Your Child Can Succeed.   Let Us Show You How.

Maintain and Gain This Summer at The Davidson Center
Intermediate Chess Camp

Campboy playing chessers will play chess to improve their skills whether they are interested in casual or competitive chess.   Taught by a former NC Open Junior State chess champion.

All ages 

June 18 - 22  

9:00 am - 12:00 noon



Academic Enrichment

Iacademic enrichmentnter-active camps filled with activities designed to maintain and strengthen skills learned during the previous school year and to prevent summer loss.


Middle School Students (Age 11 - 13)  

June 18 - 22, July 16 - 20,  

August 6 - 10

 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

$445 per week

$225 per week - half day only (select reading or math)



Literacy, Learning and LaughterActing

Students will draw upon their five senses to recall experiences and tie them into characters.  They will play improvisation games and prove new twists to favorite fairy tales they will perform.


Elementary Students

(Age 8 - 10 years)

June 25 - 29

1:00 - 4:00 pm




Study Skills

Students will learn specific habits and routines designed to organize tasks and assignments, set priorities, manage time, and fulfill responsibilities; including note taking and test taking.  Study skills manual included.


Middle School Students
(Age 11 - 13 years): 

July 23 - 25 and August 6 - 8

9:00 - 11:00 am 

$180.00 each session


High School Students
(Age 14 - 18 years)

July 23 - 25 and August 6 - 8 

1:00 - 3:00 pm

$180.00 each session

We have a variety of enrichment opportunities this summer. Click here  to see more or call our office (704) 892-4533   

The Davidson Center has a new website
Davidson Center logo

We've modified our website for easier use.  The home page content is now divided into three sections:

Diagnostic Center
Good diagnosis leads to effective treatment

Instructional & Tutorial Center
K - 12 Learning Services

College Planning & Test Prep Center
Comprehensive planning for a bright future

New Features:
-- this tab at the top navigation bar shows the classes, workshops and sessions we offer in a easy-to-read calendar format.

About Us -- click on "Our Staff" in the drop down box and read about the 18 professionals who work at The Davidson Center -- all ready to serve you and the needs of your child.
Our Services:

Tutoring and Instruction



College Planning Summer Class:
For Rising 11th and 12th Graders
July 23 - 26
College Planning
  • College research guidance, college list, application essays, career inventories, financial aid/scholarship assistance, and more! 
  • Open to rising juniors and seniors
  • Up to eight students per group
  • One individual follow-up session included 
The College Planning Summer Class is perfect for students who would like to get personal guidance during this important process. It is a good idea for students who have special talents and interests, want specific help paying for college, feel uncertain about life beyond high school, tend to procrastinate, or need help keeping all the pieces of the application process organized.

Space is limited, so  register today by calling (704) 892-4533



Monday, July 23 - Thursday, July 26

5:30 - 8:30 pm

College Entrance Tests:  What You Need to Know!

applying to college

New workshop for rising juniors and their parents: "College Entrance Tests: What You Need to Know!"   


Tuesday, August 28 at 6:30 pm.  


We will go over the basics of each test, how they differ in form and content, and strategies for prep and timing. We will also discuss new research about the most effective ways to boost your scores, as well as information about how colleges use your scores in the admission and advising process.  


Presenters will include Cindy Turner, Director of College Counseling;  Amy Poag, College Counselor; Resa Wall, Director of Instruction, and Vinod Thoms, Tutor and test prep expert.


Join us on  Tuesday, August 28 @ 6:30 pm at The Davidson Center.    

 $45 per family (no charge for package students)  Space is limited. Call our office (704) 892-4533 or click here  to register online (through the Davidson Parks & Recreation department). 


Did Your Child Struggle With End Of Grade Tests This Year?

Summer is the time to assess or reassess your child's progress.  If your child struggled with EOG's we encourage an academic evaluation to determine age and grade levels in reading, math and writing.  Targeted and customized follow-up instruction by our professionals prepares your student for a more successful school year.


Study Skills assessments for middle and high school students can identify those strengths and barriers to optimal performance.  Doing well in school takes specific skills, motivation and self-regulation.


The effective student is:

  • able to remember information, draw conclusions and make inferences; select main ideas and knows how to study effectively for a test;
  • has the attitude and motivation to work hard, maintain interest, and manage anxiety;
  • is able to concentrate, manage time, review information and create outlines and summaries.

Following assessment, we offer multiple options to help your child become a more successful student.

Call our office to set up an appointment:  (704) 892-4533

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Let's get started!
To set up an appointment please call our toll-free line