Although there have been some distinct trends with pulpwood pricing in the first half of the year, the big story with sawtimber is that not much has changed. Regardless of seasonality, the stumpage price of this material (the price paid to the ...
Although there are many factors that affect timber prices in the summer, seasonality is often one of the strongest. When the weather is wet, generally in the winter, low-lying timber tracts cannot be harvested, causing a supply shortage that drives prices up. In ...
The figure below summarizes pricing data gathered for Forest2Market's weekly lumber market report, Mill2Market. For this market report, Forest2Market aggregates sales order data submitted directly by report subscribers. This figure charts weekly sales order prices from January 2010 through year ...
Positive housing market indicators outnumbered bad ones in June, though sales and future sales fell in the latter category. First, the good news. Housing starts: Beating expectations, housing starts increased by 6.9 percent in June to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of ...
From Forest2Market's Economic Outlook. Manufacturing has been a "star" during the past few years for its role in helping to pull the U.S. economy out of the recessionary ditch. Industrial production at the total manufacturing level has marched upward at a ...
The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure held a hearing today on H.R. 2541, the Silviculture Regulatory Consistency Act, a bill that would prevent a decision made by the Ninth Circuit Court that requires forest roads to be permitted under the Clean ...
For decades, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been providing information on the recycling, reuse and generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) in its MSW Characterization Report, "Municipal Solid Waste in the United States." To create this report, however, the ...