Goloden Grid background
February 2010
Diamond Light World Newsletter
Goloden Grid background
February 2010  
Diamond Light     Events 2010

golden grid 
The Antaneea Technique (4 Days)
(Stepping Stones,Farnham, Surrey)
Discover your Essence
 (The Michael Teachings)
Julie pic 
 In the Heart of the Diamond
DLG Level 1 
DLG Level 2
The Antaneea Technique


The Magic of Colour



Contact Julie on
 for booking forms or additional information 

or book online
Julie pic
Julie (that's me!)
Julie pic

Greetings and a very big welcome to all the new subscribers this month! 
Firstly I'd like to say a huge Thank You for the incredible support that was received from so many of you over the past month! It has been truly heartwarming to have been on the receiving end of so much kindness and encouragement.
Well change is the order of the day it seems! I have heard from so many people over the past month who have changed home, left their job, are going through changes in their relationships and/or initiating a new venture of some kind. All of it is in perfect order as we are being pulled, pushed and transformed into the grandest and most authentic expressions of who we are at our core. This is being helped along by an incredible influx of cosmic energy combined with daily breaches in the magentic shielding of our planet. It is well known that cosmic rays have an effect down at the deepest levels of our being (mutations of DNA), as well as intense psychological effects. The earth's magnetic shields usually protect us from this effect, but breaches mean that we are literally exposed whether we realise it or not - and scientists are now concerned about the levels of radiation on our solar system. This is all driving evolutionary change which can feel very uncomfortable at times.
As Susan Rennison states in her blog, " we are all being affected by the chaotic electromagnetic environment which amplifies or ignites charged emotions related to unresolved issues". (Susan's blog is well worth keeping your eye on at: http://www.susanrennison.com/Index_News_oftheimbalance.htm).
So, the unstable geomagnetic environment is largely responsible for many of the oft-touted "Ascension Symptoms" as we our process of transformation is being accelarated. And the environment has been pretty intense of late. Witness the dreadful events in Haiti....
In addition to working to strengthen my diamond field to assit in dealing with the powerful new energy, I use a very simple phrase which I find is very useful in detaching from the emotional intensity of difficult or challenging situations. The phrase is simply, "Now, that's interesting..."! I use it so often these days that it has almost become a trademark!!
Here's an example of some "really interesting" circumstances that have presented themselves in the past 5 weeks :
As many of you know, I moved into a new home in Wilsthire in January (in the middle of the severe snow and freezing weather!),  and absolutely knew from Higher Guidance that it was the right thing to be doing. Well, from day one, my co-sharer and I have been faced with the most incredible barrage of events that we have had to deal with, including :
- A burst pipe and flood on the day we moved in, which has left a third of the house unusable (and is currently under repair)
- Industrial driers blowing a gale through the house for 3 weeks (with the most unbelievable noise and constant vibration!)
- The central heating giving up the ghost at sub-zero temperatures
- A blocked sink waste pipe that had stored up a putrid mess of waste
- One broken toilet and sink & one leaking toilet
- An Aga oven that wasn't working along with an unusable electric oven (so no stove!)
- Problems with the electrics
- A suspected wasp nest in the roof
- 2 weeks without phone or internet as well as virtually no mobile signal
and a few other things that I have already forgoten about!
Now in typical "New Age" fashion, the usual thinking would be "what have we done to create this?" or "what is this telling us" or "is being here really the right thing?" with everything imaginable going wrong. However, things are not always what they seem....
My co-sharer, Ann and I tuned into the house to find out what all of this was about and were told clearly that the house was purging itself of old energy and unrgoing great cleansing so that it could be in alignment with what we are creating here. Everything is virtually beng re-plumbed and re-wired, which is what we as human beings are going through as part of this great evolutionary transformation.
So, instead of getting uptight with all that was going 'wrong' (although admittedly, we did have a few wobbles!), the standard response when we find something else needing repair is, "Now, that's interesting.....", and simply let it go - with a smile! And the house is realigning beautifully despite the fact that it looks a bit like a bomb site at the moment! The energetic difference is palpable.
On the positive side too, because we are renting, the cost of all of the repairs is either being carried by the owners or their insurance, and the property agents have been amazing in responding immediately to our calls. All the workmen that have been through here in the past 5 weeks have also been wonderful and so helpful. There have been other blessings too......like a magnificent stag that I saw running through the back garden one night!
A friend who visited us this weekend could see through the chaos and told us she felt that the house felt to her like "A little bit of heaven" here on earth and a real sanctuary - which is exactly what I had felt upon initial connection with it, and what it will be! The atoms in the walls have already expanded and are holding the diamond energy....
So, my advice to you if things appear stormy in your life right now is to approach it with "Now, that's interesting", take a step back and look 'through' it. Put yourself in your diamond and ask to be shown what the Higher meaning is in the situation and what your own Higher self can see. It is a fascinating process & makes things so much easier to deal with!
Our sanctuary will be open for the first Diamond Light workshops from 5 March and with all of the intense realignments, I feel they are going to be really special! I will also be taking apointments for Antaneea treatments here from 1 March, and will be running an Antaneea Technique workshop here later in the month (check out the workshops page on the website for details).
I am really looking forward to welcoming you to our little piece of heaven....!
Wishing you all a glimpse of that heaven in your own space wherever you are!
With love, Julie x
PS We have just found out that one of the radiators is leaking which means that the whole system has to be swtiched off and bled so that it can be fixed. Hmmm, that's interesting.....:):)
The Mystical White Lions of Timbavati
I have been asked by two wonderful ladies in South Africa to assist with  a very special conservation project to protect the White Lions of Africa. 
According to Michele Stewart, there is a lot of work currently being done on re-alignments in Africa and one of the things that keeps coming up, is the protection of the White Leopards and White Lions of Timbavati. These precious animals are believed by the Shangaans to be Sun Gods that came down from above, and that if they ever leave the world as we know it would cease to exist.

