Life Potentials Network
Spirit | November 2009
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spirit I have been blogging for about six months and sometimes I am very present to it and sometimes when we have company (which happens a lot in the summer) or when we are traveling to see family and friends (fall and winter), it takes a backseat as I address more immediate concerns.

Recently I got a nudge from the Universe through Cheryl Wright, a blogging buddy, asking me if I was AWOL again. Yes, I replied, I have been. I'd been out of town quite a bit, unable to blog and behind in everything else as well. Last week we returned to Chicago, and the usual six-hour trip turned into more than eight long hours as we negotiated all the TARP-funded improvements (badly needed, I might add) along our route. A detour took us by surprise (no signs until we came right up to the closed road). That detour, as well as some slow going on a two-lane road, took us a few extra hours. I have to say, though, that the scenery was breathtaking and well worth the detour. We found a few towns we want to return to and a beautiful area for hiking. Had we not had to take this detour, we would not know they existed.

So it is with life. We often think we are well on our way on our journey and all of a sudden we get a big detour sign in front of us. Nothing to do but follow the signs, hoping for the best. Sometimes we get little gifts along the way: meeting someone we wouldn't have otherwise, having an experience not available on our "regular route" or seeing stunning scenery we might have missed otherwise. We never know what lies ahead, but if we keep our hearts open, we often have lovely experiences we were not expecting.

It's difficult to have a head of steam up and come upon a detour. It can be maddening, frustrating and difficult, OR it can be adventurous, beautiful and full of miracles. Which detour are you choosing to take as you follow your life's journey?



Diantha Harris, ASID, FSII, IAC
Pyramid Feng Shui Practitioner
Color Consultant

Books: Simply Color, Sad Sandwiches
Classes and presentations available

Life Potentials Network, Inc.

Please note: This information is meant to be helpful and educational; it is not a substitute for medical attention. You should consult with your healthcare professional for medical advice and treatment.


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� 2005-present by Diantha Harris.