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In This Issue
Leadership Advocacy Training Webinar-March 13 Architects in Albany Lobby Day-March 24
Register Now for 2009 AIANYS Spring Symposiums
AIANYS is Calling for Entries for the 2009 Design Awards
AIA 2009 Fellows Announced
Alicea Receives AIA Associates Award
AIANYS 150 Project Guide to Livable and Sustainable Communities Completed
Economic Stimulus Includes Important Investments in Schools and Energy Efficiency
AIA Grassroots Leadership and Legislative Conference
AIA Unveils Redesigned Website
2009 AIA National Convention and Design Exhibition
Applications for NAAB Visiting Teams Due March 2
NYSERDA Accepting Proposals for Projects that Support Distributed Generation as Combined Heat and Power in NYS
7th Annual Green Building Conference March 19-20 in Syracuse
Emerging Green Builders of Upstate New York Announce Design Competition
AIA St. Louis Announces 2009 Architectural Photography Competition
MAPA Design 09 Competition
AIANYS Welcomes New Corporate Allied Member
Leadership Advocacy Training Webinar-March 13, 2009  
Architects in Albany Lobby Day-March 24, 2009AIANYS 2007 Convention logo

     AIANYS will be hosting a free Leadership Advocacy Training Webinar on Friday, March 13, 2009 from 11:45 AM to 2 PM titled "How to Work with Legislators at the Capitol and at Home." This training will provide members with more effective tools to use on Architects in Albany Lobby Day.This interactive live web seminar will focus on three core areas:  meeting with legislators, the legal aspects of lobbying and the 2009 AIANYS Legislative Priorities. It will begin with an overview by Rich Leckerling, Esq., Hon. AIA, Legislative Counsel and Edward Farrell, Executive Director and will be followed by a discussion with three legislators. There will also be time for questions and answers.
     This webinar is being funded by the AIA Government Affairs Assistance Grant for State Components AIANYS received, which provides matching funds to state components to assist with government advocacy efforts. Registration for the webinar is being handled by KRM Information Services and can be done online. All members will be sent the registration link the first week of March.
     Architects in Albany Lobby Day will be held on Tuesday, March 24, 2009. The day will begin at the Hampton Inn, 25 Chapel Street, with continental breakfast at 8:30 AM followed by a legislative briefing from 9:30 to 10 AM. Following the briefing, the chapters scheduled meetings with legislators will begin. This year marks the return of the reception with legislators. It will be held at 5 PM at the Legislative Office Building, 3rd Floor, South Terrace. To register for Architects in Albany Lobby Day, please contact your chapter.
     The AIANYS supports the following legislative initiatives:
Top Priorities: Alternative Project Delivery; Corporate Practice of Design Professionals; Green Schools Construction 
Support for Other Bills/Issues of Interest: Qualifications-Based Selection of Professional Design Services; Smart Growth/Livable Communities; Historic Preservation Tax Credit; Good Samaritan Act; Design Liability Reform; Funding for Prosecution of Illegal Practice
Bills Opposed: Construction Threshold; Design Delegation; Damages for Delay 
A more detailed description of each of these issues will be posted on the website shortly.
Register Now for 2009 AIANYS Spring Symposiums in Troy April 1-2, Rochester April 22-23 and Syracuse May 27-28
     Three of the five locations for the AIANYS Spring Symposium have been scheduled and the programs are now open for registration. The first will be held April 1 and 2 at the Lighting Research Center at RPI in Troy, co-sponsored by AIA Eastern New York. The second will be held April 22 and 23 at the RIT Inn Conference Center, 5257 West Henrietta Rd., Rochester, co-sponsored by AIA Rochester. The third will be held May 27 and 28 at Double Tree Hotel, 6301 State Route 298, Syracuse, co-sponsored by AIA Central New York. 
     The symposium titled, "Tools and Techniques for Sustainable Daylighting," is being funded by a grant from NYSERDA. The first day will cover sustainable daylighted building design. The second day will cover design and specification of daylight harvesting control systems.
This program will include interactive lectures, case study reviews and hands-on sessions. The faculty and staff of the Lighting Research Center will be conducting this cutting-edge program. You will receive 6 LUs/HSWs for each day for AIA continuing education credit under the new sustainable CE requirements. You will have the option to register for one or both days. Space is limited to 30 participants. The registration fee is $100 per day and will include continental breakfast and lunch each day, as well as all course materials and manuals.
