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April 18, 2011

Below please find the ETF Spotlight newsletter containing highlights of the research and data on as well as a recap of the past week's action in the ETF market. 

In this week's issue

technicianBRIC ETFs  
  • Chart of the week: P/E Trends of BRIC ETFs  
  • Fund Focus: iShares MSCI BRIC fund (BKF)
  • Revisions, asset flows & short interest
  • 2011 net margin estimates, YoY change, and P/E ratios for major ETFs
  • Market monitor - movers & categories
To download the full newsletter click here.

Chart of the week
Historical P/E Trends of BRIC ETFs

We cover three broad "BRIC" ETFs (short for Brazil, Russia, India & China): 

  • iShares MSCI BRIC (BKF)
  • SPDR S&P BRIC 40 (BIK)
  • Guggenheim BRIC (EEB)  

Despite the funds' similar focus, there are substantial differences between them. BIK has  heavy exposure to the Energy and Financial sectors (36% and 34%, respectively), and also has concentrated exposure to China at 45% of assets, crowding out the other BRIC countries.  


EEB is the most diversified of the three by sector, but has over half of assets in Brazil. Meanwhile BKF, which still has sizable allocations to Energy and Financials, is probably the most diversified of the three funds overall. (BKF is the subject of this week's Fund Focus below).  


The chart below shows that the three funds are not trading anywhere near the kind of price-to-earnings multiples they enjoyed prior to the global financial crisis. Even if this is said to be a new economic era, the stocks are still trading at about the middle of their post-2008 range.  However, while there was some disparity between the funds previously, with BIK typically trading at a discount, all three funds have now converged at nearly identical P/E multiples.

Download the full newsletter here.    

Chart: Historical P/E Ratios of BRIC ETFs  
Based on forward twelve-months' estimated EPS  
BRIC PE trends
Source: AltaVista Research  

Fund Focus
iShares MSCI BRIC (BKF)BRIC flags

We don't think BRIC makes a lot of sense as an investment theme, and this fund also carries more risk than the broader iShares MSCI Emerging Markets fund (EEM), with large allocations to the Financial and Energy sectors (27% each) and relatively little Technology exposure.  Nonetheless, at present stocks in BKF may be a bit more attractively valued than their counterparts in EEM, with faster sales and earnings growth this year at slightly lower valuation multiples.

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New coverage
We have added coverage of nine new ETFs. Go to the ETF Research Center for details on any of them.

TickerFund Name
XTNSPDR S&P Transportation
XHESPDR S&P Health Care Equipment
FONEFirst Trust Cea Smartphone
VXUSVanguard Total International Stock
ANDGlobal X FTSE Andean 40 ETF
EMVXGlobal X Emerging Market Value
EMGXGlobal X Emergin Market Growth
ASEAGlobal X Asean 40
As always your questions & feedback are most welcome.
Michael Krause
AltaVista Research