Oct 3, 2011                                 Lord of Life Lutheran Church
L i f e L i n e s

Discovering our Vision

Thanks to everyone who participated in our recent 'Visioning' meetings! 

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Ministry Quicklinks
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Saturday 6pm
Sunday 8:30/10 am

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Email Feedback 
Our mailbox is always hungry for news!  Send info, feedback or updates [email protected]

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From the President's Corner


  As we begin a new school year at our various institutions of learning, I would like to say welcome back to all of those who were away from us here at Lord of Life.


  The start of school in our communities also signals the start of a new Sunday School year here at church. I would personally like to thank Denise Sunbury who has agreed to be our Sunday School coordinator for this year. I also want to say thanks to the many volunteers who have stepped up to teach our young boys and girls the word of the Lord.


  With that being said it is great time to look within yourself and see where you can help out by volunteering to do something in one of our many areas of worship. God is always looking for more disciples to spread the Good News.


  Lastly, if you have any suggestions or comments about any church related issues, please either e-mail them to me at:     

     [email protected] or put them in my mailbox (#150)


    Yours in Christ,

                Scott Glossner

                 President, Congregational Council


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We want to say a special thank you to Donna Yates for her many years of working with our Children's Ministry!  We have all been touched by Donna's gifts of love and her total commitment to all of our ministries.  Thankfully, Donna will continue to serve as our Senior High and Servant Mission Trips Coordinator!  Donna looks forward to  volunteering with the Children's Ministry and assist in any way that she can.  Donna has taken a position with the Medford School District where she will be a loving and caring asset with the children with whom she works.

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Sunday, October 9th, 11:30 am
Get ready, get set, and....scoop!  There will be ice cream, toppings, and fellowship galore as we get together for a scrumptious time together!  So plan on staying around for a bit after the 10:00 service or come back for this special time!

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Mark your Calendars!!  SAVE THESE DATES!!

  Lord of Life 25th Anniversary Celebration will be held Nov 6th at 10am at the Shawnee High School auditorium.  Please plan to attend this 'largest gathering' in our history, and bring a neighbor or friend, too!  We will have snacks and refreshments after.   


  Rainbow of Hope - Fashion Show and Auction - Next Friday Oct 14 starting at 6pm, Synergy (a Barber Shop Quartet) will be performing at the Rainbow of Hope Fashion Show and Auction at the Maple Shade Lions Clubhouse, 37 N. Lippencott Ave, Maple Shade, NY 08052.  Doors open at 6pm and donation is $15 to this good cause - light refreshments will be available - see Fran Jones for tickets or call her at 609-284-5968!     

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Grace Place News

    grace place
Grace Place opened on September 13th with lots of smiles and a few apprehensive parents.  Pastor Sue was there to welcome everyone as they came in.  The first two weeks have gone smoothly so far.  Thanks to Pastor Sue for Chapel and Sue Dreisbach for music.  The children look forward to the "extra special" times both Sues spend with the classes.  Ruth Rinck and Judy Burgo have returned in the four year old class and Jill Glossner leads the three year old class with Pat Rehberger.  We warmly welcome Pat to our school this year.
Limited openings are still available for children ages 3 thru 5. Please call 268-2756 for more info-applications & brochures are available in entryway. 

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Thursday, October 19th, Noon 
PEP Applefest!     Come and enjoy an all apple lunch...well almost.  Our menu will include Baked Pork and Chicken with Apples, Apple Waldorf Salad, Applesauce, and Apple Desserts!  Then we'll enjoy a special presentation by Visiting Angels Senior Home Care.  Join us for great food amd fellowship.


Wednesdays, 10-11:30 am 

     Join us for Old Testament Stories from the Back Side.   Dr. Kalas brings a new perspective tobible selected Old Testament stories by approaching them from the back side through a unique starting point, a creative retelling, a new lens, or the eyes of a minor or unsympathetic character.  This Wednesday, we'll follow our study with Salad, Song, and Sacrament.  Come for the study and stay or just come for the light lunch, communion, and fellowship. 



Friday, October 21st, 8am

 Guided Tour $34

Never before have so many of Rembrandt's finest paintings, etchings, and drawings that depict Jesus Christ and events of his life been assembled for an exhibition.  Join us as we gain insight into these paintings and the stories behind them.  Please sign up by Wednesday, October 5th, so that we can make our reservations.  Check in with Sue Dreisbach with any questions or more information. 

