September 2012
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Recovered Fiber
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Top 3 Stories from the August Issue


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By Daniel Stuber  


Construction-related markets continued to show strength in the second quarter of 2012 (Table 1). Housing starts increased 28.5% compared to the same period last year, and construction spending was up 8.1%. Remodeling dipped just half a percent, down 3.3% from ...  


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Wood Fuel Prices - 2Q2012

By Daniel Stuber


Last August, we predicted that the US South was on a new trend line for wood fuel prices. Now, one year later, data from the first half of 2012 appears to be further substantiating our claim.

US South wood fuel prices have been on a decline since peaking in...


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Housing Market Update-July 2012


By Suz-Anne Kinney 


Several reports released in August show that home prices are moving off the bottom. In the second quarter, the S&P Case-Shiller national index rose 2.2 percent quarter over quarter and 1.2 percent year over year. This quarterly gain was the ...  


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By Suz-Anne Kinney 


From Forest2Market's Economic Outlook: The Institute for Supply Management's (ISM) reports on business activity were split, with manufacturing contracting but service sector activity expanding at a slightly faster pace during July (Table 1). Bradley Holcomb, chair of ISM's Manufacturing Business ...  


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Must History Repeat Itself? Recovered Fiber Market Crashes

By Suzanne Hearn   

When the economy fell off the cliff in the autumn of 2008, both domestic and export recovered fiber markets quickly followed. In fact, traded volumes and prices of all fiber grades fell so fast and far that processing plants hung placards on their doors telling all who approached: "No paper wanted." ...


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By Suz-Anne Kinney


Forest2Market introduces its Forest2Mill product line, our suite of services for buyers and sellers of logs, into the Midwest. Forest2Mill for the Midwest will report total delivered cost and cost components for: Hardwood pulpwood Hardwood chips Aspen pulpwood Softwood pulpwood Softwood ...  


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By Suz-Anne Kinney


Forest2Market announced today that Peter Coutu has joined the company. In his new role, Coutu will head the company's Midwest and Northeast region office, which is located at 4650 W. Spencer Street, Suite 21, Appleton, WI  54914. Coutu will be responsible for ...  


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Forest2Market Announces Additions to its Mill2Market Lumber Market Reports 


By Suz-Anne Kinney  

When today's issue of Forest2Market's Mill2Market lumber report goes out, customers will notice it has grown. In 2009, when we published our first report, the report contained one page of data. Today, the report includes 17 pages of data. Specifically, the reports now ...  


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