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Firepower International
The FMI Report - September 2009 
A Daring Adventure, Picking Up the Sword Again, Family Films Rock 
In a World Without America!
Sept. Ministry
Product of the Month
Family Movies Rock
August Schedule
Jeff BeachamGreetings!
It's great to be in touch with you again. 
I continue to recover from my last treatment and my health and strength are increasing daily. Your prayers are still greatly appreciated.
This month's FMI Report (Sept.) contains my editorial "A Daring Adventure."  Make sure you click through to the whole report on our website. 
Click on the links below to get the complete story! 
May God richly bless you,
Jeff Signiture   
Jeff Beacham
Firepower Ministries International
Editorial: A Daring Adventure
 Jim Elliot
"Jim Elliot was one of five young missionaries who, in 1955, gathered in Ecuador with a vision to reach a tribe of Indians, the Aucas, who lived deep in the rain forest. No one had ever presented the gospel to them. However, after several attempts to make contact, they were all martyred by the Indians, who mistakenly thought that the missionaries had come to harm them...."
FeedbackFeedback: From Way Back....
"...I met you at a conference [at Cairns Christian Centre, Cairns, Australia] in 1992. I am now the administrator at my church. I still share today what I learnt from you.... My eldest daughter, who was saved at that same conference, is a missionary out at Halls Creek, WA and her husband is the pastor at the church. My family are powering on for God...!"
Read more here NOW! 
Sept. Ministry: Picking Up the Sword Again
Juan and Diedre Rivera
"As our church prayed and stood with the Beachams this year through Jeff's battle with cancer, we were filled with joy to see Jeff minister with great strength, vigor and anointing. The prophetic word 'In a World without America' rang with great clarity and authority in the ears and hearts of our people...."
>>> Read more here NOW!
Product of the Month: Multiplication in Our Gen. Part 2

Multiplicatio Pt 2
Once we are mature as Christians and able to reproduce spiritually, the Father is looking for the fruit that He expects us to present to Him. Pursuit of our own spiritual growth at the expense of evangelism brings glory only to us, when much fruit of souls brings glory to the Father, and all our prayers are answered!
Now on DVD, CD & MP3 in our Online Store!
SpockNews: Family Movies Kill 'R' Rated Movies
"Family films have a long history of making money. A Dove Foundation study showed that [for] over 15 years, Hollywood has issued 12 times more 'R' rated films than 'G' rated ones, while the average 'G' rated film produced 11 times the revenue...." 
>>> Read more here NOW!
New FMI Logo with ShadowMinistry Schedule: October
Jeff will be ministering again a few times this month. 
Follow the link below for details.
Stay in touch with Jeff on Facebook.
>>> View our Ministry Schedule online!
Thank you for reading this eNewsletter! Don't forget to click on the links above for more news of the month!
Come visit us anytime at our new website: 
Jeff Beacham
Firepower Ministries International
(732) 349-1550, ext. 205 |