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Saturday, Dec. 3rd

Plaid Tidings Surflite Theatre   Surflight Theatre is back, and we're headed there for our annual Christmas outing.  We'll be dining at the Bayberry Inn, always a special treat, then heading down the road to the theatre for a Special Holiday Edition of the hit musical Forever Plaid.  PLAID TIDINGS continues the story of the singing group whose lives were lost in an accident involving a busload of teens en route to see "The Ed Sullivan Show." Encouraged by a heavenly phone call from Rosemary Clooney, the high-spirited boys of Forever Plaid - Frankie, Sparky, Jinx and Smudge - are transported from the ethereal cosmos to stage a nostalgic holiday extravaganza for world-weary mortals on Earth. Stuffed with such "Plaid-erized" Christmas standards as "Mr. Santa," "Let It Snow" and "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas," this PLAID TIDINGS is one holiday treat that is truly Heaven-sent.
   The cost is $54, and we'll be carpooling from the church and Leisuretowne.  To reserve your seat, please sign up on the bulletin board by Sunday, Oct. 9th, and place a $20 deposit or the entire amount in Sue's box.  The balance will be due on November 11th.


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Wednesday Morning Mom's Bible Study bible 

Join fellow Moms from 9:30-11:30 on Wednesday mornings. Childcare is available. "A Confident Heart" gives voice to the questions, doubts, struggles, and hopes so many women have. Author Renee Swope shows us how to identify, overcome, and learn from our self-doubts so that we can live confidently in God's assurance, truth, and grace. Contact Lisa Spector at [email protected] or 268-2842 to sign up or if you have any questions. Flyers are available on the bulletin board.

coffee cupSunday, October 16th, 2pm
Pull out your favorite tea cup and join us for an afternoon of fellowship.  Bring a friend or make a new friend as we gather to enjoy one another's company around a friendly cup of tea, finger sandwiches, and desserts.  Please sign up on the bulletin board.

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Sunday Oct. 16, 23, at 11:30
Take a dozen kids, 2 boxes of handchimes, mix them together, and what do you get?  Children's Music Ministry!

"Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children." (Matthew 19:14)


     Children are a very important part of our ministry at Lord of Life, and our worship ministry would like to invite all children to be a part of our worship experience.  We are in the process of forming a handchime group, as well as possibly forming a children's choir, and/or an instrumental ensemble.  Join us after Sunday School in the sanctuary for approximately 20-30 minutes as we begin to explore the joy of making music together to give glory to God with songs, movement, and instruments!  All are welcome!

 If you would like to find out more information, please see Sue Dreisbach or Rick Krause.

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Our 2011-2012 Confirmation year has gotten off to a wonderful start!    


Over 100 people took part in the Confirmation Orientation and Family Dinner!


30 youth and adults participated in the Retreat Day over the Rosh Hashanah holiday by serving   at the Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge in trail cleaning, weeding, and raking and celebrating at Indian Acres Tree Farm with the rock wall, zip line, and pillow bounce!


Four Confirmation learning sessions are being held this month on Sunday mornings!  


Many committed parents and teachers are involved along with our Pastors in helping to make this three year program a wonderful discovery time of faith through learning, serving, and celebrating opportunities! 


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Recently, one of our new confirmation students had a special conversation with her Mom.  She was faced with a conflict-be a part of her favorite weekend pastime of horse shows or attend the Confirmation learning sessions this month.  She chose Confirmation because, "It's a lot more important, Mom."  It brought a tear to her Mom's ears and we're sure warmed
the heart of God.

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Senior High Youth Ministry (SHYM) is off to an exciting start!   


19 youth have attended the Wednesday evening Dinner and Conversation events!


20 Care Packages were assembled and sent out to our college students! 


An additional Senior High gathering has started in host homes on Sunday nights!


Wonderful support for this ministry is coming from parents, leaders, and our Pastors! 


Additional couches would be appreciated in the conversation area where the youth meet.  If you have a gently used one that you would like to donate, please talk to Donna! 


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Help Wanted!
Where is God calling you to be and do?

25th Anniversary Event:  Looking for some volunteers to assist with planning/execution of the 25th anniversaryHelp Wanted!celebration scheduled for 11/6. Need volunteers to assist in planning decorations, food, communications, etc. Expect to meet bi-weekly (1 hour evening) in Sept, then weekly (1 hour meetings) in Oct. Please contact Ed Hourihan 856-988-2089, Kim Grantner 856-334-8201 or Cindy Lee 609-953-9522. Thank you!


Winter Coffee House:  We're looking for music lovers who would like to see our Coffee House return for two Fridays in each of the months of January, February, and March.  Please talk to Pastor David.  


Haiti Sewing Project:  Donations of fabric (minimum 1 yard), threads, sewing needles, scissors, various notions, and patterns (men's, women's and children's clothing, all sizes) are needed.  Deadline to submit donations is November 20th.  All items received will be shipped to Haiti in time for the next mission trip in March.  If you'd like to help but have questions, please give Penny Miller a call (609-726-1698).  Thank you for your support!     


