Paper 360, a publication of TAPPI, the leading association for the worldwide pulp, paper, packaging and converting industries, featured Barbara Wright Hudson's article...
On December 2, 2011, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued proposed revisions to the Boiler Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) rules that were issued earlier this year. Proposed changes limit the number of facilities that will need to meet the emissions ...
Containerboard mills in the US South and Pacific Northwest experienced increased raw material costs in 3Q2011. Figure 1 compares 3Q and 2Q prices for conifer wood fiber, OCC and DLK. As Figure 1 shows, conifer wood fiber costs in the ...
Pulp prices have continued to decline during the last three months, falling below the 5-year trendline in September and remaining there in both October and November. As the following chart shows, ForestWeb's North American Pulp Index fell by 2.6 percent ...
Despite increased activity in the housing market, US South sawmills experienced lackluster results for 3Q2011. US seasonally adjusted, annualized housing starts increased 7% to end in September at 658,000 units, a 5% increase year over year (Figure 1). This translated...
The Bureau of Economic Analysis revised its estimate of 3Q2011 GDP growth from 2.5 percent to 2.0 percent this month. Several signs suggest growth in 4Q could be equally as strong. Though many economists-including those at Forest2Market-are still forecasting another ...
In its annual summary of of 2010 publicly available year-over-year financial information for the forest, paper and packaging (FPP)industry, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)observed positive momentum. The report reveals that;revenues at the top 100 companies in the industry increased by 9% in 2010-from 2009's ...
The number of forested acres that have been certified as sustainable is growing in the US. Forest2Market recently plotted the acres certified under each of the three major certification schemes-the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the ...
I read with interest a recent announcement by the State of South Carolina concerning its update of the state's best management practice (BMP) compliance rates. Guy Sabin, the SC Forestry Commission's Environmental Program Manager, proudly exclaimed that the state had "a...