President's Message
Reflecting upon the Big Ideas Global 1:1 Summit held in June at Point Lookout, Maine, Bruce Dixon, President of the Anytime Anywhere Learning Foundation, discusses what he sees as the 'tipping point' in 1:1 education. According to Bruce, it is one thing to believe in the possibilities of what 1:1 may offer, but it is another thing for that potential to be realized. Click here to read Bruce's thoughts on this "tipping point" and the challenges we now face in 1:1 education. |
AALF Leadership: Executive Director's News and Thoughts
| THE BIG IDEAS GLOBAL 1 to 1 SUMMIT - AN HISTORIC MEETING This past June, over 80 policy makers and educators from around the world gathered in Maine to participate in the Big Ideas Global 1 to 1 Summit, hosted by AALF, the Maine International Center for Digital Learning (MICDL) and IdeasLab of Australia. In this article, Susan Einhorn, Executive Director of the Anytime Anywhere Learning Foundation, discusses two remarkable people who met for the first time ant this unique event, Professors Seymour Papert and Sugata Mitra. Their research and visionary ideas provide unique perspectives on how children learn, technology's place in the process, and the role of teachers and schools. Click here to read more about Professor Papert and Professor Mitra's research and ideas.
Polls and Results
What has been the most challenging aspect of your 1:1 initiative this year? Let us know by responding to a 10-second poll we have posted on web site (scroll down the homepage).
We will share more survey and poll results in upcoming issues, so stay tuned!
Thank you for participating! |
1:1 Leadership and Learning
With many schools facing budget cuts and a recessionary environment of declining funding, how do you
convince funders that technology is important? In this article, Heather Chirtea, Executive Director of the Digital Wish foundation shares a
list of five compelling reasons for interested parties to support your
technology initiative. Furthermore, she discusses specific tips on how to
identify new funding streams. Click here to learn about how to make a case for funding your technology initiative.
AALF Institutes
The Next Steps Online Institutes are a series of Professional
Development courses that focus on best practices of highly effective
1:1 classes and their organization, pedagogy, and learning culture.
Some courses concentrate on general guidelines for teaching and
learning in 1:1 classrooms, while others center on 1:1 learning
and teaching models for specific curriculum areas.
We are pleased to announce our upcoming online institute line-up. All
sessions are designed for teachers, teacher leaders, and principals.
Click on the session dates for more information, pricing, or to
We've Got Laptops, Now What? Course 1: Foundations for Success
During this course, participants will learn about, discuss and plan for
the crucial alignment of district and/or site 1:1 goals with their
classroom instructional practices and student engagement activities.
This institute will be offered two times in the upcoming year.
19-28, 2010
15- MARCH 1, 2011
We've Got Laptops, Now What? Course 2: Instructional Frameworks
& Increased Student Achievement
While building upon, We've Got Laptops, Now What? Course 1:
Foundations for Success, participants will take an in depth look at
the elements of successful 1:1 classes and learn about research-based
frameworks and principles that guide teachers to become 1:1 pedagogical
design experts. This institute will be offered two times in the
upcoming year.
3-15, 2010
15-24, 2011
We've Got Laptops, Now What? Course 3: Models of Outstanding
(and Effective) 1:1 Classes
Developed for people who have taken We've Got Laptops, Now What? Course 1 and 2 in the Got
Laptops series, this institute will provide participants with
multiple virtual visits to highly effective laptop classes and schools
around the world.
MAY 10-19,
1:1 and English Language Learners: A Winning Combination
Laptops are a powerful tool in the EL classroom. This course is designed to provide participants with an introduction
and overview to effective 1:1 practices for English Language Learners
20- FEBRUARY 1, 2011
Class size is limited, so register early!
Research and Resources
The most recent Generation YES Whitepaper centers upon issues of technology literacy, theories of Constructionism,
project-based learning, and assessment. In the following article Sylvia Martinez, President of Generation YES, shares some concepts from this whitepaper, as well as
six principles guiding the development of authentic
assessments of technological literacy. Click here to read more about the Generation YES whitepaper.
