Wood Fuels Primer Published
It may surprise you to find out who is talking about ‘green energy’ these days. A ‘perfect storm’ of factors, including rising oil prices, national security concerns and grim predictions of global warming has changed the energy paradigm. Although ‘green energy’ seems like a recent trend, the ‘storm’ of factors pushing it into the national consciousness has been building for quite some time. Timberland owners of all sizes, forest products companies, dealers, loggers and literally anyone with a potential stake in the forest products industry stands to feel the footprint of the ‘green energy’ revolution. Fans and skeptics of “green energy” aside, it may not matter when or even if ‘green energy’ gains widespread acceptance. It will be a disruptive force in the interim simply because of the attention and capital it has received. Whether you are an advocate or a skeptic, it is in your best interest to stay informed on the topic. more
Economic Outlook
[Excerpted from the July 2007 - December 2008 Economic Outlook] After anemic growth during the first three months of this year, the economy appears to have put on a more robust performance in the second quarter. The recovery’s longevity remains uncertain, however, because of downside risks that include widening repercussions from the sub-prime lending debacle, and headline inflation from a depreciating US dollar. For these reasons, we expect real growth of gross domestic product below three percent for 2007 and 2008. Meanwhile, the weakening greenback should make US exports more competitive in world markets, thereby lending some support to forest products prices. more
Forest2Market Expanding to the Pacific Northwest
We are in the process of opening an office in the Pacific Northwest to bring our products and services to this area of the country. With a Pacific Northwest Business Manager in place our aim is to offer our products and service about the Pacific Northwest starting this fall. Watch this e-newsletter and our Web site in the coming months to stay apprised of our plans, and feel free to contact us with any comments or questions.
Mid-year Southwide Delivered and Stumpage Price 4Cast
Forest2Market (F2M) has released the mid-year 4Cast for delivered and stumpage prices for the southern U.S. Included in the 12 page report is a thoroughly researched analysis of the economic factors affecting prices now through October 2008. The Delivered and Stumpage Price 4Cast offers tremendous insight into the Southern market, delivering actionable information at both the strategic and operational levels. more
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