Linda Tucker is dedicated to this project and has a wealth of information about these amazing animals on her websites at :

There is also a competition running which invites individuals to submit a special poem or piece of prose or art concerning the white lions. The poems will be included in a coffee table book, the proceeds of which will be used for the conservtion project.
These animals are magnificent indeed and are truly mystical in energy and nature. If you feel drawn to contribute, please download the competition brochure at:
Note :
I will be in South Africa in April and will be running Diamond Light Grid Workshops while there (in Gauteng again). Please contact me for details if you would like to join us on either a Level 1 or Level 2 workshop!
Archangel Metatron says...
Synchronicity has been an incredible force in my life and the more I trust and follow my intuitive guidance, the stronger it gets.
A short while ago I was forwarded a channelled message from Tyberon, a channel for AA Metatron (Thank you Lynn for sending it on!). The particular message was entitled, "Auras, Angelics and Antimatter".  I found it an interesting message and worth reading, especially as he mentions that our chakras are changing which is something I have also been 'told' by my own Higher Self & is connected with the Diamond Light Grid work. The message link is below :
I was subsequently drawn to explore more of Tyberon's website and was particularly struck by a short snippet that I found regarding pyramids and octahedra.
"The Tri Pyramid complex in Bosnia-Herzegovina is an Atlantean-Pleiadian construct. It is reactivating in 2010 and playing a role in the crystalline cosmic trigger. It is specifically aligned with Stonehenge, the Giza complex, as well as the Xi'an pyramids (China), the Astana Pyramid (Kazakhstan) and Galveston complexes. All pyramids, all sacred octahedral structures, natural and man made play an enormous role now in the Cosmic Trigger of 20 March 2010 and are tantamount for the Ascension"
AA Metatron through Tyberon.
What I am fascinated by, is that last year in May I had a period of 3-4 days when I woke up with a particular song in my head and it continued for the rest of the day. By the end of the 4 days I was rather fed up with hearing it and wished it would go away!! The song was Galveston, by Glen Campbell. At that stage, I had no clue what the significance of Galveston was, but I now know that there is a man-made pyramidal complex in Galveston which is aligned with Stonehenge (which is literally now down the road from my new home!). Having been on Tyberon's website, I also note that he will be doing some special group energy work at the Galveston pyramidal complex on 20-3-10. Also that both the date and the complex have enormous energetic significance for current transformational shifts. 
A Call into the Diamond!
So, following on from this I was reminded of a dream I had in December where I was hosting a meditation, which started off with a small group of people and steadily grew until there were a few thousand individuals all there for the same purpose. Upon reading Tyberon's words, I knew that the meaning of the dream was linked to initiating a large group diamond alignment for this special date, 20 March 2010. 
Now, l don't usually do things like this, but all the signals are there confirming for me that this is the right thing to be doing. So, l will follow my guidance and initiating some special group/planetary diamond grid work on 20 March. You will know that the 20 March is the spring equinox which represents equal day/night length = BALANCE. This is hugely significant as one of the primary functions of the diamond.
Watch out for an invitation to link in with this energetic event (no phone calls necessary or anything like that!). I will be sending out details in a separate email with a recommended energy alignment process.
Collectively we impact on the consciousness of the planet and all who live on her - we can do our bit to assist in stabilising and strengthening the planetary grids for integration of the new energies - and these new energies are indeed very real!
