Cardinal Header
January 30 Eagles along Wabash River in Parke/Vermillion Co.'s

March 1-12 Cuba.

March 27 Greater Prairie-Chickens at Newton, Illinois.

May 21-24 Tons of migrants at Crane Creek St. Park along Lake Eerie, Ohio. Summer - Waders, marshbirds, and grassland birds at Goose Pond, Greene Co.
More trips and details to be announced. 
Go To indianaaudubon.org to find out more about where to bird, what's being seen and how to renew your membership.

January Board Meeting Announcement
The IAS Board Meeting will be held at Turkey Run State Park on Saturday and Sunday, January 23rd and 24th, 2010. Saturday morning will begin early with an Eagle field trip with Alan Bruner. Additional details will be available on the website. Members are welcome to attend the meeting and are asked to RSVP by January 5, 2010. Contact Amy Wilms (wilmsab@muohio.edu).
The Cardinal Newsletter
Cardinal Editor:
Scott Arvin

Cynthia Powers 
The final total is in. IAS raises $1552 to help build a new tower at the Dunes State Park.
Learn more...
IAS Fall Festival 2009 Recap
By Brad Bumgardner
The Indiana Audubon Society hosted its annual Fall Birding Festival (event) at the Indiana Dunes State Park on October 2-4, 2009. Despite some scattered rain on Saturday, over 100 birders participated in the diverse birding hikes, programs, and special keynote dinner with famed Indiana birder Dr. Kenneth Brock.
Birding the dunes provided the perfect relaxation from the hustle and bustle of modern life. In total, 92 species of birds were logged throughout the weekend, including more than a few lifers for many of the birding participants. What a pleasure to host so many birders; many of them mentioning this as their best IAS fall festival yet!


*Immediate Response Necessary
     Did you know that there were viewable Greater Prairie-Chickens only an hour and a half west of Terre Haute in Illinois?  The Indiana Audubon Society has reserved blinds at the Prairie Ridge State Natural Area at Newton, Illinois on 27 March 2010 from which male birds can be studied and photographed within 100 ft. as they dance and "boom" for the "ladies".
     Participants must enter the blinds before sunup and remain there until about 9:00 a.m. or when the birds stop performing.  Usually Ring-necked Pheasants, Northern Harriers, and Eastern Meadowlarks visit the booming ground as do the occasional Short-eared Owls, American Pipit, or longspur.  Although a bit early, Am. Golden Plovers and Pectoral Sandpipers can be seen in the area, sometimes in the hundreds or thousands.
Wilson's Snipe can usually be heard "winnowing" as you walk to the blinds in the dark.
     If you do not get a spot in the blind or if you just do not want to get up in the middle of the night you can still see the birds from behind the headquarters through spotting scopes at sunup.
     After leaving the blinds we will bird the rest of the property and can expect to see the occasional Prairie Chicken along the road, Smith's Longspur, a variety of ducks, more shorebirds, and Loggerhead Shrike.
     There is space for 12 observers in the blinds which will be assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Indiana Audubon Society members can participate for free and will be given priority over non-members.  If more than 12 people respond I might be able to reserve the blinds an additional date or make special arrangements.  But you must respond as soon as possible to insure your spot and to allow me to make additional arrangements if necessary.
     More details, directions, information on lodging, etc. are forthcoming as I receive names and start assigning blinds.  For now contact me as soon as possible to make a reservation or ask for additional information at:
abbird@att.net, 765-597-2459, or 765-562-2741. Maps and detailed information about Prairie Ridge State Natural Area can be found
Alan W. Bruner
Chair, IAS Field Trip Chair

  Have you ever seen forty-eight Bald Eagles in a half hour in Indiana? That's what happened last year on the Indiana Audubon Society's annual Eagle Field Trip which produced an "average" number of eagles.  This year our Eagle Field Trip will take place 30 January 2010 and will start at sunrise at the West Union covered bridge in western Parke Co. where we will count the eagles coming off their upstream roost and passing over the bridge on their way to the Wabash River.   When the flow subsides we will work our way up and down the Wabash River bottoms in Parke and Vermillion Counties to observe eagles going about their daily activities.  Four of the six local nests should be seen as well as a variety of waterfowl.  Though not guaranteed, Golden Eagle and Trumpeter Swan have usually been present. The Golden Eagle may require an end-of-the-day run to its roost site.

