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In This Issue
AIANYS/ASLA Convention October 14-16, 2010 in Buffalo
AIANYS Empire State Challenge
AIA Convention, Miami, June 10-12, 2010, AIANYS to Host Reception
AIA 2010 Award Recipients
AIANYS Receives AIA Component Matching Grant
Leevi Kiil, FAIA Appointed to 2011 Jury of Fellows
Join the AIANYS Facebook Page!
AIA Buffalo/Western NY Chapter Working with City of Buffalo on Green Code
AIA Westchester/Mid-Hudson Golf Outing/Tennis Tournament June 14th
AIA Long Island Golf Outing
Empire State Development Releases Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Study
AIANYS Welcomes New Individual Allied Member
AIANYS/ASLA Convention October 14-16, 2010 in Buffalo
AIANYS 2007 Convention logo 
     AIA New York State and American Society of Landscape Architects-New York Upstate Chapter are holding a joint convention October 14-16, 2010 at the Hyatt Hotel and the Buffalo Niagara Convention Center in Buffalo, New York. The convention will feature a trade show, continuing education programs, tours of historical landmarks, as well as Buffalo's acclaimed parks and local neighborhoods and evening social events.
     George Miller, FAIA, President of AIA National and member of AIA New York will be attending the convention this year! He will be giving some remarks at the AIANYS President's Reception, Dinner and Design Awards Presentation on Friday, October 15 at the Hyatt Hotel.
     The ASLA New York Upstate Chapter will also be holding their Annual Awards Banquet on Friday, October 15 at the Hyatt. Jon Mueller, FASLA, ASLA President will be the featured speaker.
        Be sure to check for updates on the 2010 convention.
 AIANYS Empire State Challenge
     Architects are not only the creators of the built environment, but are often the stewards of it as well.  With that responsibility, comes the responsibility to lead efforts to save, preserve or create initiatives which are vital to the success of a community. AIANYS seeks to foster and support this type of leadership in all of our members. As such, AIANYS issues a challenge to all Chapters to identify a significant project that needs assistance in order to move forward. The project should involve the built environment and be compatible with AIA policy statements. 
     In addition, it should be broad in its scope and have the potential to have a lasting impact on its community.  The proposal would not involve actual design, but rather identifying the key elements necessary to advance the project.  While new initiatives are encouraged, projects may be existing initiatives that the Chapter is pursuing. AIA 150 Chapter initiatives are not eligible.
The Proposal
     Proposals should be submitted from each AIA Chapter.  The proposal will be composed of a written document and a verbal presentation.  The written proposal should be a maximum of 5 pages and should answer the following questions:
�        What is the proposal?
�        How will the project benefit the community?
�        What other community groups will participate in the    
�        Is there an initiative already in place?  What work has
         been accomplished to date?
�        What is the proposed timeline for the initiative?
     The proposal should be sent to Stephanie Quirini at [email protected] by June 14, 2010. If more than 50% of our Chapter's participate in this program, AIANYS will provide additional project development and leadership resources in the form of web-based and in-person consultations, where participating Chapters and our panelists will be able to jointly present and react to materials interactively as an aid to advancing the development of individual chapter proposals.
The Review Process
     All proposals will be reviewed by a panel made up of civic leaders/government officials/community leaders who would critique the proposal and offer advice on how to move the project forward. Ultimately, two proposals will be selected as finalists to proceed further as AIANYS - local chapter initiatives. 
     Presentations will ultimately be made to the local entities with the authority to implement the project. Presenters are encouraged to bring graphic information in the form of PPT's, models, and
 boards to support their presentation.
     The 2 finalists will each receive a small cash prize. The overall winner will receive a larger cash prize to use as seed money to help develop the project further, as well as publicity for their project.
     AIANYS will provide the following to the 2 finalists:
-Staff assistance to implement a local public forum regarding the initiative
-Graphic design support in generating promotional materials in support of the initiative
The Timeline
     June 14- Chapters proposals due to AIANYS; June 29- Panel review-2 finalists announced; July-October-Two finalists work on their final proposal; October 14-16- Final 2 proposals submitted to panel. The winning project will be selected; November-December - Presentations made to local entities; Winter-Spring 2011 - Challenge forum and review
     This was sent to all Chapter Presidents, President-Elects and the Board of Directors in April. If you have questions, please contact Stephanie Quirini, Director of Communications, AIANYS at [email protected] or 518-449-3334.
AIA Convention, Miami, June 10-12, 2010
AIANYS to Host Reception 


     The 2010 AIA Fellows, Honor Award recipients and AIA Associates Award recipient from New York State will be honored at a reception during the AIA National Convention on Thursday, June 10 at Mondrian South Beach, Sunset Lounge, 1100 West Avenue, Miami from 7 PM to 9 PM.