Please join me on 20 March as we work with the sacred octahedron - the diamond. Please forward this to anybody you feel may like to join us and add thier energy to the initiative - if they sign up to the newsletter they will receive the first free mp3 which connects them with the diamond energy.
New from Diamond Light World!
There is always something new or in development at Diamond LIght World and it means that life is never boring! Here is a brief summary of our progress and hints at what we have in store :
1 Becoming a Diamond Light Grid Teacher!
 We have begun the process of training up teachers of the Diamond Light Grid. At the moment, there is only one Teacher workshop per year in the UK, and it is necessary to have completed the Level 1 and Level 2 workshops (along with case studies), in order to be accepted onto the Teacher training. The dates for 2010 are on the website on the workshop page.
 I am delighted to introduce our first 3 Diamond Light Grid Teachers, which is really exciting ::  
- Pamela Sinclair (Germany)
- Noriel (Bedford, UK)
- Ann Men\ies-Blythe (Wilsthire, UK)
The teachers are qualified to facilitate the introductory day (In the Heart of the Diamond), and the Level 1 workshops and will be initiating thier own workshops later in the year. You can find their contact details on the DLW website as Practitioner/teachers on the Practitioners page.
2. Diamond Retreat!
This year will see the first of our Diamond Retreats at Whaley Hall in Cheshire. This will be a wonderful opportunity to simply be in and experience the diamond energy in a number of creative ways. The retreat weekend will include seminar style sessions, solitary contemplation, energy experiences and fun creative work. All of this is designed to connect you more deeply with your Higher Essence, your innate creative self and sharpen your intuitive ability - enabling you to access your own guidance more clearly. Relax and be inspired!
You can book online for this wonderful new retreat (paypal facilities are now available for all workshops and events on our workshop page), or contact Yvonne Walsh who is co-ordinating the event on : 07910 118135
3. Diamond Light Code Transmissions - special commissions
I will be discontinuing the monthly transmission subscriptions after this month is completed (February). However, what I will now be doing is taking commissions for the creation of personalised energetic alignment transmissions. As an example I recently created a special transmission for a workshop that somebody was facilitating and the feedback was amazing. Broadly, the comments from delegates all centred around a deep sense that the video "took them straight to source". This helped and supported them in achieving alignment with the purpose of the workshop and enhancing the outcomes.
The cost of a personalised transmission is �180 and will be very specifically arranged to provide the energetic alignment required using multi sensory inputs. Please email me with enquiries if you have any specific requests.
4. New Affiliate Program
Our Home Study program, A Call to Presence is proving to be not only popular, but also providing people with amazing experiences of their Higher Selves. A number of people have been asking to be able to sell the product to clients, so I am currently putting an affiliate program in place so that you can support others in upgrading their energy fields while earning income too. Watch out for details in the next newsletter.
There's more on the way, so keep your eyes open for the next newsflash!
I love sharing the unsolicited feedback from many around the world who have attended our workshops and/or are working with the diamond light grid. Here are a few that have come in this month :
"I had a diamond grid alignment by one of your practitioners last weekend and have to say it was absolutely fantastic. Beyond words. It was the first time I have actually FELT an alignment happening, although can't find the words to describe it. What a gift to be able to give to people!" MD
"This morning I received a distant healing session from my new South African contact in Munich. The most important bit concerning the DLG is why I'm telling you this - She saw lots of diamonds in my aura and me in the centre of a golden diamond.So more validation for your teaching and our work with the Diamond Light Grid.
