Group Coaching Nuggets
Tips, Tools and Resources for Your Group Programs
Volume 4, Issue 10- October 2009
In This Issue
Blog Bursts - Co-Facilitation, Phone Tips, Eval
Group Coaching Essentials, Get It Designed Real Time!
BizSuccessOngoing Effort
Quick Links
We are just wrapping up Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada today, a celebration of the harvest, as well as the time of year to give thanks for friends, family and bounty. What are you celebrating these days? Even if you are not celebrating your Thanksgiving until next month, what are you thankful for this year?

We closed our cottage yesterday on the way to our extended family holiday dinner. The leaves were a stunning series of vibrant red, yellow and orange. Our drive reminded me of why I continue to bring in the natural environment into my programs (yes, even on virtual retreats!). It also reminded me of how much inspiration and energy I get from it as well. How are you bringing in nature into your group coaching work?

This month's newsletter includes links to recent blog posts, as well as information on upcoming dates, plus this month's business tip.

If you are in the Toronto area and will be attending the CSTD/IFTDO conference, I look forward to meeting you and hope that you will join me for my session on Wed Oct 21st at 2 pm entitled: Group Coaching: A Method to Improve Organizational Performance. I've also been asked to be the Guest Speaker in January for the ICF Group Coaching SIG again, so if you can't join me live in Toronto, I hope that you will join me at 3 pm (ET) on Thurs Jan 7, 2010. Save the date! I'll soon be setting my 6th Annual Year End Group Program Call, and will announce the date next month.

Warm regards,


Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC

 Blog Bursts - Co-Facilitation, Tips for Phone Programs, Evaluation
Here are links to some of the recent blog posts I've written. Now that my book, Effective Group Coaching, is well into production, my writing energy is returning
ring. I trust that you will continue to find useful tips and inspiration at the Group Coaching Ins and Outs blog which will celebrate it's 4th birthday next month!

Click on over to read:

7 Reasons to Co-facilitate Group Coaching
Curious about why co-facilitation may be something to consider for your next group or team coaching engagement? This post provides seven core reasons why co-facilitation makes great sense in many programs.

6 Tips for Your Phone Based Programs
Many coaches decide to offer their group programs by phone - here are 6 quick tips to keep in mind with your next program.

Quick and Dirty Evaluation:
What type of feedback are you getting around your programs? Evaluation is often overlooked in the work that w do. This post includes a brief discussion of quick and fast evaluation considerations.


Upcoming Program Dates: Group Coaching Essentials and the Group
Program Virtual Retreat
Group Coaching Essentials:

Calling all coaches wanting to offer their own group coaching programs! Looking for quick tips, tools and resources to support you in your work! The Group Coaching Essentials  program starts this week on Tuesday October 13th at 7pm (ET).The program is now accredited for 6.25 Continuing Coach Education Units from the ICF (for ACC, PCC and MCC recertifi.cation). If you are a coach looking to expand their work into the rapidly growing area of group coaching, this program will provide you with tools, templates, structure and ideas to take your group coaching programs forward.
We cover design, implementation, exercises and marketing best practices and tips, as well as exercises for group coaching. 

Choose the following sessions:

Tuesdays 7-8:15 pm (ET): October 13, 27, Nov 3 and 10 plus 5th call (a couple spaces still open!)
Mondays 12 - 1:15 pm (ET): November 2, 9, 16 and 30 plus 5th call

Cost $275 US or Canadian (both currency links available online). Space is limited to 6-8 coaches per session.Click here to register for the Group Coaching Essentials program.
"As a coach who has been trained in one-on-one coaching techniques, Jennifer's Group Coaching Essentials class filled in a crucial gap in my learning. Through her teaching style and her extremely well presented materials, she modeled how we as group leaders can develop and structure our groups. Jennifer was instrumental in helping me create my own coaching group. Thanks, Jennifer"
- Raymond L. Rigoglioso, ACC,

Quick and Dirty Program Development - Real Time in The Group Program Virtual Retreat
I will also be hosting the Group Program Virtual Intensive in November on Friday November 13 and 20th from 11 - 2 pm ET both days. This program is specifically designed for professionals who want to carve out space and focus in on taking action around their own program design, marketing or implementation. Each hour of the Virtual Intensive looks at an essential component  for your group program. We meet by phone for 15 minutes of each hour to focus you in on one of these core components, and give you some traction and energy. For the rest of the hour, you then follow a structured exercise offline, taking your program ideas forward Real-Time.
Past participants have left the Virtual Intensive with: Program Design Skeletons, Marketing Copy drafted, Exercises Selected, Participant Workbooks Created and Marketing Plans drafted.
This program is geared for those who want to take action, and need the space to focus and get it done. What do you want to get accomplished?
Cost: $125 US. Click here to register or for more information.

Engaging Exercises for Teams and Groups Teleclass: November 13 (8:30-10 am ET). Just looking for exercises? This one and a half hour teleclass includes the Engaging Exercises manual (e-version) as well as lively discussion around exercises to open, close and energize your next group program.

I hope that you will consider joining me this fall for one of the programs. If you would prefer to register offline, or if you have any questions, please feel free to call me toll free 1-866-217-1960 or give me a call at (905) 235-TEAM (8326). You can also drop me an email at [email protected] with your questions. I look forward to hearing from you!
BizSuccess Question - Ongoing Effort
What are some of the big goals you have been carrying forward, and not taking much action around?

Time and time again I hear business owners, trainers and coaches, say that they'd
"love to move forward of x project but it's just too big
". When was the last time you heard this from a client, or even maybe yourself? Many of you will have heard me speak about the importance of on-going effort and the 1 Percent Rule,  those small steps which undertaken consistently over time, do add up.

  • What is one thing you could do tomorrow to move you further towards that big goal?
  • How much time would that take? What would that feel like?
  • What would it be like to take that 1% step towards that goal every day this week? This month?
  • How much time would you really need to accomplish your goal?
  • What can you accomplish by December 31st this year if you undertake consistent on-going effort?

Thanks to all who have sent their congratulations on our new move and location. You'll find our new mailing address below - and yes, we do love snail mail!

I look forward to continuing to act as a resource for you with respect to group coaching and your business growth. Please let me know how I can support you in reaching your goals.
Until next month, best wishes for your group programs,
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP, CPT
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960 | (416) 996-TEAM (8326) | (905) 235-TEAM