We post the most up-to-date 1:1 news on our website. Check back frequently!
We are currently compiling a list of constructivist, creative software tools for iPads and other tablets. What have you been using? Click here to share your recommendations! Please email us at service@aalf.org and let us know if you have a topic or story you'd like to share with the AALF community. The more we share, the more we'll learn!
The AALF worldwide newsletter readership continues to grow. With this in mind, we would like to invite foundation members to contribute to the newsletter. We are currently looking for articles on the following themes:
Current Issues in 1:1
Student Voice
New Learning Spaces
Teaching Practices & 1:1
Learning Frameworks
Research on 1:1
Action Research on Innovative Practices (Teaching Practices, Professional Learning, Project-based Learning, etc.)
If you have something you would like to contribute, please send a brief (50 word) article summary, along with your contact information, including your organization and title, to Justina Spencer (jspencer@aalf.org). We look forward to hearing from you!
AALF coaches provide support for educators at all levels and, working either individually or in expert teams, coaches and consultants support educators and policy makers at every phase of their 1:1 initiative.
For additional information regarding AALF coaching support, go to the Coaching and Mentoring Services page of our website, or contact Karen Ward at service@aalf.org
Coaching Services now available in Australia. For more information, contact: Susan Einhorn at seinhorn@aalf.org
We're currently looking for new 1:1 coaches to join the AALF team! If you're interested, please send a resume, describing any coaching and other relevant experience. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to write us by clicking here!
Has your school or district switched from laptops to tablets or laptops to iPads? What have your experiences been?
Click here to share your expertise!
What type of evidence do experienced 1:1 schools rely upon to prove that 1:1 has helped their students?
If you have any experience or thoughts on this question, please click here and share it with the AALF community.
Thanks for sharing!
Does your school use filtering software to block social media on students' laptops at home and/or at school?
Let us know by responding to our 10-second poll!
We'll post the results in the upcoming newsletter! Thanks for participating!
The Foundation thanks all its partners for their ongoing support.
Welcome to the August edition of the AALF newsletter!
This month our issue is focused on 1:1 learning in Latin America. We have an editorial by Susan Einhorn, Executive Director of AALF, who comments on how 1:1 programs are evaluated, particularly in light of the recent report on Peru's 1:1 initiative. This issue also includes an article by Sofia Pardo, Leading Researcher at IdeasLab who discusses IDEASFESTIVAL and an article by Daniel Light, Senior Researcher for the Center for Children and Technology, concerning a recent report on the Todos los Chicos en la Red (All Kids Online) program in Argentina. We also have an article on the criticisms facing Peru and their One Laptop Per Child initiative followed by commentary by Claudia Urrea, OLPC Education Director for Latin America. In addition, this issue includes a summary of educational hashtags that you may want to check out on Twitter, and a look at Scoop.it, a tool to curate your own online magazine and share it with others. As well, you'll find some of our regular features: Survey Says and Share Your Expertise.
Click on the link at the end of each article to read it in its entirety on our website. You can comment or add your stories to any of these articles. We would love to hear from you!
Justina Spencer
AALF Communications
Be sure to follow us on:
In this editorial, Susan Einhorn, Executive Director of the Anytime Anywhere Learning Foundation, discusses the criticisms that Peru has faced in light of the recent evaluation of their OLPC initiative by the IDB, and how we need to be careful to separate critiques about how a vision is implemented from judgments about the vision itself. Click here to read Susan's thoughts on these issues. |
The first large-scale, randomized evaluation of the One Laptop Per Child initiative in Peru was recently completed by the Inter-American Development Bank. Peru is the country that made the highest investment in the program, having purchased the most XO laptops. However, despite the major commitment to ubiquitous access to technology, Peru's OLPC initiative is facing criticism. In this article, we share details of Peru's program and the evaluation. Following the report summary, Claudia Urrea, the OLPC Education Director for Latin America, shares her thoughts on the criticisms raised in the report. Click here to learn more about the IDB's evaluation.
In this article, Claudia Urrea, the OLPC Education Director for Latin America, shares her thoughts on the criticisms raised in the IDB report. Click
here to read Claudia's response.
In May 2012, the World Bank embarked on a partnership project with Education Impact, Anytime Anywhere Learning Foundation and ideasLAB to launch a one week online festival around 1:1 initiatives in Latin America. In this article, Sofia Pardo, Leading Researcher at ideasLAB, shares details on the IDEASFESTIVAL, its main goals and focus. Click here to learn more!