Just in case you want to add this to your newsletter.
No matter how we know these things its still thrilling to hear someone validate our work!" PS
(Note : The healer had no knowledge or experience of the diamond light grid work prior to the healing session!)
"My little daughter (16 months) absolutely LOVES your energy sprays" MM
"Just a huge thank you for the weekend workshop, as usual you were amazing and brilliant!!!  I have felt a lot "lighter" and definitely more accepting, so all I can say now is BRING IT ON!!!!!!" SC, Discover Your Essence workshop
"Just wanted to share a lovely moment with you. I did a Reiki Master attunement today with a gifted young woman. Whilst I was showing her 'healing with Your eyes', we took it a step or 2 further as she was seeing more and more into my energy / aura. She shook her head and said 'Oh!!! I can lots of diamonds 25 or more just in the front of you'.  I asked what colour, and she said 'yellow a greeny blue and at the base magenta'. When I told her the work I was doing with you she it up like a christmas tree!!! How wonderful for her to experience 'seeing' that detail for the first time, fabulous validation for me. Recognition of your work in the evolution of humanity!!!" JW
Of Interest - Links, Reccomended Reading and more...... 
1. "The Pursuit of Happiness can Cause Unhappiness" . Barry Vale and Heather Goss have a website and blog called Life Without Limits (LWL Worldwide). They have an amazing no-nonsense, down to earth approach to the Spiritual and personal development business and I find their take very refreshing! They don't pull punches or soften what they want to say and have "been there, done that" and so speak from experience. 
If you are ready for critical thinking then take a look at their articles and featured blog posts at...
2.  CO2 Science. The real issues concerning CO2 and climate change are still being hotly debated. With pending additional carbon taxes here in the UK it is more important than ever that we do some of our own homework to understand some of the broader issues around CO2 and climate change. The scandal of Climategate is still hot, while adverts continue to push the need to manage CO2 emissions down our throats. The CO2 science website offers an expanded picture of the issues at hand by a number of independant scientists & is well worth taking a look at....
3. Some really interesting information on bioaccoustics - sound, the voice and health - from Sharry Edwards in the US.
4.  The TED channel on Youtube. This specific video features Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love and some muses on the source of creativity. Many good and inspirational videos on this channel...
5. Energy Alerts
One of the most accurate energy alerts I have found is the "Surf Reports" issued on a regular basis by Solara, who brought the original information about the 11:11 to us back in the 1980's. There is a high degree of authenticity and integrity in her work, and I have recommended her alerts to many.
Check out her Surf Reports at :
1. Angels in My Hair by Lorna Byrne 
I know this book has been out for a while and became a bestseller, however it was only last week when a friend very kindly sent me a copy of the book as a gift that I sat with it. Once I started reading Lorna's story, I couldn't put the book down and so took a well earned day off to simply be and enjoy it - if you haven't had the chance yet, do yourself a favour and get hold of this lovely book. An insightful, compassionate story of one woman's life experiences with the angelic realms.
2. Hachiko - A Dog's Story
A movie starring Richard Gere
This is a heartwarming, deeply moving tale of one man's incredible bond with a very special dog. It's an American take on real life Japanese characters and as a dog lover myself, it was simply impossible not to watch it without some tissues handy! Beautiful, inspirational, sad, funny - it's a multi level emotional experience and well worth watching!
If you would like to donate to Diamond Light World to support the newsletters and the work we are doing, please do so below.
With thanks and diamond blessings!
Julie x