Issue No.  8 November  2009
Two by Two -  We Opt  For Silence
This month, there are many exciting things we could say about where we've been & what God's done.
Instead, we opt for SILENCE.
Please use the 2 mins. it would normally take to read 'our' news to Be Still & Simply Ask.... 

Am I loving God with all my heart?

                Am I loving others as myself?
The answer you hear, and what you choose to do, is more powerful than 'our' November news ever could be!
Jesus is waiting to utterly AMAZE you, if you'll just
Be Still & 'Do Whatever He says!' John 2:5 
Prayer Requests for Your City
Jesus for your City - thank Him for the role it has in preparing the way for Him.
Jesus to Reveal Himself to You & to your City 

ASK Jesus what it would look like if you (& the Church in your city) were loving Him with all your heart 

ASK is there a Muslim/Jewish neighbor, a black/white, Asian or Latino, someone of a different economic status or denomination that He's calling me to love? 
Don't be afraid to ASK - what's my role?
Two by Two would love to encourage you - just contact us! 
Contact Us
Have a question?
We'd love to hear from you! Drop us
a line at:
Two by Two
PO Box 240024
Memphis, TN 38124

Please help us encourage and inspire others by sharing your Two by Two partnership stories and photos. Send your stories & photos to:
In This Issue
Prayer Requests for Your City
With All My Heart?
Loving Others?
With All My Heart? 
Sitting by the Sea (in front of Peter's livelihood - boats, nets, all of  his earthly 'stuff')  Immediately following the catch of a liftetime, imagine how he felt when Jesus asked a simple question: 'Do you love me more than these?' 
 John 21:15
Do I love Him with
all my heart?
Loving Others?
More than what you do for God - 'Love Him with all your heart...and love your neighbor as yourself'
In This He Delights! 
Mark 12:33
Don't Give to Us !
We're grateful for your gifts (they keep Two by Two going) but for Thanksgiving, we want to bless others.
This month, please don't give to us!  Give your gift to another Kingdom Ministry.  Be blessed & know we're grateful for you!