Questions from the Community
If you have any experience or thoughts on the question below, please respond by following the link to the discussion boards!
Do you know of any surveys that would help assess and build parent, school community and school board engagement and support of your 1:1 initiative?
Click here to share your expertise!
Are you implementing a 1:1 laptop program and struggling with a specific issue? Do you have questions about policies, communicating with parents or the community, AUPs, professional development, or any other issues that you are facing in implementing anytime, anywhere learning in your school or district? If your answer to that question is yes, let the AALF community help. Send your questions to AALF, and we'll post them both in our newsletter and on the AALF web site. Although we may not be able to post all your questions, we'll try to post as many as we can. |
Conferences, Institutes, Academies and Events |
Check Events on the AALF website regularly to learn of other events at which AALF leaders will be speaking or leading workshops. We look forward to seeing you there! OCTOBER 16-24, 2010CRSTE Global SymposiumOCTOBER 19-28, 2010We've Got Laptops, Now What? Course 1: Foundations for SuccessOCTOBER 29-31, 2010European Laptop Institute, The Hague, Netherlands OCTOBER 18-20, 2010; FEBRUARY 7-9, 2011; APRIL 4-6, 2011Tablet Conferences at Cincinnati Country Day School, Cincinnati, Ohio. NOVEMBER 3-15, 2010We've Got Laptops, Now What? Course 2: Instructional Frameworks and Increased Student AchievementDECEMBER 2-3, 2010Great Lakes 1:1 Computing Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin JANUARY 20- FEBRUARY 1, 20111:1 And English Language Learners: A Winning CombinationFEBRUARY 15-MARCH 1, 2011We've Got Laptops, Now What? Course 1: Foundations for SuccessMARCH 15-24, 2011We've Got Laptops, Now What? Course 2: Instructional Frameworks and Increased Student AchievementMAY 10-19, 2011We've Got Laptops, Now What? Course 3: Models of Outstanding (and Effective) 1:1 ClassesDo you have an upcoming 1:1 event you would like to share with other newsletter readers? Contact Justina Spencer for information on posting these events. |
Coaches' Corner | AALF COACHING
AALF coaches provide support for educators at all levels and, working either individually or in expert teams, coaches and consultants support educators and policy makers at every phase of their 1:1 initiative. This includes creating a vision, designing appropriate goals, translating plans into action, choosing the most effective technology tools and designing technology support, providing professional development opportunities, and using data to reflect on the effectiveness of their program.
Working with individual leaders and teams of educators, AALF coaches incorporate:
- Face-to-face and additional communication sessions
- Online learning opportunities
- The use of Web 2.0 online collaborative communication tools such as blogs and wikis
- Professional development support with AALF associates who are currently working in highly effective 1:1 schools.
For additional information regarding AALF coaching support, go to the Coaching and Mentoring Services page of our website, or contact Susan Einhorn at
AALF Worldwide Networking | CONTRIBUTING TO AALF
Our AALF worldwide newsletter readership continues to grow. In the past year our foundation enrollment and readers have grown to over 2,500 members. This is exciting news and certainly provides evidence about the relevance of 1:1 learning across continents! As our audience and support continues to grow, we are anxious to provide timely and relevant information regarding 1:1 learning and schools around the world. With this in mind, I would like to invite foundation members to get involved with the production of this monthly publication. There are several ways you can contribute to this important work:
- Volunteer your school to be a '1:1 Global Storybook Spotlight School'; this column provides an in depth look at 1-to-1 schools from the perspective of leaders, teachers, and students
- Volunteer to submit an article to an upcoming issue of the AALF newsletter.
- Volunteer your unique suggestions; suggest columns or ideas you think would benefit 1:1 educators around the world
Please contact Susan Einhorn ( or 425.223.3763) if you are interested in any of these opportunities. |