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February 19, 2009

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Catholic Democrats Applauds Pope Benedict XVI and Speaker Pelosi for Their Dialogue
Boston, MA Catholic Democrats is applauding both Pope Benedict XVI and Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D-California) for meeting and establishing a dialogue on critical issues facing the United Sates and the global community.  The two met at the Vatican and conferred on issues connected to poverty, hunger, and global warming, and also discussed the dignity of human life.

"It is heartening to see Pope Benedict and Speaker Pelosi, a Democratic leader and practicing Catholic, reaching out to one another," said Dr. Patrick Whelan, president of Catholic Democrats.  "Catholics care deeply about poverty, suffering in the Middle East, and about the broad range of life issues.  Last week, Speaker Pelosi helped shepherd an economic stimulus package through Congress that begins to address pressing human and economic needs in our country that will have a positive global impact."  Studies have shown that anti-poverty and employment programs - such as many contained in the stimulus package - reduce the abortion rate.  Catholic Democrats is hopeful that restoring economic health will help blunt the negative effects of the Bush Recession on abortion rates in the US.

"What is important about yesterday's meeting is that a dialogue occurred," said Steve Krueger, National Director of Catholic Democrats.  "Unfortunately some ideological conservatives have used this meeting to advance the same divisive politics. In contrast, when the Pope visited the United States last April, he evoked a spirit of civility to bridge the divides over the challenges confronting us in pursuit of the common good."

In a message to all Americans at the beginning of that visit, Pope Benedict XVI said, "This 'golden rule' is given in the Bible, but it is valid for all people, including non-believers. It is the law written on the human heart, on this we can all agree, so that when we come together to address other matters we can do so in a positive and constructive manner for the entire human community."

About Catholic Democrats
Catholic Democrats is an association of state based groups representing a Catholic voice within the Democratic Party, and advancing a public understanding of the rich tradition of Catholic Social Teaching and its potential to help solve the broad range of problems confronting all Americans. For more information about Catholic Democrats please go to