     All AIANYS members and their guests/spouses attending the convention are invited to this reception. Please RSVP through the digital invitation that was sent out to all convention attendees. This complimentary reception is once again sponsored by IBEX Construction. Thank you to IBEX for helping us to honor all of the award recipients. 
      Two AIANYS members are running for National office: Dennis A. Andrejko, FAIA is running for AIA Vice President. Pam Loeffelman, FAIA is running for First Vice President/President Elect of AIA. To access their candidate speeches, go to:
     For those attending convention as delegates, here is the schedule:
     AIA Candidate Speeches: Thursday, 10-10:50 AM, The Fillmore Miami Beach at the Jackie Gleason Theatre, 1700 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach
     Regional Caucuses: Thursday, 11:15 AM-12:30 PM (immediately following candidate speeches), Miami Beach Convention Center, Room B212.  (Please check the on site convention schedule for any changes)
     Delegate Accreditation and Voting for Officers: Thursday, 1:30-5 PM, Friday, 9:30 AM-4 PM, Booth 101 (AIA Town Square), AIA Expo2010 Floor
     AIA Annual Business Meeting: Saturday, 8:15-10 AM, The Fillmore Miami Beach at the Jackie Gleason Theatre, Voting on Bylaws Amendments, Resolutions, Consideration of Other Business and Introduction of Newly Elected Officers. Note: AIA New York State is sponsoring Resolution 10-1 - Representation by Proxy.  
AIA 2010 Award Recipients
     AIA will be honoring the 2010 recipients of the AIA Institute Honor Awards during the National Convention and Design Exposition. These awards are the profession's highest recognition of works that exemplify excellence in architecture, interior architecture and urban design. AIANYS members are among the recipients of these awards. They are:
2010 Honor Awards for Architecture
-Alice Tully Hall, New York City
Diller Scofidio + Renfro and FXFOWLE Architects
-Brochstein Pavilion and Central Quad: Rice University, Houston
Thomas Phifer and Partners
-TKTS Booth and the Redevelopment of Father Duffy Square, New York City
Perkins Eastman, Choi Ropiha, PKSB Architects
-Yale University Art Gallery, Kahn Building Renovation, New Haven
Polshek Partnership Architects
2010 Institute Honor Awards for Interior Architecture
-The Cathedral of Christ the Light, Oakland
Skidmore, Owings and Merrill LLP/Kendall/Heaton Associates Inc.
-Craftsteak, New York City
Bentel & Bentel Architects
-Vera Wang Boutique, New York City
Gabellini Sheppard Architects
-CHANEL Robertson Boulevard, Los Angeles
Peter Marino Architect
-Historic Central Park West Residence, New York City
Shelton, Mindel & Associates
2010 Institute Honor Awards for Regional & Urban Design
-Greenwich South Strategic Framework, New York City
Architecture Research Office
The 2010 AIA Honorary Membership recipient is David Thurm, Hon. AIA.
The 2010 Collaborative Achievement Award recipient is The Architect's Newspaper.
The 2010 AIA Associates Award recipient is Darris James, Assoc. AIA.

AIANYS Receives AIA Component Matching Grant
     AIANYS has received a 2010 AIA Component Matching Grant for the Student Awards Program.

     The AIA National Component supports local and state Components or their affiliated foundations in their efforts to provide and develop scholarship programs. Offering matching grants to augment existing Component programs reinforces the significance of the AIA in the lives of architects, aspiring students, and their communities, and stimulates interest in the formation of new scholarship programs.
     The AIANYS Student Award Program was created in 2007 to serve as a way of engaging and recognizing students enrolled in the 10 NAAB-accredited schools in New York State. This program allows them to share ideas on design concepts which improve upon natural and built environments, while positioning them to assist in advancing both the profession and community at large.
     The 2010 AIANYS Student Awards will be presented during the AIANYS/ASLA Convention in Buffalo in October.

Leevi Kiil, FAIA Appointed to 2011 Jury of Fellows
     Leevi Kiil, FAIA, AIA New York, has been appointed to the 2011 Jury of Fellows. The jury will meet at AIA headquarters in Washington, DC in January 2011. The 2011 Jury of Fellows are: Robert Loversidge, FAIA, Chair (Ohio); Henry Alexander, FAIA (Florida); Jeffrey Huberman, FAIA (North Carolina); Leevi Kiil, FAIA (New York); Paula Loomis, FAIA (Virginia); Gregory Palermo, FAIA (Iowa) and Linda Searl, FAIA (Illinois).
     Congratulations Leevi!
Join the AIANYS Facebook Page!
     If you haven't become a friend of the AIANYS group on Facebook, do so now! All of the latest news and events are featured there.
     By donating to the NYS Architects Political Action Committee (NYSAPAC), you have helped to fund the opportunity for AIANYS to support events in May. The following were all held in the district: Friends of Assemblywoman RoAnn Destito; Michelle Schimel for Assembly; Friends of Assemblywoman Deborah Glick; Friends of Assemblywoman Amy Paulin and Friends of Senator George Winner. Terrence O'Neal, AIA, New York Regional Director and F. Eric Goshow, AIA, Vice President, Government Advocacy attended the Citizens for Assemblyman Sam Hoyt event hosted by Mayor Michael Bloomberg in New York City.