Baptismal Banners:  We are looking for a few additional volunteers to help make baptismal banners.  If interested, please give the office a call.  Thank you!


Praise Team Music Books - If you have a couple of hours, we need help in preparing more music binders to cover all of Praise Team musicians and singers! 

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Marriage Anniversaries!wedding bands

Rich & Laurie Jennings (10/3), David & Jean Audus (10/4),  

Sarah & Michael Ditzel (10/4), Dennis & Donna Yates (10/4),  

Colleen & Jeff Dayton (10/5), Jim & Carlie Leusner (10/5),  

Nikki & Dan Humbert (10/7), William & Tina Leach (10/8),  

Melissa & David Ciliberti (10/9), Tom & Linda Hall (10/10),  

Gregg & Marcy Parker (10/10), David & Debra Vacca (10/10), Ella & Raymond Rathjen (10/13), Nancy & Libero DeAngelis (10/14), Donna & Dennis Smith (10/14),  

Julie & Steven Vorwerk (10/15)


   May God's presence in your marriage continue to foster many more years of your shared love together.  Have a wonderful anniversary!

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first communionBaptism Anniversaries!  
"There is one body, and one Spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all."  Ephesians 4:4-5


Cora Albinson (10/3), Matthew Bourbon (10/3), Kim Grantner (10/3), Martin Drew Mozitis (10/3), Lucas Wojtaszek (10/3), Zachary Evans (10/4), Devon Jervis (10/4), Julia (Judy) Bencivengo (10/4), David Albinson (10/5), Carolyn Cuviello (10/5), Jake Miller (10/5), Merlana Mottershead (10/5), Tyler Heinrich (10/7), Jim Cottingham (10/8), Samantha Jane Ditzel (10/9), Jill Glossner (10/9), Kaitlyn Glossner (10/9), Joseph Daly (10/9), Kristina Haugland (10/(10), Lynne Larson (10/(10), Alexander Oakley (10/(10), Amanda Browne (10/11), Matthew Fennimore (10/12), Jennifer Venturi (10/12), Doug Hess (10/13), Rachel Jones (10/13), Priscilla Faucett (10/14), Devon Borkowski (10/15), Alfred Cole (10/15), Rich Watson (10/16)


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cartoon of people
Wishing a Happy Birthday to: 

Julia (Judy) Bencivengo (10/4), Elizabeth Blair (10/4), Anja Strobl (10/4), Grant Christianson (10/4), Alexandra Miller (10/5), Benjamin Jones (10/6), Dylan Parker (10/6), Wallace Pickard (10/6), Kira Albinson (10/6), Robbie Sunbury (10/6), Ralph Schwab (10/7), Amanda Kucklinca (10/7), Tracy DeAngelis (10/7), Bill Dreisbach (10/7), Michele Ingrao (10/8), Claudia Levin (10/9), Joseph Daly (10/9), William Reich (10/9), Matthew Romanuski (10/11), William, Jr. Rudderow (10/11), Ann Merillat (10/12), Robert Barnes (10/12), Ella Doel (10/13), Tammy Miller (10/14), Ruth Byrd (10/14), Ryan Brown (10/14), Jennifer Strobl (10/14), Barbara Schwing (10/15), Don Seislove (10/16)


You were born a child of God - celebrate this day and all days in the life God has given to you!  

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Pictures Needed!

 Pictures - Pictures - Pictures Still Needed! ... in preparation of our 25th anniversary we are looking for pictures of our church history that you'd like to share - anything that we may have missed - some significant milestone, some important moment in the life of our congregation.  Please send (or loan original print) to [email protected] and thanks! 

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prayer= = = = Prayers of the Congregation = = = =

PRAYERS FOR HEALING & STRENGTH:Joanne Adair, Billy, Brianna, Pat & Stephanie, Lars Branoff, Nancy Cottingham, Joe & Sandy Daly, Gisela Jimenez, Meghan Kelly, Rolland Komacivich, the Massino family, Frank & Kass Rodden, Eleanor Sauerwine, Veronica Tapsony, Andrew Thompson, Baby Girl Yates, Charles Yoos & Betty Young;  


SYMPATHY & PRAYERS are extended to Pastor Sue's family on the death of Marie Jones.


BORN AGAIN THIS WEEKEND by Water and the Word is Gianna Taylor DeAngelis. We ask God's blessing on Gianna, her parents, Melissa & John, and godparents. May the Lord strengthen all of us in our commitment as we nurture our newest child in Christian faith.  

