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November 25, 2009

Our Thanks and Thanksgiving Blessings to

You, Your Family, and Loved Ones

If  the only prayer you said in your  whole life was, "Thank you," that would suffice.
- Meister Eckhart O.P, c. 1260 - c.1328
Dear Friends,

This Thanksgiving, as we sit down with family, friends, and loved ones, we give thanks for the blessings in our lives.  It is a time when, in spite of the problems we face individually and collectively, we reflect on the abundance of God's grace that surrounds us.  

On this day we are grateful for you - faith-filled Catholics supporting and speaking out on social justice issues that reflect the Gospel.  Your support has driven the dramatic growth of Catholic Democrats over the past year.  We are grateful for the countless number of you who have shared your stories, your vision for a better world, and your voice on how we can best serve the common good.

You are one of almost 15,000 Catholics who have joined together with like-minded Americans to support Catholic Democrats in bringing Catholic Social Teaching into the public square.  Today, in part because of the passion we and other people of faith have summoned, there is a new energy in our country to begin solving a myriad of compelling social problems - the reshaping of our health care system first among them.  

But there is also a new spirit of commitment to address growing poverty, economic injustice, unjust war, torture, the protection of God's creation, political divisiveness spilling over into faith communities, and - of course - the life issues that have historically been so daunting.

Working together to find common ground in faith, reason, and respect, we are truly blessed in the opportunities before us to make the world a better place for all.

Thanksgiving blessings to you and your loved ones,

Patrick Whelan MD PhD
Suzanne Morse
Lisa Schare
Steve Krueger