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Husky Homestead
"Joe!! This is AWESOME!! :D
It looks wonderful!!
I am so excited, I can't even begin to tell you... [sigh]

Absolutely loving the new site!
So excited! :)

Carrie Skinner
Office Manager
Husky Homestead

>> Read more

A Psalm For You
May God be merciful and bless us. May his face smile with favor on us.
Psalm 67:1


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Inspirational Quote
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

Sundog Media Newsletter

Screenshots, Screen Grabs & and Snap Shots - Helping us see what you see!


Helping us see what you see! "Uh-oh, this doesn't look right..."
"Well, send us a screenshot so we can see what might be wrong."
"Terrific! I'll do that...just one problem."
"What's that?"
"How do you make a screen shot?"

This is a conversation we have at least a couple of times a week.

During the back and forth of the design process or perhaps during routine management a website can, and often does, look different to different people. This is caused mainly by the plethora of computer devices we all routinely use to access the internet. So if something "doesn't look right" to you but does to us, we need to see a screenshot of what you see so we can ascertain and quickly fix the problem!

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Website for Husky Homestead

Husky Homestead
A Denali Destination...Where Dogs are King!

Enjoy a warm welcome and experience a true Alaskan lifestyle at Husky Homestead, home of four-time Iditarod Champion Jeff King.

Watch "A Sneak Peek into Husky Homestead"

>> Find out all about the Homestead!

What is the Genesis Framework for WordPress?


What is the Genesis Framework for WordPress?Here at Sundog Media the Genesis Framework is at the CORE of every WordPress website that we design and build! The Genesis Framework provides us with a stable, intuitive and scalable creation platform so we have the ability to take websites to the next level in design and efficiency!

Find out more here, and be sure to watch the video below!

What is the Genesis Framework for WordPress?
Sundog Media
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