost Group Engagement
Engaging your groups can mean the difference between a mediocre program and a GREAT one. So, how exactly do you boost engagement?
Here are a few tips:
1. Remember less is more. How much time are you talking and how much air space are you leaving for people to be in converstation with one another? Build in opportunities for both large group discussion, as well as paired or triad work.
2. Meet the needs of different personality styles. Keep in mind that more intraverted members of a group, and those who need more time to process, may require more time to speak or answer. Don't be afraid to build in pauses for reflection and note-taking or journalling. Silence is good!
3. Mix up your program approaches to meet the needs of different learning styles. Keep in mind that you will probably have a mix of different learnimg stylesduring your programs. There will be those who prefer to learn (and perceive the world) visually, by hearing and those who like to learn by doing (kinesthetically). What changes or options can you provide with the different exercises you are incorporating into your programs?
4. Take the pulse of the group regularly throughout a session. Notice, and get the group to notice, and comment on, the energy levels (and dips of the group). If a dip occurs what do you need to do next?
5. Ask the group. One of the great strengths of the group coaching process is the ownership the group has the potential to create over time. Ask the group what will boost their engagement.
6. And finally! Remember that sometimes a "change is as good as a rest". Changing pace by asking a question, moving to a samll group discussion, paired exercise, or relfective writing piece, may provide the boost that the group needs.
Copyright 2010 - Jennifer Britton. All Rights Reserved
Upcoming Program Dates - Spring 2010
Group Program Design Virtual Intensive
Saturday March 27 (10 - 4 pm ET) : By Phone
Are you looking for an intensive focused structure to support you in taking concrete steps forward with your group program ideas? Join me for this one day (6 hour) Virtual Intensive which is designed to have you take action real time around your group program ideas - implementation, design and marketing. Each hour of this phone based retreat has a different focus, aimed at moving you forward and enabling you to leave the program with foundational groundwork done on your next program.
Here's what Coach Tanya Smith said about the program:
" Jennifer has offered a great and invaluable program that was right on time for me.  I was looking for something to kick me into high gear in launching my group coaching model, and this was just what I needed.  Thanks to the intensive, I actually created a work space that let me take the action I needed without interruptions or distractions. - Tanya Smith,
Cost: $125 US. Click here to register or for more information.
Group Coaching Essentials
New Programs start on Tuesday April 6th at 7pm (ET) and Wed April 14th (12:30 pm ET)
Designed as a practical, resource rich program to support you in the design, marketing and implementation of your own group coaching program. Packed with tools, exercises and ready to use templates, the program covers the a-z of group coaching issues. Most coaches complete the program with their own programs drafted and ready to market. Imagine having your own program launching this spring!
April 2010:
Tuesdays 7-8:15 pm (ET)

Tuesday April 6, 13, 20, 27 and May 18, 2010
Wednesdays 12:30 - 1:45 pm (ET)
April 14, 21, 28, May 5 and 20 2010
May 2010:
Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:45 am ET:
May 11, 18, 25, June 1 and 15, 2010
More information and links to register can be found at the website. Cost $275 US or Canadian (plus GST). Both currency links are available online. Space is limited to 6-8 coaches per session.Click hereto register for the Group Coaching Essentials program.
The Group Coaching Intensive Training
Join me in person for a 2 day intensive group coaching skills training program. You'll leave the program with real-time hands-on practice and receive feedback around core group coaching skills, as well as dozens of practical tools and resources you can use to design, implement and market your next group coaching program.
Upcoming Dates include:
May 15-16, 2010 - Toronto
July 15-16, 2010 - Huntsville, Muskoka (where the G8 meetings will be held in June)
October 1-2, 2010 - Greater Toronto Area
If you can't make it to Toronto and you have a group of 10 or more who are eager to acquire or refine their own skills, we can come to you. This is a 15 hour skills training program.
Click here  for more information and to register.
NOTE: If you are looking to enhance your group facilitation skills I will be offering a Facilitation Skills Intensive on June 10 and 11, 2010 in the Toronto area focusing specifically at enhancing small group faciltiation skills. Email us at to receive more information.
Advanced Group Coaching  (By Phone) starts Tuesday May 4th at 12 noon ET and will run May 4, 11, 18, 25, June 1 and 22, 2010. This program is geared for experienced group coaches wanting to take their skills to the next level.

If you would prefer to register offline, or if you have any questions, please feel free to call me  at (905) 235-TEAM (8326). You can also drop me an email at with your questions. I look forward to hearing from you!
Systems - Supporting your growth, productivity and efficiency
Systems are streamlined processes whichwill allow you to replicate core pieces of your business. Systems will also help to institutionalize knowledge and allow others to take on activities as your own work expands. Once in place, systems should be updated on a regular basis (quarterly or annually). 
As a group coach, it is important to look at systems on two levels:
1. Systems for group coaching programs
2. Systems for your business
Business systems can help you to leverage your time and resouces, while supporting your business growth, productivity and efficiency. Systems for group coaching will make your program work that much more streamlined and easier to have multiple groups on the go at any one time.
In general there are certain areas where business systems may provide support for you in the short and long term including:
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Clients
  • Invoicing
  • Registration systems
  • Telephone/Web - bridgeline/webinar platform, and long distance packages
  • Program Design Systems
Questions to consider:
What business systems do you currently have in place?
What new systems would boost your efficiency?
What would make your work easier and have more impact

(Adpated from Effective Group Coaching, Britton, pp 189)
Enjoy this first month of spring! I look forward to reconnecting next month.
Best wishes for your group programs,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP, CPT
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960 | (416) 996-TEAM (8326) | (905) 235-TEAM