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United Way of San Luis Obispo County Live United - United Way


October 2008 eNewsletter

Newsletter Highlights
Included in this eNewsletter, you will find information about Make a Difference Day, the Youth Board, a Sunset North Car Wash FUN-Raiser, donating from Costco.com and the Nonprofit Wish List.

MADDMake a Difference Day
Volunteers paint a gazebo at Judson Terrace Retirement CommunityMake a Difference Day is a national day of service where community members spend an afternoon doing volunteer work. Residents, students and groups are invited to join United Way and The Community CENTER at Cal Poly in volunteering on Saturday, October 25th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Participants can choose from approximately 50 projects around the county, ranging from environmental clean ups to helping seniors or children. There is free parking on site and breakfast and lunch are provided. Please wear comforatble work clothes and closed toe shoes. Also, bring a hat and work gloves. Onsite registration begins at 9 a.m. in Chumash Auditorium at Cal Poly. Groups interested in volunteering should email Rachel Cementina. More information is also available on VolunteerSLO.org. Special thanks to sponsoring partner San Luis Trust Bank.

CarWashUnited Way Car Wash
Looking for an easy way to participate in Make a Difference Day? Get your car washed at Sunset North on Broad Street! On October 25th, 15% of sales at that location will support United Way. Can't make it on the 25th? Buy a pre-sale ticket good for ANY Sunset North Car Wash location. Email Rachel Cementina or call 541-1234 for more information.

YouthBoardNew Opportunity for High School Students
Youth BoardUnited Way announces a new program for high school students interested in learning about nonprofit organizations. Students involved in the United Way Youth Board have the opportunity to make an impact on our community, build leadership and teamwork skills, care for SLO youth, and participate in community service. These students from across the county meet to learn about the community and award grants to local organizations. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center. For more information, visit our website, email Rachel Cementina or call 541-1234.

Costco.ComSupport United Way though Costco.com
Donate through Costco.comDuring the the month of October, all Costco members and employees can participate in a fundraising campaign via Costco.com. On the Costco homepage, there is a link to direct customers to Truist to make a pledge. This is the first time that Costco is opening the campaign to its members. For years Costco has partnered with United Way through its employee and corporate giving programs, exceeding its nationwide 2007 goal of $13.2 million by nearly $700,000. To date, Costco and its employees have donated more than $40,000 to United Way of San Luis Obispo County in the last three years.

Collaboration Summit Update
On September 19th, volunteers and staff from throughout the county participated in a Collaboration Summit. The purpose of the meeting was to create new ways to work together to adapt to real cuts in funding from state and county agencies. It was the only community meeting of its kind in the state. The United Way of San Luis Obispo County and the San Luis Obispo County Community Foundation co-sponsored the summit. Speakers included Jean Ross, Executive Director of the California Budget Project, County Administrative Officer David Edge, Jean DeCosta, Dean of Students at Cal Poly and an organizational development expert, and Brad Isaacs, of the Collaborative Edge. They helped people climb above their fear and begin co-creating solutions to funding problems. During the summit, 15 groups were created to work on specific ideas. For example, one group is exploring sharing administrative costs, and one group is developing tools to recruit volunteers.  These groups are self-sustaining and will exist for as long as necessary. Periodic updates on progress in the working groups formed during the summit will be posted on www.collaborationslo.org.

Support Hurricane Relief and Recovery
Support Hurricane ReliefAt United Way of San Luis Obispo County, we emphasize our local community, but occasionally long term relief efforts are important. We all know that the 2008 hurricane season has been extremely active. Seven major storms have impacted the United States this year. The residents of the Gulf Coast are in need of help right now, as millions of residents in Louisiana and Texas are struggling to meet basic needs. Meanwhile, many Americans are not aware of these pressures because most national news is focused on other issues. But we can assure you, the need is real and it is great. In both states, many of the same communities hit by Hurricanes Gustav and Ike were only beginning to recover from Hurricanes Rita and Katrina. This latest set-back has been devastating for hundreds of thousands of people.  Help United Way focus on long term recovery and rebuilding of communities by clicking the link above to donate now.

United Way Endorses the Serve America Act [S.3487]
Amidst the current tumultuous economic times United Way, like many other nonprofits, is experiencing a growing demand for resources by those it serves.   As people are the most essential resource of all, United Way of America is proud to endorse the Serve America Act, S. 3487, which aims to dramatically expand federally supported service programs allowing people to serve at every stage of life.  With the goal of involving 250,000 Americans this year, the act calls for opportunities for students, working adults, retirees, and Americans of all ages to participate, with the definition of service ranging from paramilitary involvement to helping elderly people cross the street. 
Supported by Democrats and Republicans alike (including both major Presidential nominees), the Serve America Act has been designed to meet specific national challenges, such as natural disaster preparedness and response, high school drop out prevention, energy conservation, environmental stewardship, and health care.  It has even included in its framework the creation of a reserve corps of national service alumni who can be mobilized in the wake of devastating natural disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina.   
For more information on the Serve America Act, or to view a detailed summary of the legislation, please visit S.3487.

Triathalon Results
Triathlon October 4thOn October 4th, United Way staff braved the rainy weather and participated in Scott Tinley's Adventures Corporate Challenge. The team took 3rd place among five corporate challenge teams. Campaign Coordinator Lilith Chenaux swam .25 miles in the lake, Community Impact Coordinator Kara Edwall rode her bike 12 miles through the rolling hills, and Administrative Assistant Sarah Friesen jumped in to run 3 miles through Lopez Lake Park. Check out TriCalifornia.com to view more results. Way to go team!

WishListNonprofit Wish List
You can help a SLO County nonprofit agency by taking a moment to read through a "wish list" of items and volunteers needed, as well as employment opportunities. If you can help by donating an item or by volunteering, or want more information about a job posting, please contact the agency directly using the information provided in each listing. Click here to view the wish list.

Contact Us

United Way of SLO County
P.O. Box 14309
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
Office (805) 541-1234
Fax (805) 543-5317

Quick Links

Pumpkin Trivia
Happy Halloween from all of us at United Way!
Q. Where does the tradition of pumpkin carving come from?
A. The Irish brought pumpkin carving to America. The tradition originally started with the carving of turnips. When the Irish immigrated to the U.S., they found pumpkins a plenty and they were much easier to carve for their ancient holiday.

Q. Why do we eat pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving?
A. In 1621, at the first Thanksgiving celebrated by the Pilgrims in Plymouth, Massachusetts, to give thanks for their first successful harvest, they ate a pumpkin custard flavored with maple syrup and spices baked in pumpkin shells. The beloved Thanksgiving pumpkin pie evolved from this treat.

Q. What is the record for fastest pumpkin carving?
A. As of July 2006, The fastest time to carve a face into a pumpkin is 24.03 seconds, by Stephen Clarke from the United States. 

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