      Registration is now open for all three locations! For a detailed description of the program including instructor bios, as well as registration, go to  
AIANYS is Calling for Entries for the 2009 Design AwardsAIANYS 2007 Convention logo
     AIA New York State has recognized outstanding works of architecture through the annual Design Awards Program since 1968. These awards honor works of architecture located anywhere in the world by AIA New York State members and works of architecture located only in New York State by other New York State registered architects completed since January 1, 2004.  AIANYS is currently calling for entries for the 2009 Design Awards. A Call for Entries brochure is being mailed out this week to every AIANYS member. The brochure will soon be on the AIANYS website.
     It includes the submission guidelines, registration form, checklist and photo release form. New this Year! Coming soon you will be able to register online for the 2009 AIANYS Design Awards! Be sure to check for updates on the home page of
     This year's categories are:  Residential (Small Projects, less than 5,000 square feet, Large Projects, greater than 5,000 square feet), Institutional, Commercial/Industrial (Small Projects, less than 5,000 square feet, Large Projects, greater than 5,000 square feet),  Urban Planning/Design, Historic Preservation, Adaptive Reuse, Interiors, International and Unbuilt (recognizes commissioned architectural design work by practicing emerging architects licensed 10 years or less, not yet built or complete).
     The registration form and fee is due to the AIANYS office by April 10, 2009 (must be postmarked/registered online by this date). Portfolios, checklists and photo releases are due by May 11, 2009. The Design Award Jury will meet in June to decide the winners and the recipients will be notified soon after.
     The 2009 Design Awards Jury Chair is Charles Matta, FAIA, Director, Federal Buildings and Modernizations, GSA Public Buildings Service, Office of the Chief Architect and Construction Programs, Washington DC. The members of the jury are: Alan H. Cobb, FAIA, Vice President, Corporate Director, Director of Design, Architecture and Sustainability, Albert Kahn Associates, Inc., Detroit, MI; Mark Robbins, Dean, School of Architecture, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY; Tom S. Howorth, FAIA, President, Howorth & Associates Architects, Oxford, MS and Iris Weinshall, Vice Chancellor for Facilities Planning, Construction and Management, City University of New York New York, New York.
     Design Award recipients will prepare a design board for display during the AIANYS convention. All of the AIANYS Design Awards will be presented at the President's Reception, Dinner and Design Awards Presentation on Thursday, September 24, 2009 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Rochester during the convention.
AIA 2009 Fellows Announced
     AIA elevated 112 architects to its prestigious College of Fellows, an honor awarded to members who have made contributions of national significance to the profession.
Fellowship is conferred on architects with at least 10 years of membership in the AIA who have made significant contributions in the following areas: the aesthetic, scientific, and practical efficiency of the profession; the standards of architectural education, training, and practice; the building industry through leadership in the AIA and other related professional organizations; advancement of living standards of people through an improved environment; and to society through significant public service.  They will be invested in the College of Fellows at the 2009 AIA National Convention and Design Exposition in San Francisco on May 1.
     The following are the 2009 Fellows from New York:
From AIA Buffalo/Western New York: Dennis A. Andrejko
From AIA New York: Kenneth Drucker, Belmont Freeman, Christopher Grabe, John Grady, Robert Heintges, Frank Lupo, Joanna Pestka, Annabelle Selldorf, Sylvia Smith
Congratulations to all the new Fellows!

Alicea Receives AIA Associates Award
     Venesa Alicea, Assoc. AIA, AIA New York, has received the AIA Associates Award. The award, first presented in 2008, is the highest honor given to individual Associate AIA members based on their demonstrated and unparalleled commitment to their component or region's membership, in the community, in professional organizations, and/or in the design and construction industries.
     Even before graduating from the City College of New York, Venesa Alicea was active in the AIA. Since then, she has been committed to every aspect of importance to the Institute, at the chapter level and beyond. AIA New York Immediate Past President James McCullar, FAIA, and Executive Director Rick Bell, FAIA, note in their nomination letter that Alicea has worked tirelessly within the AIA in leadership roles, most notably to reach out to architecture students and associate members alike, focusing especially on women and minorities, to encourage them to enter architecture school, graduate, and become licensed.
     Congratulations Venesa!
AIANYS 150 Project Guide to Livable and Sustainable Communities CompletedAIANYS 2007 Convention logo
     AIANYS has completed the AIA150 Project, "Guide to New York State Livable and Sustainable Communities." This booklet was made possible through a grant from AIA as part of the "Blueprint for America: A Gift to the Nation" program.
     With the help of members from each chapter, AIANYS was able to compile a full-color booklet, which truly showcases each project. The guide has been sent out to government officials, AIANYS and AIA leadership, and related organizations. The complete booklet has also been posted on the home page of the AIANYS website
     Special thanks to Terrence O'Neal, AIA, New York Regional Director and Editor of the booklet, Orlando Maione, AIA, Immediate Past President and AIA150 Champion, and all of the contributors (who are listed on the second page of the booklet) for all of their hard work on this publication!
