The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, TOS Crew Award - May 2010
Teaching people to create, learn and have fun with computer graphics. That is our mission here at Great Software Tools. Our vision was rewarded as we were honored with the 2010 Homeschool Crew Seaworthy Award for Best Customer Service from The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. We were chosen from more than 75 other companies, and our online tutorials were among the top reasons the crew members recognized Great Software Tools for this award. Our tutorials take you step-by-step through a variety of useful and inspiring projects, teaching important graphic elements along the way. Even the crew members with minimal computer experience applied their new skills and created projects that they were very proud of. It proved to be an artistic awakening to most - they had never imagined they could edit, recolor, manipulate and transform photos and images to express their personal creativity.
Download a 30-day trial
and you'll be ready to start learning and
creating with Graphics-Toolbox today!

Nina Zimmerman Library Media Specialist Flushing High School Flushing, NY |
CEI-PEA Summer
Leadership Program 2010
IBM Learning Center
Armonk, NY
ArtWorks'10 NYCATA/ UFT
Art Education Conference
Fiorello H. LaGuardia
High School of the Arts
New York, NY

Let us help you.
As this school year winds down and your thoughts progress to next year's goals and expectations, think of us. Think of Graphics-Toolbox software's proven ability to increase literacy for all the students in your school: K-12 and learning capabilities from special ed to ELL to enrichment.
Those of you that met us at the local education conferences have seen the quality of the work that students produce by using Graphics-Toolbox. You have clearly understood that these students have learned their material at a deeper level by adding images into their projects. You know how much children love computers, so you recognize that hands-on learning with Graphics-Toolbox is a win-win situation. You want to see your students achieve excellence like this too.
If you missed the shows, you can see how students are learning more with Graphics-Toolbox from our Education video. Click here to link to the YouTube version.
At Great Software Tools we are dedicated to teaching and learning. We are helping our teachers develop projects that meet state mandates, that assist Spanish speaking students and their families, and that simply make learning more fun.
Budgets may be tighter than ever this year, but Graphics-Toolbox is a great value at an affordable price, and for NYC schools, we are NYSTL approved. What other software can you buy that will benefit all your students, in all of their subjects, at all levels of learning?
Contact us for more information and pricing:
Start the new school year with a fresh opportunity for you and your students to learn and create, by allocating Graphics-Toolbox into your budget!
Lynda Holler

In each newsletter we like to feature an interesting project that can help and inspire educators. This month we are highlighting Social Studies and the Colonial Days. With summer and family vacations ahead of us, we hope this will stimulate your creativity and desire for a new and more visual way of learning and teaching.
For this project, we will let the creator tell you about it!
"The problem with history is that it is, well, something that has already occurred. So trying to get a child to become truly 'involved' in it, can be a difficult challenge indeed. By using Graphics-Toolbox, and a bit of one's imagination, you can draw (quite literally) the child into any time in history to create a memorable report cover, an entertaining picture for a scrapbook page, or even a center piece for a history display board.
I spent some time with my family exploring George Washington's estate, Mt. Vernon. We could walk the grounds as our first President did some 2 centuries ago, but we longed for ole George to give the tour himself. I was able to create a unique photo which brought George right out of the museum, and out onto his front lawn, with my son along for the ride and my husband meandering alongside.
After watching the extremely helpful video tutorials, I was able to go into my Graphics-Toolbox program, pull up 3 specific pictures: one taken from the road in front of the house, one of the waxy version of George mounted on his stuffed horse, and the third of my family standing or sitting upon a tree that George had planted there on the estate. The Irregular Frame, Copy, Resize, Move, Rotate, Clone, Text and Ribbon features in Graphics-Toolbox afforded me the opportunity to put to paper what was in my head and create the final almost-real snapshot of our experience."
- Sheri Hagemann
UFT CONFERENCE New York City, May 8, 2010
The UFT participants were energized and focused as they made their way around the Exhibition Hall. It may have been because of the spectacular breakfast the UFT provided, but it was probably because of the enthusiasm teachers have when they are looking for new techniques, strategies and technologies to better help their students. We spoke nonstop to teachers and parent advocates throughout the morning, demonstrating and explaining exactly how Graphics-Toolbox is a wonderful teaching tool. Their excitement was infectious and many returned to our booth with colleagues, eager to share what they learned about this new technology and teaching strategy.
Every educator knows that of the three learning modalities, verbal, auditory and visual, it is the visual that most learners rely on. Students benefit from the activation of their visual memory systems, and that is why so many teachers use various types of graphic organizers. Many of these, such as Venn Diagrams, Webs and Four Square, for example, can be created using Graphics-Toolbox. UFT participants were able to see the link between students' thinking strategies, learning, and creativity and the use of this software. Graphics-Toolbox allows full engagement of learners as they move through the educational process and simultaneously become more adept at using essential technology.
Click here to see more pictures from the show.
Were you there? Maybe you are in some! |
Over the years, members of our design team have become specialists in creating clean, uncluttered, easy-to-use, yet powerful graphics. We want to open up the world of color and design to computer users untrained in graphic design, giving them the opportunity to add their own customized graphics into their home and work environments.
Try Graphics-Toolbox in your home today!
For only $149 you can purchase Graphics-Toolbox
or try it FREE for 30 days.
Follow the links below to get started today.
CLICK HERE to Buy or Try Graphics-Toolbox Today! |
For ordering information and general questions about Graphics-Toolbox, please contact our design team at: |
We would like to take the opportunity to thank our
readers for taking time out of their busy day to read our newsletter. We
hope it was informative and enjoyable and we look forward to sharing our news, ideas
and the creativity of our users in future editions. If you have not purchased
Graphics-Toolbox yet, now that summer is here, take some time to download your
30-day trial, work with the tutorial videos and get on board expressing
yourself with this powerful graphics software program. Once you learn
how to create and control the graphics in your life, the door will open to your
imagination and there will be no turning back! Please feel free to forward this email to your fellow
educators. They'll
be happy you did!