For what seems to be generations now, we have been talking about bioenergy. The threats; the opportunities; the subsidies; the oversupply; the undersupply; the pending legislation; the grandfathered legislation; ROCs, SOX and NOX. "Mr. Fox, Sir, I simply cannot take it anymore! ...
For renewable energy to compete with fossil energy, many obstacles must be overcome: technology development, distribution and public adoption, just to name a few. But for renewable energy to ultimately displace fossil-based energy, these new energy sources must be able to ...
In his recent post, Fossil Energy and Cigarettes, Stan Parton broached the subject of the cost of fossil energy and renewables. According to Parton, the true costs of fossil energy are not factored into the price of the electricity being generated ...
Challenges to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and biofuels development are all over the news these days. Intended to speed the development of a biofuels industry by encouraging refiners, importers, and blenders to invest in the development of this emerging market ...
It's June and according to early 2012 predictions, Americans should be paying $5/gallon for gasoline. Yesterday, I filled up in Georgia and paid $3.19/gallon for regular. Though the lower prices are due in large part to the global economic slowdown...
According to the Southern Group of State Foresters (SGSF), in their November 2011 report, "Forest Certification Programs: Status and Recommendations in the South," the most common type of certification varies by region ...