     AIA Buffalo/Western New York has launched a website on their AIA150 project. Go to to check it out!
     By donating to the NYS Architects Political Action Committee (NYSAPAC), you have helped to fund the opportunity for AIANYS leadership to attend some of these events in February. Orlando Maione, AIA, Immediate Past President, attended the Suffolk County Legislature's Democratic Majority Caucus 2009 campaign kickoff breakfast in Hauppauge.  Edward Farrell, Executive Director, attended the Friends of Carl L. Marcellino event, Friends of Bill Stachowski and Valesky for Senate event all in Albany.
     It is essential for AIANYS to be represented at these events and raise our profile among the top decision makers in the state! This is our chance to deliver our message personally. But we need your support in order to continue to do this. If you would like to donate to or have questions about the PAC fund, please contact Edward Farrell, Executive Director at [email protected] or 518-449-3334. 

Economic Stimulus Includes Important Investments in Schools and Energy Efficiency
     The economy recovery bill, "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" which President Barack Obama signed into law on February 17, includes many of the elements for which AIA fought in its Rebuild and Renew effort. Billions of dollars have been allocated for the following:
-Funding for school districts to modernize, renovate and repair schools.
-Green affordable housing and help for millions of Americans to make their homes more energy efficient.
-Requiring the federal government to make its buildings more energy efficient, saving taxpayers millions of dollars in energy costs.
-Assistance to states and local governments to make energy efficient upgrades to buildings and communities
-Supports for mass transit systems and the construction and renovation of intermodal transit facilities to relieve the congestion that is choking our communities.
     AIA will be working in the coming months with AIA Component leaders at the state and local level to provide resources, information and guidance to architects to help you make the case to your government and civic leaders and the communities served about how to invest taxpayers' dollars wisely. Much of this information will be available on the revamped Rebuild and Renew page of the AIA website. AIA will be updating the site with much more information and analysis, including talking points, tips and communications mechanisms for connecting with your state and local agencies/districts.  So be sure to check this website often. Go to to check it out.
Governor Paterson recently created the NYS Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Cabinet to manage the amount of money New York State will be receiving.
AIA Grassroots Leadership and Legislative Conference
     The AIA Grassroots Leadership and Legislative Conference was held February 4-7, 2009 at the Grand Hyatt in Washington DC. The theme was VIA AIA: Vision, Influence, Action.  The conference included workshops, regional meetings, a briefing on the 2009 AIA legislative issues, an introduction of the candidates for National Office, an awards celebration, an open house to the Institute, a keynote address by Dominique Dawes, Olympian and President of Women's Sports Foundation and the Accent on Architecture Gala. There was also time allotted for Capitol Hill visits which gave members and staff the chance to meet with members of Congress to discuss federal issues. New York State was well represented with AIANYS and Chapter leadership, staff and members all attending the conference.
 AIANYS 2007 Convention logo
Photo 1 (left): Lina Telese, Esq., Zetlin & De Chiara, Burt Roslyn, AIA, President and Edward Farrell, Executive Director attended the NY Building Congress luncheon.
Photo 2 (right): The New York delegation met with the staff of Senator Charles Schumer during the Grassroots Conference.
AIANYS 2007 Convention logoAIANYS 2007 Convention logo
Photo 3 (left): The past presidents of AIANYS in attendance at Grassroots, Orlando Maione, AIA, Immediate Past President, Russell Davidson, AIA, New York Regional Director and Terrence O'Neal, AIA, New York Regional Director with George Miller, FAIA, First Vice President/President-Elect of AIA.
Photo 4 (right): Edward Farrell, Executive Director, George Miller, FAIA, First Vice President/President-Elect of AIA and Burt Roslyn, AIA, President attended the Gala.
AIA Unveils Redesigned Website
     AIA has launched their redesigned website at The new website has been developed with the voices and insights of the AIA members. Part of a comprehensive web strategy and field-tested design, the new website features easier navigation and an organization based on how architects said they used the website, plus a new, member-driven focus on content and resources that architects said they want to enhance their careers or practices. The new site presents spotlights of members' careers and vast body of work, as well as the Architect's Knowledge Resource (AKR, formerly known as SOLOSO), a venue for members to share their knowledge and expertise.
      Check it out today!
