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September 13, 2010

Below please find the ETF Spotlight newsletter for the week of September 13, containing highlights of the research and data on as well as a recap of the past week's action in the ETF market. 

The focus of this week's edition is sales growth. Feel free to share it with others who may be interested. 
In this week's issue

technicianSales growth
  • Chart of the week: Rapid sales growth at reasonable multiples
  • Fund Focus: Market Vectors Solar Energy (KWT)
  • Revisions, asset flows & short interest
  • Sales per share estimates, growth rates and price-to-sales multiples for major ETFs
  • Market monitor - movers & categories
To download the full newsletter click here.
Chart of the week
Rapid sales growth at reasonable multiples
Fastest sales growth of funds with P/E less than 15X

Every investor likes to see rapid sales growth in the companies he or she owns, but when simply screening for stocks--or in our case ETFs--with the fastest sales growth, one ends up with a list of early-stage, mostly alternative energy and biotech funds, with little or any profits.

While these may have a place in investors' portfolios, they require a leap of faith. So instead we screened our universe for the funds with the fastest sales growth that also have a P/E ratio of 15x 2010E EPS or less, indicating sales that have already translated into sizable profits, and providing a basis for analysis as an investment.

Several China-related ETFs made the list and all had decent though not spectacular ALTAR Scores. However only one alternative-energy fund made the list; it is the subject of this week's Fund Focus.

To download the full newsletter, click here.
Fund Focus
Market Vectors Solar Energy (KWT)oil_svcs

With less than 1/3 of assets in U.S. firms, KWT is primarily a foreign investment with Chinese solar firms having the biggest allocation. It is also one of the few alternative energy funds where earnings are substantial enough that stocks can trade at a reasonable P/E multiple. Still, these firms are voracious consumers of capital with inconsistent levels of profitability. Over time we think investors may do better with a more diversified approach to alternative energy such as with the iShares Global Clean Energy ETF (ICLN).

To download the full newsletter, click here.
As always your questions & feedback are most welcome.
Michael Krause
AltaVista Research