Inspiring Career Change Example
Duncan was a man with a big vision and wanted to do something to make a difference. Here is how we helped him:
Duncan visited me when he was feeling frustrated with advertising. He had been working as a new business director, left to take time out and travel around the world, but returned early with his plans unfinished having aborted his motorcycle trip to Peru due to an injury. Returning to the advertising world, he found it harder to settle back in and realised, having seen profound poverty close at hand during his travels around the world, that he wanted to make a difference.
Coaching with me helped him to realise what was important and he came to see that there was a values clash between the world of advertising and what he held dear - to do something that would make a difference. He is a man with huge humility and a big vision who needs to have variety and stimulation, so I helped him to see what it was that would make him happy and fulfilled, play to his strengths, honour his values and provide motivation through his work.
He came up with the idea to do 'One water' and launch a mineral water with 100% of the profits going to charity and help villages to generate their own water, with profits of One funding playgrounds with pumps. Children play having fun, and their energy brings water in the ground up to the surface, giving fresh water in villages and saving hours of walking to distant water sources which was costing them valuable education time for the children and paid working time for the adults.
Both Duncan and I remember well one occasion where he was feeling frustrated and stuck, with the obstacles in his path feeling insurmountable. I created an obstacle-course on the floor in our meeting room to represent the obstacles in his path between him and his vision being realised. He took each one and I helped him to work out what it was and how and who would help him to overcome it. He did and went on to set up
One water became the official sponsor for Bob Geldof's Live8 concert, his organisation now has a turnover of nearly £5 million and they have launched many new products all over the world. He is playing to his strengths of being a globe trotting ambassador spreading the word. He won an ITV people of Briton award in 2007, with winners in other prize categories including Helen Mirren and David Beckham.
Here's what Duncan thinks of our support in helping him to find a new career and make a difference:
Rachel has helped me to stay on track, championing the successes and helping me to believe that my vision was possible, plus identifying ways around the inevitable obstacles that have been in my path".Duncan Goose, founder, Global Ethics
About us
My name is Rachel Brushfield and I specialise in career change. I have over 23 years' experience and I set up Energise in 1997.
Energise will help you make a smooth transition to a new career and realise your potential. We have the experience, knowledge and resources to support you towards a rewarding future.
We will help you explore and clarify your options, opening up new perspectives and opportunities and support you in making the most of your talents.
Our creative, inspiring but deeply practical approach will help you move forwards with confidence no matter what the challenges you face.
Energise supports people to get the best from themselves, identifying their talents and giving them the vision, confidence and energy to create a fulfilling and prosperous future for themselves.
Energise has helped hundreds of people from all walks of life find career success and create a more rewarding way of life.
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Click on this link to find out more about the Energise career change e course:
If you want career change support, but prefer face to face, we also do career coaching. Coaching can also take place on the telephone, so distance is no object to us working together. Click on the relevant link below to find out more:
Don't forget, if you have any specific questions about your career crossroads, or want to discuss which career change service will suit your needs and budget best, do call us on 07973 911137 or e mail us at - we'd be happy to answer them. Thanks!
Rachel Brushfield, Director Energise - liberate your talent The Talent Liberation Company
T + 44 (0) 845 22 55 010
M +44 (0) 7973 911137
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