2009 AIA National Convention and Design Exhibition
     This year's theme for the AIA 2009 National Convention and Design Exhibition is "The Power of Diversity: Practice in a Complex World." It will be held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco April 30 to May 2. The convention will feature more than 500 program offerings, including workshops, seminars, tours and expo education. For more information or to register for convention, go to
Applications for NAAB Visiting Teams Due March 2
     Each year, the AIA nominates practitioners to serve as AIA representatives on the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) visiting teams. Visiting teams, composed of representatives from the AIA, the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS), Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), and the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), serve an important role in the review of U.S. architecture programs.
     Nominations are for a four-year term (2010-2013) and nominees may be scheduled for up to one school visit per year. NAAB generally schedules school visits during the months of February through April, over a five-day period from Saturday to Wednesday. Team member expenses are reimbursed. The AIA seeks to create a pool of diverse members with a range of educational and professional experience from various geographic locations. Particularly needed are individuals who speak Spanish. Availability for team visits is essential.
     You must submit: a letter that expresses your interest in architecture education and highlights your experience and a one-page r�sum� as two separate PDF files to [email protected]
by Noon on March 2, 2009.
     Nominees will be notified in March and are encouraged to participate in the NAAB Team Member Training on May 1 at the AIA National Convention.
NYSERDA Accepting Proposals for Projects that Support Distributed Generation as Combined Heat and Power in New York State
     NYSERDA has just announced a Program Opportunity Notice (PON) 1241: Distributed Generation as Combined Heat and Power. Proposals are due by April 15, 2009 at 5 PM Eastern time. All or none of the available funds could be allocated to projects selected from any one of the dates.
NYSERDA invites proposals to support:
-Demonstration of DG-CHP systems at industrial/commercial/institutional/residential facilities in New York State.
-Recommissioning Studies to revisit qualifying, existing, NYSERDA-funded DG-CHP installations.
-Technology Transfer Studies to broaden the market penetration of DG-CHP systems in New York State.
      For more information, go to
7th Annual Green Building Conference March 19-20 in Syracuse
     The 7th annual Green Building Conference will be held March 19-20, 2009 at the Oncenter Complex in Syracuse. This conference will include workshops, keynote addresses and 40 exhibits to visit. This conference is sponsored by USGBC New York Upstate Chapter.
     You can register online now! Go to:
Emerging Green Builders of Upstate New York Announce Design Competition
    The Emerging Green Builders of Upstate New York is holding a statewide design competition, which is part of the annual Natural Talent Design Competition held by the USGBC.
    The competition is open to students, as well as young professionals who have been working in their field for five years or less. The entries will be judged by a local panel of judges, and the winner will be invited to bring their designs to USGBC's 2009 Greenbuild in Phoenix, AZ, to compete with the winners of local design competitions hosted by other EGB chapters in the country.
     The competition challenge is to provide conceptual designs compliant with the LEED Green Building Rating System to refurbish an existing series of buildings in a central location in downtown Syracuse.
     To learn more about the project and for the official 2009 competition guidelines, go to
     Registration may be completed online via the USGBC website at
AIA St. Louis Announces 2009 Architectural Photography Competition
     AIA St. Louis is holding their 2009 Architectural Photography Competition. The rules and entry form are located on their website
     This is the competition from which Rizzoli produces their annual engagement calendar.  The winning images will be on display at the AIA 2009 National Convention and Design Exhibition. The four top winning images each receive a cash prize. 
     All images must be digital and saved on a CD. The deadline is March 2, 2009. The competition is open to all current US-registered architects, all associate members of AIA and all members of AIAS. For more information, go to
MAPA Design 09 Competition
     The Mid-Atlantic Precast Association (MAPA) has launched Design 09, a new awards competition that will honor architect and student designs that incorporate precast concrete. This is the first competition in a planned ongoing series,to showcase innovative and effective use of precast concrete in the mid-Atlantic region.
     Design 09 includes two separate competitions: one for professional architects and one for students. Architecture firms, designers, engineers, contractors and others may nominate completed structures or in-design projects. For the student Design 09 competition, faculty and staff may nominate a student design, or students may nominate their own designs.
Nominated projects must make significant use of precast concrete, must have been completed or conceived within the past five years and must be located in one of the states served by MAPA: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington, D.C.
     Design 09 honorees will be selected by a MAPA-designated jury of architects and other industry professionals and will be announced in October. For complete guidelines and requirements, visit
AIANYS Welcomes New Corporate Allied Member
     AIANYS welcomes a new corporate allied member:
Ames & Gough, 859 Willard Street, Suite 320, Quincy, MA  02169
Phone: 617-328-6555, Fax: 617-328-6888, Email: [email protected]
     Allied Membership allows corporations and individuals not otherwise eligible for AIANYS membership to participate in some services.  For more information and the Allied Membership Application, go to