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Firepower International
Health Update: 
Amazing Grace, Recovery Prayer and What's Up Ahead?
Jeff Beacham Greetings!,
As I am writing to you right now, I am experiencing the wonderful (tongue in cheek), debilitating effects of the dose of chemo I had last Wednesday.
People have asked me many times what it's like. The only way I can describe it is it's as if you have been literally poisoned, or you feel like your life is being drained right out of you.
Perhaps if you were a balloon and the air in you was your life, then you feel like there's a leak and you're in danger of being completely deflated! However, amongst these debilitating effects, the good news is that was the last dose, thank God! 
The last 8 months of treatment has been a long haul and I am tired of feeling half dead, sick and weak all the time. Now I have to concentrate on recovery. Please believe with me that I can regain my strength quickly. 
In a few weeks I will have another scan to see how this last treatment has worked. I hope you will stand with me believing that no further cancer will be found.
The medical authorities rate my chance of survival over the next five years at 70-75%, with the first three years being crucial. If I add in the amazing amount of prayer and faith expressed by you and thousands of others on my behalf, then those odds must increase dramatically.
I am forever thankful for God's amazing grace to get this far. It has been confirmed by so many that there is much more for me to accomplish before my God given assignment is completed.
With most of my focus being on my health all this year, it's now time to refocus and concentrate on what the Lord would have me do up ahead.
In anticipation of this, I will be ministering later this year (hopefully I will get to see you at that time). The way I figure it is to start by just getting up and moving again. As I move in the right direction things will become clearer as I go!
Prayer Points: Pray for strength to bear this last round of chemo, and for a total restoration of health and strength over the next 6 months and beyond. Pray for God's provision to increase for this next phase of picking up ministry again.
It is a real encouragement and inspiration to know you are there for Melva and me. Continue to stand with us as I walk through this to victory! We have quite a way to go yet, but knowing you are there is a great comfort.

We appreciate you being with us in prayer and support!
You can donate directly online at our website (It is totally secure. We have never had a problem with online donations in 15 years), through PayPal or by sending a check.
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* Mail: You can mail a check or money order to:  

             Firepower Ministries International
            1563 Old Freehold Road, 
            Toms River, NJ 08755

I will update you again within the next two weeks.

Trusting God, no matter what!
Jeff Signiture  
Jeff Beacham
Founder and Director
Firepower Ministries International
New FMI Logo with Shadow Jeff's Ministry Itinerary
Due to medical procedures, Jeff will not be ministering for the next few months. Health permitting, there may be an exception on the odd occasion. Check our schedule regularly for updates.
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