Directions:  West Union Bridge
      Start - From the intersection of U.S. 41 and St. Rd. 236 three miles w. of Marshall in Parke Co. 1. Go south approximately one mile and turn west (right)  on Co. Rd. 500 N (the first blacktop road) 2. Drive approx. five miles to an angled 4-way stop at Co. Rd. 210 W. 3. Turn right on Co. Rd. 210 W. 4. After approx. 1 mile veer right on 550W for another mile when you should reach a concrete bridge with a covered bridge to your right. 5. Drive across concrete bridge and pull into parking area on north side of covered bridge or (should there be heavy snow cover) pull over as far as possible on the east side of the bridge and park. You may also find a map online by searching for the "town" of West Union which consists of only a few homes.  The bridge is just north of the indicated spot.
      You should be at the bridge no later than 7:15 a.m.  The first eagle may cross the bridge at 7:15 a.m. or as late as 7:35 a.m. and stop crossing the bridge in numbers as early as 8:00 a.m.
      The bulk of our eagle watching will be done by 1:00 p.m. but the trip will continue as long as there is interest and daylight. We will eat lunch at the Greenacres Restaurant on St. Rd. 63 south of Cayuga.
      Those wishing to spend the entire day, or who are unsure how to reach the West Union bridge, can meet at Turkey Run State Park at the east end of the Turkey Run Inn parking lot no later than 6:30 a.m.  We can carpool from there.  Also anyone who is unsure how to reach the West  Union Bridge can meet there and follow from there.
      Be prepared for mud, snow, and/or very cold weather.
Alan W. Bruner - Trip Leader
abbird@att.net, (765) 597-2459; 
cell phone  (765) 562-2741
Lillian Scott Obituary
by Deanna Wade 
Mrs. Lillian Scott of Connersville passed away at her home July 17, 2009.  Lillian was a hairdresser in Connersville for many years.  Mary Gray was one of her passions and she contributed above and beyond her resources.  She was an avid painter and would do works, frame them and raffle them off in her shop, with the proceeds going to Mary Gray.  There were many times in my 43 year tenure at Mary Gray that she would come visit and hand me a check with the directive to "use it as you see fit".  Her name appears on the plaque in Markle barn's lower level because of this generosity. She wasn't the scientist birder, but rather one who "appreciated God's creation" and wanted to do her part to care for it.  Lillian was 84 and didn't come to the sanctuary much after her beloved Carlos passed away a few years ago, but when I would visit her she wanted to know all about what was happening.  She gave unconditionally to the Indiana Audubon Society.  It is only fitting that she be remembered with this obituary.
      The next Indiana Audubon Society field trip will witness one of the greatest spectacles in Indiana birding.  On 21 November 2009 we will travel to Jasper-Pulaski FWA off U.S. 421 north of Medaryville to watch up to 25000 Sandhill Cranes ( the largest assemblage east of the Mississippi River).  These birds roost on the inland marsh on the property and disperse throughout the countryside during the day.  In the evening they all return and stage in front of the observation platform in one large mass before flying off to the marsh at dusk (quite a sight against a colorful fall sunset).

      We will meet at the Sandhill Crane Viewing Area parking lot at 8:00 a.m. amid the sounds of cranes flying overhead.  When things settle down we will carpool and work our way eastward and hopefully explore the Winamac FWA and Tippecanoe S.P. areas.  We will return to Jasper-Pulaski FWA in time to see the evening spectacle.
      Often the staging field will hold a number of geese, including a few Snow Geese, and a Whooping Crane or two has been part of the mix the past few years.  Deer and Wild Turkey are usually present as well and it is not unusual to see an eagle over the horizon.
      If time allows, a walk to the inland marsh should produce a variety of passerines and waterfowl.
      You do not have to be an IAS member to participate. We hope you can join us.
      If you have any questions feel free to contact me at abbird@att.net  or call me at
765-597-2459 or 765-562-2741 (cell)
Alan Bruner
IAS Field Trip Chair
IAS Seeks New Indiana Audubon Quarterly Editor. By Brad Bumgardner, incoming IAS Vice-President
Since 1920, Indiana birders have kept up on bird populations, data collection, and more through the Indiana Audubon's Indiana Audubon Quarterly (IAQ).  The IAQ is the ornithological journal of record for the state of Indiana.  It is published four times a year and features articles specifically devoted to Indiana ornithological information as well as timely articles on other natural history subjects, bird and wildflower census materials, and literature reviews.
Producing the IAQ is no easy task.  The managing editor must collect data, articles, and more from a wide ranging audience of Hoosier birders.  In addition, today's technologic advances have moved the IAQ online for members to read from their own computers.  For many years, Alan Bruner has helped produce the IAQ.  Alan has dedicated many hours towards this daunting project.
It was announced earlier this year that Alan will be stepping down to pass the torch to a new IAQ Editor.  Recently, an appointed IAQ committee identified the needs for a new editor, they include:
Above average writing and editorial skills.
Advanced computer knowledge.
Enthusiasm about and some basic experience with the Indiana Audubon Society (and the Quarterly).
Good people skills. Useful in solicitation of articles.
Working knowledge of Indiana birding.
Familiar with birds expected in the state.
Familiar with birding hotspots throughout the state.
Familiar with active birders throughout the state.
Knowledge of history of birding in Indiana.
Knowledge of status of bird records in Indiana, current and historical.
Familiar with proper way to submit reports and what information is required.
Familiar with AOU Checklist order. 
Interested candidates for the IAQ Editor position should email Brad Bumgardner, Bbumgardner@dnr.in.gov for more information.  This position also serves on the Indiana Audubon Society Board for three year terms.