January 2012
In This Issue
Donate Life America
End of the Year Stats
CHOP Eyeglass Collection
Lions Eye Bank Week Pictures
In the News

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News and Events


February 7, 2012 - Eye Bank Panama Canal Cruise


March is National Eye Donor Month


Board of Trustees Meeting: March 15, 2012


April is National Donate Life Month


2012 LEBDV 

Annual Meeting

June 9, 2012 

Reading, PA


2012 EBAA 
Annual Meeting
June 20-23, 2012
Hollywood, FL
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Donate Life America, an alliance of national and state teams across the United States, announced an important achievement: there are now more than 100 million registered organ, eye and tissue donors in the United States. This milestone represents 42 percent of the U.S. adult population. Lions Eye Bank of Delaware Valley is a state team member that locally launched the initiative to register 100 million donors in 2006. The initiative's key strategy to increase donor designation rates was to ensure each state had an effective system for residents to legally designate themselves as donors.


Recent statistics reveal that 40,000 received cornea transplants, over 28,000 received organ transplants and
hundreds of thousands received tissue transplants. However, the growth in registered donors is necessary because the need for life saving organ transplants is increasing. On average, each day 18 individuals die waiting for an organ in the U.S.


A new initiative is now underway. Donate Life America and the local state teams set an ambitious goal to register 20 million in 2012. For more information on this national campaign and how you can become involved, visit  

Lions Eye Bank End of the Year Statistics

As of today, the 2011 clinical outcomes statistics for the year ended December 31, 2011 are as follows:


Corneal tissue local donors
Corneal tissue gifted
Corneal surgeries coordinated by
LEBDV, including imported tissue
Corneal tissue gifted for education,
training and research


Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Eyeglass Collection Campaign

We recently reported about the kick-off of CHOP's eyeglass collection campaign and how Lions Eye Bank of Delaware Valley joined to help make it happen. Ivy Fenton Kuhn, Nurse Practitioner at CHOP's Pediatric Ophthalmology Department and Amanda Fonash, a Social Worker in the Spina Bifida, Ophthalmology, Airway, and Intake Departments, both worked together to reach a personal goal of collecting discarded eyeglasses to help the vision needs of children and adults around the globe. The Eye Bank provided the collection boxes.


Many CHOP employees were eager to help. Some employees even engaged their families, their churches and their local communities. Ophthalmology Department physicians and other clinical staff placed collection boxes at various sites throughout the CHOP enterprise. Ivy and Amanda smiled when they shared that a bit of competition seemed to develop amongst various departments. The result of everyone's effort was the collection of over 600 pairs of glasses. Kudos to Amanda and Ivy and their colleagues at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia! 

CHOP Eyeglass Recycling
Pictured Above, left, from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Social worker Amanda Fonash and Nurse Practitioner Ivy Kuhn Fenton

Lions Eye Bank Week

Where Are the Pictures?


Last month, we reported that during Lions Eye Bank Week, your Eye Bank hosted a Delaware Lions Delegation which included International Director Robert Corlew and his wife Lion Diane from Tennessee, International Director Ted Reiver and his wife Eye Bank Trustee Lion Ann Reiver and Delaware District 22-D District Governor Ken Chew and his wife Lion Marie. Also in attendance during lunch and a tour of the Eye Bank's facilities were members of Delaware's Lions Cabinet. 


We apologize that the following pictures could not be seen by all in last's month's EyeBeam.   


Lions Eye Bank Week 1
Pictured Above, l-r, International Director Ted Reiver of Delaware, Delaware's District Governor Ken Chew; International Director Robert Corlew of Tennessee; Jim Quirk, LEBDV President/COO



Lions Eye Bank Week
Highlighted above are the spouses, left to right, Lion Diane Corlew from Tennesse, Lion Marie Chew of Delaware and Delaware's Past Council Treasurer Ann Reiver. Lion Ann has been a member of the Eye Bank's Board of Trustees since 2004.


In the News
Roxanna Green Interviewed on "The View"


From the Eye Bank Association of America: "Roxanna Green, mother of Tucson shooting victim and posthumous Crystal Cornea Award recipient Christina-Taylor Green, was interviewed on "The View" on January 9, 2012. During the interview, Mrs. Green mentioned that her daughter's corneas restored the sight of two young children. The EBAA has scheduled production for a public service announcement featuring Mrs. Green in preparation for National Eye Donor Month in March." 


Click here to view a segment of Mrs. Green's interview