Firepower International
The FMI Report - April 2008

Global Warning, Huge Harvest at Healing Rain, The Chosen, and A Form of Godliness

Editorial: Global Warning
Healing Rain Harvest
Monthly Featured Church
May Ministry Itinerary
Product of the Month
Jeff Beacham Greetings!
It's a pleasure to be in touch with you again.
Below are the links to the April FMI Report, an exciting record of our ministry over the last month.
We like what Philippians 4:8 says, "Whatsoever things are of good report... think on these things."
We welcome your feedback. Just reply to this email and let us know what you think.
Also, don't forget to click on the links below for the whole report which contains many other exciting features and events.
May God richly bless you,
Jeff Beacham
Founder and Director
Firepower Ministries International
Global WarningEditorial: Global Warning!

There's still a large number in our society who believe you shouldn't mix religion and politics. This notion has always been slanted more to mean that clergy shouldn't express political opinions, rather than politicians making religious assertions. Rev. Jeremiah Wright's recent rocketing notoriety has inflicted his liberation theology (a mix of Marxism and Christianity) on all of us and would certainly lend credence to clergy staying out of the political realm. However, when politicians try to borrow from the Bible to support their agendas, most of the time they mess up!

>>> Read more here now!
Healing RainHuge Harvest at Healing Rain
"There was a tremendous response to the altar call; people filled the altar and platform for the healing of generations. Also, there were many salvations and physical healings that took place. The pastors and people were moved to run with the baton!"
>>> Read more here now!
GAPThis Month's Featured Church
Just about every week, we can be found somewhere in America or the world ministering at a different church. Every month, we like to feature at least one of those churches, including photos and testimonies. Follow this link to see who it is this month.
>>> Read more here now!
Firepower Ministries
May Ministry Itinerary
In May, we will be ministering in Rutherford, New Jersey; Houston, Texas; Farmingdale, Long Island, New York; and Toms River, New Jersey.
It would be great to see you; make sure you come and join us if we are ministering close to you!
The ChosenFeatured Product of the Month:
New! The Chosen
Most are invited, but only some are picked out of the crowd. Is it our free will or God's election? God calls everyone and gives them the power to respond. But to be chosen, we must respond to the call, using the power God gave us to take on the character of Christ.
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Thank you for reading this eNewsletter! Don't forget to click on the links above for more news of the month! Come visit us anytime at:
Jeff Beacham
Firepower Ministries International
(732) 349-1550, ext. 205