THOSE SERVING OUR COUNTRY: CJ Albrecht, Tommy Cksekellich, Matthew Cuviello, Joe Delgado, Joshua Dowsey, Matthew Guilfoy, Dan Humbert, Rob Jones, Joey Miller, Rick Molchan, Kevin Overcash, Tommy Riches, Joseph Schlesinger, Kenny Shugars, Brian Smith, Rich Stull, Ethan Wade, Dustin White & Daniel Wilson; as well as people in all areas of conflict around the world.


SPECIAL NEEDS:All those seeking employment (hope & confidence).


MISSION PARTNERS:Elect Saints Lutheran Church, Hamilton, and Urban Promise of Camden.


WE WARMLY WELCOME Rev. Nelson Rabell-Gonzlez, Pastor of Apostles Lutheran Church, Turnersville, who shared the Good News with us at our Saturday evening worship service.

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Upcoming Events at Lord of Lifefirst communion 

= = = = = =   October  2 0 1 1   = = = = = = 
Monday (10/3)
  1:30 pm - Sounds of Joy at Lutheran Care in Moorestown 

Tuesday (10/4)

  1:45 pm - Celebration Ringers

  7:00 pm - Loss Support Group


Wednesday (10/5)

  8:00 am - Men's Fellowship Breakfast

  9:30 am - Mom's Study - A Confident Heart 

10:00 am - Adult Bible Study - Old Testament Stories from the Back Side 

11:30 am - Salad, Song & Sacrament 

  6:00 pm - SHYM (Senior High Youth Ministry)

  6:00 pm - Worship Planning  

  7:30 pm - New Life Choir

  7:30 pm - Women's Study "God in the Laundry Room" 

  Reservations due for Philadelphia Museum "Faces of Jesus" exhibit 

Thursday (10/6)

  7:30 pm - Finance Team meeting

Friday (10/7)

  7:00 PM - Troop 23953 (FDC 208)   


Saturday (10/8)   
   6:00 PM - Service Celebrating Jewish / Old Testament Heritage


Sunday (10/9)    

  8:30 am - Service of Holy Communion

10:00 AM - Prayer, Praise & Thanksgiving with Holy Communion
                & Sunday School & Confirmation Learning Session 

11:30 AM - Sundaes on Sunday 


Monday (10/10)
  9:00 am - Staff Meeting

  7:00 pm - Council Meeting  


Tuesday (10/11) 

  1:45 pm - Celebration Ringers  


Wednesday (10/12)    

  8:00 am - Men's Fellowship Breakfast

  9:30 am - Mom's Bible Study - A Confident Heart 

10:00 am - Adult Bible Study - Old Testament Stories from the Back Side

  2:00 pm - Social Ministry Team Meeting 

  6:00 pm - SHYM (Senior High Youth Ministry)
  7:30 pm - New Life Choir - new choir members welcome!  

  7:30 pm - Women's Study "God in the Laundry Room" 

Reservations and deposit due for December 3rd Surflight Theatre Trip    


Thursday (10/13)   



Friday (10/14)   

  6:00 pm - Girl Scout Meetings (FDC 208, Basement & Fellowship Hall)11:59 pm -  LifeLines inputs due to "[email protected]"


     NOTE: Fuller Legacy Build, Minden, LA - 10/14->10/22 

Saturday (10/15) 

  9:00 am - New Members' Orientation 

  6:00 pm - Service of Holy Communion   


Sunday (10/16)

  8:30 am - Service of Holy Communion 

10:00 am - Prayer, Praise & Thanksgiving with Sunday School
                 & Confirmation Learning Session

  1:00 pm - CROP Walk  

  2:00 pm - Women's Ministry Tea (Fellowship Hall

  6:30 pm - SHYM (Senior High Youth Ministry) 


Monday (10/17)  

  7:00 am - Look for your next LifeLines!  

  6:00 pm - Men's Ministry Dinner

- - - - - "Save the Date" for these Upcoming Events Activities - - - -     

ANYTIME:  "Simply Giving" contribution form can be obtained by clicking here


GRACE PLACE Preschool is now accepting applications.  Click here for more information

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Thanks to Thrivent for Sponsoring this Newsletter!

Thanks to Thrivent and Bob Sunbury for sponsoring this year's subscription for the LifeLines!  Bob at Thrivent can be reached at this link if you would like more information on financial products and services from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans or at  Phone: 609-678-0668   or  [email protected]

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Vicar Sue JOnesContact Info         [email protected]Pastor Dave indoor head
 Pastor David Jones           [email protected]
 Pastor Sue Jones              [email protected]
1 Winchester Court           609-268-0262 (office)
Tabernacle, NJ 08088      609-268-3470 (fax)