Looking to curate your own online magazine? Scoop.it is an easy, visually appealing way to share pertinent ideas with followers who share common interests. Check out our Scoop.it page and see for yourself!
Do you have any suggestions for Scoop.it topics to follow? Or suggestions of other curatorial sites? Click here and share them with the AALF community!
EDC- Center for Children and Technology: Report on Argentina
Education Development Center (EDC) has released the first of three research reports on 1:1 laptop programs in classrooms in three diverse countries: Argentina, Russia, and Korea. In this article, Daniel Light, Senior Researcher at EDC, shares the findings from this first report, notably five impacts of the program in Argentina. Click here to learn more about EDC and 1:1 in Argentina.
This month's quote comes from Sir Ken Robinson, author, speaker, and international advisor on education in the arts. "The fact is that given the challenges we face, education doesn't need to be reformed -- it needs to be transformed. The key to this transformation is not to standardize education, but to personalize it, to build achievement on discovering the individual talents of each child, to put students in an environment where they want to learn and where they can naturally discover their true passions." Do you have any particularly inspiring education quotes to share? Email us and we'll spread the word!
Looking for Twitter hashtags relevant to 1:1 education and technology? Here are some we'd like to share! #EdChat: This hashtag is for tweets relating to an exciting collaborative conversation forum for educators via Twitter. Edchat discussions take place every Tuesday. #ECETech(Chat): Tweets for early childhood educators who are interested in learning more about technology integration. #EdTech: This hashtag is used by professionals across the field of education to share new tech tools. #iPadEd/#EdApps: These hashtags are for educators who are interested in learning about how to use iPads in the classroom, as well as useful apps. #Web20: This hashtag is for tweets concerning new web 2.0 tools or suggestions on how to use them. #ce12: Tweets centering on a month-long celebration of community, with educators at all levels, from all disciplines, moving towards a fully connected and collaborative profession held during the month of August 2012.
#flatclass: Tweets for those interested in global education. This hashtag is specifically linked to the Flat Classroom Project.
#TakingItGlobal: Here you'll find ideas on helping young people connect to the issues that matter to them most and to the online resources that can be used to make a lasting impact in communities all over the world. #GlobalEd12: This hashtag is for tweets concerning the upcoming Global Education Conference. Know of any educational hashtags that you've found informative and helpful? Click here to share them with the AALF community!
EVENTS Check Events on the AALF website regularly to keep up-to-date on other events of interest to the 1:1 community. August 1-31, 2012 Connected Educators Month Throughout August, Connected Educators Month offers coordinated opportunities to participate in events and activities in dozens of online locations to develop skills and enhance one's personal learning network. August 13th, 2012- August 21, 2012DeforestACTION Introductory WebinarIn Webinar 1, they will share the global learning opportunities associated with DeforestACTION. In Webinar 2, you'll hear from other DeforestACTION educators currently involved in the program. August 19-21, 2012 Expanding Learning Horizons Conference Lorne, Victoria ELH is the premier professional development conference tailored to challenge, inspire and motivate Principals, Assistant Principals, Heads of Curriculum, Teachers and Professional Development Coordinators. **AALF President, Bruce Dixon, will be leading a 'Critical Conversation' at this event. September 3- November 19, 2012 American School of Bombay Online AcademiesThe ASB Online Academy is a learning platform where adults, students, and education professionals can learn new skills, deepen existing skills, and explore new areas of interests. September 28, 2012 PLP Live 2012 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania A full-day conference where you'll experience active, creative collaboration with educators and educational leaders from across the globe to solve issues from the classroom to Capitol Hill. **AALF President, Bruce Dixon, will be a keynote speaker at this event. October 16-18, 2012 21st Century Learning Leadership Forum This forum will explore how to develop collaborative partnerships to create a vision for a "Learning Society". Banff, Alberta **AALF President, Bruce Dixon, is the main keynote speaker at this event. November 5, 2012 Minnetonka Fall Institute: PLC Communities- Moving from Knowing to Doing Minnetonka, Minnesota These sessions will provide research-based, practical, real-school practices and products for closing the "knowing-doing gap", and transforming districts, schools, teams, and classrooms into high-performing professional learning communities. November 12-16, 2012 Global Education Conference A free, week-long online event bringing together educators and innovators from around the world. It is designed to significantly increase opportunities for building education-related connections around the globe while supporting cultural awareness and recognition of diversity. |