ProMetabolics Energy 
Nutrition Tips From
Dr. Santillo Books

  The Power of Nutrition with Enzymes  
The Power of Nutrition with Enzymes Book

Excerpts from The Power of Nutrition with Enzymes:  


My suggested program for mental health uses digestive enzymes as the foundational supplement, along with a complete amino acid supplement, a whole-food drink or supplement like Juice Plus+, and the essential omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids. Consult a good nutritional therapist and see where else you may be deficient. Make sure your enzyme product is plant-derived and contains all four categories of digestive enzymes: lipase, amylase, protease, and cellulase.


Recommendations for a General Anti-Inflammatory Program 

  • using digestive enzymes with meals
  • using proteolytic enzymes between meals
  • using Juice Plus+ products (especially Vineyard Blend)
  • keeping hydrated
  • increase vegetables  
  • using buffered vitamin C
  • using lipoic acid
  • using methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
  • monitoring your salivary and urinary pH (see below)  

You can also add herbs and other specific supplements for particular needs. Find a good health practitioner to help with proper dosages. (Use the system detailed in ProMetabolics: Your Personal Guide to Transformational Health and Healing to monitor your pH, your body's response to diet and supplements, your hormonal balance, and more.)

Your Body Speaks--Your Body Heals
Your  Body Speaks-Your body Heals BookExcerpted from Your Body Speaks--Your Body Heals:

The Purification Diet for Inner Cleanliness


You'll support your body during this diet with plenty of juices, and if necessary, with herbs. You want to assist detoxification and not to put excessive stress on the organs involved. So during the purification diet--or any cleansing diet--I strongly suggest the following:  

  • Avoid stimulants and sedatives. No caffeine is allowed. You should not ingest anything that would cause a stimulating or sedating reaction--you want to experience your body the way it really is.
  • Rest as much as possible. If you feel well enough, you can do some light exercise such as walking.
  • Honor your individual needs. If the diet's recommended food is too much for you to eat, or if you are simply not hungry, skip a meal. If you do skip a meal, substitute for it with 2 cups of freshly made fruit or vegetable juice.
  • Take a probiotic supplement to support the bowel. You can get these at your health food store; make sure the product contains bifidus and/or acidophilus cultures.
  • Take supplemental digestive enzymes before each meal. Choose a product that contains the four major digestive enzyme groups: amylase, protease, lipase, and cellulase.
Your Personal Guide to
Transformational Health and Healing
ProMetabolics BookExcerpted from ProMetabolics:

Nutritional Strategies
  1. Vegetables. You should eat as many vegetables as possible--organic is best. All leafy green vegetables should be eaten raw. Root vegetables and other hard vegetables can be lightly steamed or juiced; the cooking frees fiber-bound nutrients.
  2. Fruits. Fruits are good foods that contain vitamins and minerals plus fiber. Fruit is best eaten as the whole food rather than as fruit juice, because fruit juice is so highly concentrated with sugars. (Juice Plus+is an exception, as the sugar is removed.)
  3. Meat, poultry, and eggs. If you choose to eat meat and/or poultry, make sure it's organic and grass--fed if possible. Grain-fed animals are usually higher in fat and their feed is laced with herbicides and pesticides. Organic poultry, lamb, beef, ostrich, turkey, and buffalo are good choices. Eat small amounts and always take digestive enzymes before your meal.
  4. Fish. If possible, fish should be wild-caught and fresh. Low-fat white fish such as sole and flounder is a good choice. The essential fatty acids (EFAs) in fish are important for brain function and for every cell in your body. These EFAs are also precursors for prostaglandins and other hormones.
  5. Essential fats. A very low-fat diet can have a detrimental effect on the health and functioning of both body and brain. You need some fat in your diet to serve as building blocks for hormones and other substances, to serve crucial functions in cell membranes, and to ensure the body's absorption of fat-soluble nutrients. Specific fatty acids can also be very helpful against inflammatory conditions and other disease states.
  6. Dietary fiber. Fiber is actually several substances contained in plant cell walls: cellulose (in wheat bran), hemicellulose (in oat bran), gums (such as gum arabic), mucilages (guar), pectins (in citrus rind and apple), algin and carageenan (in seaweed), and lignans (in flaxseed, cabbage, wheat, and apple). Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are excellent fiber sources. Dietary fiber speeds the transit time of bowel movements by bulking up the stool; it is sometimes used for constipation, and this same effect also helps against intestinal acidification.
  7. Beans. Pinto beans, kidney beans, black beans, adzuki, white beans, lentils, and all peas are examples of this food group. Dried beans are typically fresher in a health food store than in a regular grocery store. Avoid canned beans, because their enzymes have been destroyed by the heat involved in canning. Eat beans only in moderation. Their starch is one of the main reasons you want to limit their use. They are best eaten sprouted: soak for eight hours, then rinse and cook them slowly.
  8. Grains. The grain products in your diet should be 100 percent whole grain and preferably sprouted first. You can buy sprouted-grain bread at your health food store. The sprouting process (soaking grains overnight and then letting them sit for four to eight hours) begins to predigest them. Their own enzymes start to break down the protein, fats, and carbohydrates into simpler forms, releasing some of the enzyme inhibitors grains contain and making them easier to digest.
  9. Milk products. Unless they are organic, milk and milk products contain pesticides, herbicides, hormones, and antibiotics. Also, during pasteurization, their enzymes are denatured or altered by the heat, which means they are essentially deactivated.

    If you do use cow's milk products, keep them at a minimum. People who are lactose intolerant should avoid milk products altogether.  

  10. More tips on yeast, corn products, microwaving, artificial sweeteners, probiotics, enzymes, and chlorophyll in ProMetabolics.
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