What's your W.I.F.T.? |
W.I.F.T. stands for 'What's In it For Them' and is vital to engage people influential to your success. Whether you are employed or self employed, it is even more important now than ever before in a highly competitive market to clearly, briefly and explicitly express why you are useful to your audience, whether verbally or written.
Many people assume that what they bring is obvious, but what is obvious to you often isn't obvious to your target audience. Also, we are all bombarded by thousands of messages a day, so simply don't have time to read and absorb it all. Communication overload combined with people's reluctance to 'blow their own trumpet' can make you invisible. One common example of sabotaging your own success is going for an interview, assuming that the interviewer has read your CV and understands what value you bring, so you don't spell it out to them.
Often people make the mistake of focusing on their 'features', rather than the 'benefits' they bring. Not knowing your W.I.F.T. means you are sticking your head in the sand and could be unwittingly hindering your own success.
The starting point of a W.I.F.T. is to know and understand who your specific audience is, their language and to put yourself in their shoes, seeing a situation through their eyes, not your eyes. It is common for people to get stuck in their own viewpoint and talk rather than asking questions and listening. This is shooting yourself in the foot. Knowing your W.I.F.T. is a must, as well as updating it regularly, as trends are changing so fast.
If you would like professional help developing your W.I.F.T. and key messages, we recommend an expert in communications; Caroline Wright, Wright Communication, a client of Energise:
Wright Communication
Five tips to work out your W.I.F.T. |

1) Define and understand your audience; their characteristics, role, objectives, responsibilities, interests, motivations, needs and problems.
2) Gather information about the communication preferences of your audience; phone, e mail, scheduled or spontaneous catch up, if they are a 'lark' or 'owl' etc.
3) Grade your audience e.g. customers, stakeholders or target employer by priority and importance; A, B, C etc.
4) Create a summary of features (from your point of view) e.g. languages, specialisms, and the benefits (i.e. what's in it for them from their point of view) e.g. peace of mind, making them look good etc.
5) Develop a W.I.F.T. communications plan and block out time in your diary to action it, including evaluating what's working and not working.
Have you defined your personal brand? We help our clients create a compelling and impactful personal brand. Communication needs to express and build your personal brand, so you need to define your personal brand first. To discuss how we can help you create your personal brand, call Rachel on 07973 911137. To read an Energise bulletin about Personal branding, click on this link:
Personal Branding
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Rachel Brushfield, Director
Energise - liberate your talent The Talent Liberation Company T + 44 (0) 845 22 55 010 M +44 (0) 7973 911137 |