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News and announcements from EE Publishers  Issue 167, February 2012
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Open panel discussion and debate:  

Resend and apology   

Shortly after sending the email invitation below last week on Friday 3 February 2012, the EE Publishers web server at Hetzner was unexpectedly down for two hours, and many readers were unable to view the email below or register on-line. We are therefore resending the email, and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Open panel discussion and debate:  

An assessment of national energy and climate policies in South Africa  

South African National Energy Association (SANEA) and EE Publishers invite you, your colleagues, friends and all interested persons to attend an open panel discussion and debate on:


DATE: Thursday 23 February 2012
TIME: 15h30 for 16h00 to 18h00, with a cocktail party thereafter
VENUE: Axiz Auditorium, Midrand, Gauteng (click here for map)
COCKTAIL PARTY: A cocktail party will be served after the event.
COST: Except for bona fide working journalists, editors and camera crews covering the debate, there is a fee of R50 per person, payable at the door, to help cover catering costs.
The presenters at the panel discussion and debate are: 
  • Dr. Christoph Frei, secretary-general of the World Energy Council (WEC)
  • Shaun Nel, project director and advisor to the Energy Intensive User Group (EIUG
  • Henning Holm, chairman of the Sustainable Energy Society of Southern Africa (SESSA

The chairman and moderator for the panel discussion and debate will be: 

  • Brian Statham, chair of studies, WEC , and chairman of SANEA   

Dr. Frei will speak for 40 minutes, followed by 10 minute responses from Shaun Nel and Henning Holm, and then 60 minutes of Q & A and open discussion from the floor, and between presenters.


South Africa's ranking in the WEC's annual assessment of national energy and climate policies and practices has slipped from 45 to 59 out of the 92 countries assessed. This should be a matter of concern for government, energy professionals and indeed all South Africans, deserving of our immediate attention. On 23 February 2012, Dr. Christoph Frei, secretary-general of the WEC will address a public meeting hosted by SANEA and EE Publishers at which the key messages for South Africa will be explored. The WEC has developed an energy sustainability index and their latest publication includes an assessment of country energy and climate policy aiming to identify key areas for policy improvements and to understand how successful policies can be transferred from one country to another.

Governments across the world typically wrestle with similar energy policy objectives.  They seek to ensure energy security for all their citizens while respecting the environment. South Africa is no different. Energy security is a hot topic with a stretched electricity system and heavy dependence on imported petroleum products. Social equity in the realm of energy supply is a concern with increasing costs of electricity and petroleum products and having about 25% of South Africans without access to modern energy systems. Energy supply and the environmental consequences are complex policy matters with South Africa's heavy dependence on fossil fuels.

This open panel discussion and debate will bring together diverse expert views to discuss what government and the industry is doing right and wrong, and how the implementation of energy and climate policies and practices in South Africa should proceed.

Dr. Christoph Frei

Dr. Christoph Frei is the secretary general of the World Energy Council (WEC), based in London. Dr. Frei received his PhD from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, in 2001. He also holds degrees in electrical engineering, econometrics, energy systems and applied ethics. He has an assignment as adjunct professor and acts as advisor to the president of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, and is a member of the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Energy Security. Before joining the WEC, Dr. Frei was senior director, energy industries and policy at the World Economic Forum (WEF), and a member of WEF's executive council (2001 - 2009). Dr. Frei regularly speaks at the board and strategy meetings of international energy companies, and presents WEC's strategic insight and global agenda at international energy conferences around the world such as the World Economic Forum, International Energy Forum and Harvard Kennedy School's International Development Conference.

Shaun Nel

Shaun Nel is a project director and advisor to the Energy Intensive User Group of Southern Africa (EIUG). He was a founding director in BDO Consulting Services (previously Gobodo Systems Consulting), and previously a director at Ernst & Young. Nel has extensive experience in energy and climate change strategy and policy both in South Africa and internationally, across public and private sectors. For the last five years he has been involved in addressing the energy crisis in South Africa and working with large industrial companies and government to address both generation and demand side issues. He is regarded as an authority in the energy sector and has presented at a number of energy conferences, locally and abroad.

Henning Holm

Henning Holm is the chairman of the Sustainable Energy Society of Southern Africa (SESSA). He has bachelor and masters degrees in architecture from University of Pretoria, and subsequently completed renewable energy and energy efficiency policy modules at the Beuth University of Applied Science in Berlin. Holm's extensive experience in the development world has led to a "people driven" approach in community participation projects. He believes that project development (profitability, project management and programming for development of different natures) in co-operation with both sophisticated contractors and emerging contractors, ensures quality and appropriate implementation. Holm's expertise and mission lies in organising these processes and finding appropriate solutions.


Seating is limited to 350 persons and booking is essential. Please register early to book your seat(s) and avoid disappointment.
From the N1 highway between Johannesburg and Pretoria, take the New Road off-tamp, and head west (away from Midrand). At the first traffic light after the N1/New Road intersection, turn right into Sixth Road, and into the International Business Gateway, where you will be directed to the Axiz Auditorium. There is ample secure parking.


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