October 2012
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Building Products Outlook
Recovered Fiber Market
Southern Pine Lumber
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Top 3 Stories from the September Issue


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Housing Market Update-August 2012


By Suz-Anne Kinney 

The majority of statistics about the housing market released in September continued to support the view, nearly universal now, that the housing market has climbed out of the ditch and is on the road to a sustainable recovery. Home prices ...  


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By Suz-Anne Kinney


In May 2008, I started working at Forest2Market. My first assignment was to scour the news and talk to our contacts about changes in mill capacity, and therefore demand for timber, in the South. As part of our mission to ...  


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Moving beyond Average: Break through the Chatter in the Market and Improve Business Performance

By Suzanne Hearn 


As human beings, we tend to shape our view of the world around the information we have. Figure 1 is a case in point. This graph shows the volume weighted average price for OCC in the Southeast region of the US ...  


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SYP Tracker-August 2012 Mill2Market Results
By Matthew Perkowski


The figure below summarizes pricing data gathered for Forest2Market's weekly lumber market report, Mill2Market. For this market report, Forest2Market aggregates sales order data submitted directly by report subscribers. This figure charts weekly sales order prices from January 2010 through year ...  


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By Suz-Anne Kinney 


The Southern Pine Inspection Board (SPIB) has submitted new design values for all sizes and grades of visually graded southern pine dimension lumber to the American Lumber Standards Committee (ALSC) for review. The ALSC Board of Review (BOR) will meet on October ...  


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Forestry-Related Industry Performance-August 2012

By Suz-Anne Kinney

In August, ISM's PMI ticked down to 49.6 percent, from 49.8 in July (50 percent is the breakpoint between contraction and expansion). Bradley Holcomb, chair of ISM's Manufacturing Business Survey Committee, concluded with, "Comments from the [respondent] panel generally reflect a slowdown ...  


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