Forest2Fuel E-Newsletter

May/June 2011

In This Issue
Manomet Revisited
Biomass Best Option
Holding Sheehan Accountable
US Industrial Pellet Market
Role of Bioenergy
Aviation Fuels Action Plan
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Top 3 Stories from the Mar/Apr Issue

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Power Plant

By Suz-Anne Kinney

One year ago this month, I wrote for the first time about a highly controversial study, "Biomass Sustainability and Carbon Policy Study," which was conducted by the Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences (MCCS). The Manomet study, as it is universally ...


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By Suz-Anne Kinney


While doing the research for my Mamomet study article this week, I ran across another piece of research that readers in the bioelectricity sector will find interesting. A paper published in Environmental Science and Technology by researchers at the Goddard ...


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By Suz-Anne Kinney

On May 5, the period for submitting comments on whether-and if so, how-the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should regulate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from biomass power plants, expired. The agency received more than 7,000 comments. While I have read only ...

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Wood PelletsAs European countries gear up to meet renewable energy goals of 20 percent by 2020, demand for wood pellets is expected to rise. According to Argus Media, that number is expected to hit 32 million tons per year by 2016. ...


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Wood Chips and ConveyorA new report on the future of southern forests concludes that bioenergy demand could bring about changes in forest conditions, management and markets. The report is the result of the collaboration of the USDA Forest Service and the Southern Group ...


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The development of alternative aviation fuels is a high priority for both the military and the commercial airline industry. A new report by Sustainable Aviation Fuels Northwest (SAFN) identifies the factors that propel the need for these alternative fuels: high ...

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Economic Outlook Now on Podcast!


Our March podcast covers the impact that oil prices and nuclear disaster will have on bioenergy development. We invite you to listen to and subscribe to the podcast here


Economic Outlook Podcast

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