AIA Buffalo/Western New York Chapter Working with City of Buffalo on Buffalo Green Code
     Mayor Byron W. Brown recently announced his administration is moving forward on implementing a green, form-based code in Buffalo. The new "Buffalo Green Code" will replace Buffalo's existing zoning ordinance, last updated in 1951. The City of Buffalo has retained a consultant team including Camiros and Goody Clancy to implement a new citywide land use plan and write the new Buffalo Green Code. 
     AIA Buffalo/Western New York Chapter helped initiate a movement to write a new zoning code in 2005 with the formation of an Urban Design Committee to implement the chapter's AIA 150 Initiative, the national AIA program commemorating the 150th anniversary of the professional association. The Urban Design Committee, in concert with community activists, local developers, and officials with the City of Buffalo, focused the efforts of the AIA 150 Initiative on establishing a new regulatory framework for Buffalo's neighborhoods to support sustainability, walkable neighborhoods, and mixed-use development.
     The Buffalo Green Code will be a form-based code, a method of regulating development to achieve a specific urban form. It will help shape millions of dollars in ongoing investment, streamline the approvals process, protect Buffalo's legacy of planning and architecture, and establish quality standards that reflect the needs of investors and citizens alike.
     "The Buffalo Green Code will act as the foundation for the development of a new place-based economic development strategy for Buffalo's neighborhoods in every section of the city," said Buffalo Mayor Bryon W. Brown. "Zoning is the tool by which we build our communities. It determines what gets built and where. It's essentially Buffalo's DNA. The process to re-imagine the city's future and write a code that matches the community's vision will be an exciting opportunity for the people of Buffalo."
     "The work of AIA Buffalo/Western New York was invaluable in jump-starting the process to rewrite our antiquated codes and bringing the process to this watershed moment," says Brendan Mehaffy, Executive Director of the Mayor's Office of Strategic Planning. "We value the work the AIA has done and look forward to the contributions they will make as the new Buffalo Green Code gets rolled out."
      "AIAWNY is elated that the process of developing a new code for Buffalo has evolved to this next step.  As part of the AIA 150 project, the groundwork for the process was established with City Planners and an educational presentation was developed to inform citizens about the benefits of code revision. Our chapter looks forward to continuing our collaboration with the City and assisting Camiros and Goody Clancy on this pivotal planning project f
or the City in the 21st Century," said Peter Murad, AIA, AICP, Chairman of the AIAWNY Urban Design Committee and AIA 150 Champion.  
     The process for implementation of the new Buffalo Green Code is expected to take 30 to 34 months, with code adoption set for late 2012.
     For more information, go to
AIA Westchester/Mid-Hudson Golf Outing/Tennis Tournament June 14th
     AIA Westchester/Mid-Hudson is holding the 2010 Annual Golf Outing/Tennis Tournament Scholarship Fundraiser on June 14 at the Lake Isle Country Club, Eastchester, NY. Registration starts at 11 AM, 12:30 golf shotgun/tennis starts, 5 PM dinner. For more information, go to:
AIA Long Island Golf Outing
     Save the date for AIA Long Island's Annual Golf Outing. It will be Thursday, July 15th! For updates on the event be sure to check
Empire State Development Releases Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Study
     Empire State Development (ESD) recently released "The State of Minority and Woman-Owned Business Enterprise: Evidence from New York," a study of the participation of minority and women-owned business enterprises (MWBEs) in state contracts. The study, which found evidence of business discrimination against MWBEs in the private sector of the New York State market area, will help support the State's initiatives aimed at supporting business opportunities for the MWBE community and to evaluate its current programs.
     New York State Law authorizes and directs Empire State Development (ESD) to commission a statewide disparity study regarding the participation of minority and women-owned business enterprises in state contracts. ESD contracted with a nationally recognized economics consulting firm, National Economic Research Associates, Inc. (NERA), to perform the study.
     The study finds both statistical and anecdotal evidence of business discrimination against
MWBEs in the private sector of the New York State market area. The statistical findings include analyses of disparities in business formation, business owner earnings, access to credit, and participation in public sector contracting from 2004-2008. The anecdotal findings were based on both mail surveys and in-depth personal interviews with local MWBEs and non-MWBEs. To view the
 study, go to
AIANYS Welcomes New Individual Allied Member 
     AIANYS welcomes the following individual allied member:
Wayne Dolnick, President, Pro Audio Now, 510 East 85th Street, 12B3, New York, NY 10028, Phone: 212-861-6656, [email protected]
      Allied Membership allows corporations and individuals not otherwise eligible for AIANYS membership to participate in some services.  For more information and the online Allied Membership Application, go to: