EngineerIT e-News
Electronics, automation, computer, information and communications technology in engineering
Issue number 51
January 2012  
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In this issue...
- 2012 - the year of true broadband?
- In conversation with Prof. Ian Craig, president of IFAC
- A decline in manufacturing? Dispelling some myths
- Managing security around social media, mobile and cloud computing
- The move towards real converged communication services
- Victory for RS-sponsored solar car
- DST and SAP Africa renew ICT research partnership
- SACSF Forum
- CSSA: President's Awards winners
- New findings on lightning will reduce risks
- Lightning protection - what the experts recommend
- Protecting OPC servers
- Affordable broadband from white spaces
- BYOD - is it a risk?
- New developments in the industrial computer environment
- Richards Bay Coal Terminal thin client implementation
- Proximity sensing in robotic clamping applications
- Thick film sensitive strain gauges for structural health monitoring
- Local development of cryogenic LNA for SKA
- Increasing distance in wireless remote keyless entry systems
- Amateur Radio: 50 years of OSCARS
- Telecoms developments in Africa.
- Gadgets 4 geeks
- Views and opinion
- Industry and institute news
- Space technology
- Product and company news
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engineerit jan 2012   (Tablet and PC editiona)
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EE Publishers (Pty) Ltd

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Annette Thompson2012 - the year of true broadband?
by Annette Thompson, editor, EngineerIT

For the past five or so years we have been promised better broadband, but up to now have had only promises - with excuses galore as to why we still do not have true broadband... (more)
Prof. Ian Craig
In conversation with Prof. Ian Craig, president of IFAC
by Hans van de Groenendaal, EngineerIT     

At the 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) in Milan, Italy, Prof. Ian Craig from the University of Pretoria was elected as president - the first IFAC president from an African country... (more)
chris yelland
A decline in manufacturing? Dispelling some myths   
by Chris Yelland, EE Publishers

With thoughts of economic stagnation, automation and associated job losses on our minds, and with the threat posed by China looming large, four intrepid South African "techies" set off for the windy city of Chicago, to find out more at the 2011 Rockwell Automation Fair... (more)
Free iPad and Galaxy mobile editions for EngineerIT   

EE Publishers is pleased to announce that Apple iPad and Samsung Galaxy mobile editions of ALL its magazines - EngineerIT, Energize, Vector and PositionIT - are now available... (more
Managing security around social media, mobile and cloud computing
by Kris Budnik, PricewaterhouseCoopers    

The vast majority of business and IT executives are confident in the efficacy of their information security practices. 43% believe they have effective information security strategies. These were among the findings of the 2012 Global State of Information Security Survey, the largest of its kind... (more)
Cinterion mid banner 
The move towards real converged communication services
by Hans van de Groenendaal, EngineerIT

Converged telecommunications has been a hot topic for a while, but up to now it has remained only a promise of what is to come. Technically it is possible and equipment is available on the market -  but no operator in South Africa is as yet offering one number for multiple access devices... (more)
Victory for RS-sponsored solar car     

RS is also committed to the development of future engineers and the environment, as recently demonstrated at the 2011 World Solar Challenge. RS Components supported the solar car team from Japan's Tokai University, that participated in the World Solar Challenge - a world-class solar car race held in Australia... (more)
DST and SAP Africa renew ICT research partnership

On 29 November 2011 SAP and the Department of Science and Technology (DST) announced their support for an advanced human capital development programme in information and communication technology (ICT) in South Africa... (more)



The Southern African Communications Suppliers Forum (SACSF) has been launched as the mouthpiece of the telecomms industry. It aims to establish a code of ethics and good business practice within the industry and more importantly, the forum will serve as a watchdog to prevent the exploitation of local service providers... (more)

CSSA: President's Awards winners


Asher Bohbot, CEO of EOH won the IT Personality of the Year 2011 award and Sandi Macfie, CIO of Southern Sun Hotels, the 2011 Visionary CIO title at the Computer Society of SA (CSSA) President's Awards Breakfast held at the Hilton Hotel, Sandton, in November 2011... (more) 

New findings on lightning will reduce risks 

In recent years research into the formation of thunderstorms, and the impact of severe weather on man and machine has given scientists new insights and understanding that will lead to more efficient ways of minimising the impact, damage and loss of life caused by electrical storms... (more)
Lightning protection - what the experts recommend 

In November 2011 EngineerIT invited the lightning protection industry to respond to a number of questions on how companies and individuals should go about protecting their equipment against lightning strikes and mains surges. Respondents made some useful suggestions... (more)
Protecting OPC servers
Information from Extech Safety Systems

Originally called OLE for process control, OPC is used extensively in control systems to provide interoperability between devices and software from different vendors. The latest version of OPC (OPC UA) has included security requirements in its design... (more)

Affordable broadband from white spaces
by Hans van de Groenendaal, EE Publishers

Due to potential interference, the TV band usually has unused spectrum in between any two stations, known as "white space". In July 2011 the IEEE accepted the IEEE 802.22 standard, aimed at using cognitive radio (CR) techniques to allow sharing of geographically-unused spectrum... (more)

BYOD - is it a risk?

by Hans van de Groenendaal, EngineerIT


A new acronym from the world of IT is BYOD - bring your own device. Not to be confused with BYOT - bring your own technology, a somewhat different concept. Despite the similarities of the acronyms, Andy Brauer of Business Connexion (BCX) says  there is a difference... (more)

New developments in the industrial computer environment
by Conrad Muller, Beckhoff Automation

An industrial PC (IPC) is designed from the first breath to operate under harsh environmental conditions with high availability and a low failure rate. In addition, design emphasis is on easy serviceability, scalability, and longevity with strong performance... (more)

Richards Bay Coal Terminal thin client implementation  

Information from Invensys Wonderware  

For more than three decades, Richards Bay Coal Terminal (RBCT) has been reducing the mountains of South Africa's rich coal deposits into the molehills of the more than 700 ships that call there every year to satisfy the world's hunger for energy... (more)
Proximity sensing in robotic clamping applications
Information from Turck, USA

Clamping applications often rely on sensors to detect whether the jaws or grippers are in the proper position - open or closed. Sensor implementation can increase reliability and obtain data that only a detection device very near the application can provide... (more)
Thick film sensitive strain gauges for structural health monitoring
by Saad Jabir, Synopsys, Germany and Dr. N Gupta, Edinburgh Napier University, UK

For the purpose of improving the safety and reducing the maintenance costs of infrastructures, novel inspection and damage detection techniques need to be developed, tested and implemented on various structures including buildings, bridges, aircraft, and railroads... (more)
Local development of cryogenic LNA for SKA
Information from Tellumat

Tellumat has invested in creating locally developed solutions that will form key elements of the current MeerKAT and the future Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project. The company has been responsible for the electronic receiver design for the KAT-7 project which was the precursor to the current MeerKAT project... (more)
Increasing distance in wireless remote keyless entry systems
by Vivien Delport and Cristian Toma, Microchip Technology USA

As the demand for more featured-rich remote keyless entry (RKE) deployment increases, so does the need to also offer longer-range wireless solutions. The typical RKE transmitter has become more than just a convenient way of locking and unlocking your vehicle when you're getting close to it... (more)

Amateur Radio: 50 years of OSCARS

by Hans van de Groenendaal

Inspired by Sputnik and Explorer, a group of radio amateurs on the West Coast of the USA began toying with the idea of launching an amateur radio satellite into orbit and organised themselves into Project OSCAR, the acronym for orbiting satellite carrying amateur radio... (more)
Telecoms developments in Africa 
  • Rwanda seeks to be first in Africa with digital TV
  • Douala claims to be Africa's first Smart City
  • Mozambique's third mobile phone operator opens for business
  • Namibia Telecom buys mobile operator Leo
  • Nigeria pushes for more spectrum for mobile services
  • Tanzania's Tigo announces network upgrades
  • MTN Uganda sells tower sites to US company
  • Zamtel plans to double mobile network sites
  • Zimbabwe's Econet wins top African ICT award... (more)  
Gadgets 4 geeks 
  • Focus on image after pic taken
  • Portable hard drive
  • Increase WiFi range four times... (more)
Views and opinion


Industry and institute news  
Space technology

Product and company news


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