TeachAde eBulletin June 10, 2010



Welcome to the latest edition of the TeachAde eBulletin, a quick e-mail with the latest information on TeachAde, news of upcoming events and tips to help you get the most from your membership.
In this eBulletin you'll find:
� Sites to beat summer "brain drain" with our Summer Enrichment Group
How to raise funds directly for YOUR use in YOUR classroom
� Info on the NEA Academy's online PD courses
� The latest money-saving info from our Money Talk Blog

Feel free to forward this e-mail to your education colleagues and invite them to join our online community. You and your virtual peers are what make TeachAde work. As always, if you have any suggestions for the online community, or this newsletter, please let us know.
Beat Summer Brain Drain

Summer Enrichment
Summer vacation is almost here, and with the sun and rest comes the inevitable "brain drain." Help your students maintain the skills they worked so hard to learn this year with these fun and FREE websites. Share these sites with your students and their parents .... their teacher next year will thank you!

Join our Group and share your favorite enrichment sites.
Directly Raise Funds for YOUR Classroom

Have parents ever asked you "How can I help?" or "Do you need any supplies?" Well now, thanks to Adopt-A-Classroom you can provide them a way to directly support you and their child's learning. Adopt-A-Classroom allows any teacher (public or private) to register, then anyone (parents, local businesses, families etc.) can make tax-deductible donations to the class -- to help you purchase the materials your classroom needs.

Adopt-A-Classroom is easy-to-use and 100% of the donation goes to you, the teacher; Adopt-A-Classroom takes $0 out for administration costs.

Go ahead and register today! IMPORTANT: When registering your class, be sure to choose 'TeachAde NEA Member Benefits' in the 'How did you hear about Adopt-A-Classroom?' drop-down box.

 If you have any questions check out the informational video on our site, or contact us.

Money Talk Blog & Group

Looking for easy ways to add to your savings? Considering opening an IRA, but want to know the difference between a Roth and traditional plan? Wondering how much (if anything) you save by shopping at your local warehouse store? All these topics, and many more, have been addressed by Elizabeth Schruefer, a Certified Financial Planner™, in her regular TeachAde Blog, Money Talk. You can follow Elizabeth's Blog for thoughtful and practical information to help you meet your financial goals.
In addition, check out NEA MB's Group, Budgeting Your Money, where you can seek advice or offer your best budgeting tips.
NEA Academy Online PD Courses

NEA Academy

Looking for high-quality professional development opportunities? Check out the NEA Academy. All PD courses offered through the NEA Academy are carefully screened against a set of quality standards developed by NEA members in consultation with the National Staff Development Council. Most offer 1-3 Continuing Education credits.
Watch Our Online Communities Webinar 

In case you missed our free Webinar, Online Communities: What Every Teacher Needs to Know, you can now watch the recorded presentation online.

NOTE: You must register for a free account on the hosting site, then click thru to the TeachAde Webinar.

Register Now 

If you haven't yet joined the TeachAde community, go ahead and register today!

Thank You 

We hope this quick communication was helpful. Please feel free to forward this e-mail to your colleagues, and encourage them to register for TeachAde too.

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