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Firepower International
Adam and Liz

Thanksgiving 2009


It's time to prepare to thank the Lord for all that He has done for us this year, especially for the families, faith and friends that He has given us.

I cannot tell you how grateful I am just to be here for this Thanksgiving!

In January it looked pretty grim for me health wise with a diagnosis of cancer and an initial prognosis of six months to two years to live!

The trials of treatment, including two rounds of chemo, radiation and major surgery, have been difficult to say the least, but your prayers and support have been a key component to get me to this point with no evidence of cancer currently in my body.

Much prayer is still needed to get me through the next five years cancer free, so please don't give up on me, because I know if you still keep praying I will have a 100% chance of making it!

I w
ant to personally thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for me this year. I could not have made it this far without you.

May this Thanksgiving be one of great happiness for you, and I hope there will be many family members and friends around you as you celebrate the Lord's goodness

 Jeff and Melva
sting God, no matter what!
          Jeff and Melva Beacham
          Firepower Ministries International

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             Firepower Ministries International
            1563 Old Freehold Road, 
            Toms River, NJ 08755 

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